Course Income Secrets - #341 What is easiest and fastest way to find people to talk to?

Mar 1, 2021 17:09 · 5546 words · 27 minute read

Hey my friend! Jean-Serge Gagnon here today we’re going to talk about what is the easiest and the fastest way for you to find people to talk to you know finding people that are actually going to be interested in what you have to offer finding people that are actually going to buy what you are selling it’s called attraction marketing and we’re going to talk about how you can leverage that and how simple it is to actually get started and yeah and how you can use it how I’ve been using it we’re going to get to that in just a second but first this So the real question is this: What are the strategies, techniques and tools that you need to learn to generate residual income from the e-learning boom that’s happening right now? My name is Jean-Serge Gagnon and welcome to Course Income Secrets… now you know what you could go on social media and start you know friending people and just looking for them and just sending them messages and posting and and I bet you’ve done that I know I did I’ve done it and it just doesn’t work I mean in the beginning and you might think to yourself well it’s just a numbers game I gotta send it messages to enough people they’re getting you know if I send a message to a hundred people and I get one person out of that that buys my stuff I just didn’t need to send it to a thousand people or get 10 people buying it right so that’s all sounds all great in theory but the problem is that there’s thus the platforms will block you they’re gonna they’re gonna mark you as a spammer and they’re gonna shut you down and so how do you do it how do you do it with what are the strategies what are the ways to do it now I’m going to talk to you about the easiest and the fastest way you can do it on social media on all the platforms pretty much the same thing and uh before we get into that I want to remind you if you’re listening to the audio you’re going to want to adapt definitely go check out the video and the blog post at cis341.

jsgagnon. com to go watch the video in the blog you see I’m gonna share my screen I’m gonna show you exactly what we’re talking about here attraction marketing attraction marketing is what I’m talking about but I’m also gonna show you exactly what I’ve done and the kinds of things you can do so let’s get right to it let me share my screen right here I’m going to show you some notes I have over here sorry about that uh yes there you go okay so first of all what’s the easiest and fastest way to find people to talk to on social media right it’s really this simple right but before we get into how that all works let me just kind of outline the steps for you right so first you gotta have something you can give them that they want it’s got to be something they want right something that they want so you got to have it to give it to them maybe you’re part of a business and you have a sample you can give and do things like that that might be something you can do we’re going to talk more about that in a second number two you got to offer it to them for free in exchange for their email now you could do it differently you can offer it for their address like say it’s a sample you’re shipping it to them you need their address to ship it right so I mean that’s just I’m just talking about an email because of because we’re talking about online marketing right uh so number three is you gotta get their email and address their email and their name right you gotta get it to be able to send something to them right number four is you have to have a conversation with them to find out if you can help them now there’s lots of ways to do that and we’re going to talk a little bit about the different ways you can do that and how you can make it easier on yourself right because we’re talking about the easiest and fastest way to find people right and number five you gotta let them ask you how they can buy what you have to sell you don’t have to con you can’t be convincing them if you’re having to convince them then you’re not doing the right thing you’re not talking to the right people you’re not offering the right thing so you got to make it it’s got to be so that they ask you they say hey where can I get this this sounds awesome uh where’s I’m ready I’m signing on the dot you got to make them ass okay so those are the five things that you got to do now I’m sure it sounds simple right it sounds easy afraid those five things how does that work right so let me give you an example let me give you an example if I go to my Facebook you can see right now it’s just my normal Facebook page I’ve got these posts I post family things I post my videos I post I share things right and I go through just like anybody else that posts on Facebook right I have posts that I post on here that I that I um you know that that well I’m sharing stuff I’m posting things you know all that stuff is happening right it’s just a normal uh Facebook page right but there’s lots of things maybe you want to want to notice is I got a cover page I’ve got a profile picture I’ve got a list of my past background my job history I’ve got links to my other social media platforms I’ve got a website links here too I’ve got pictures of my family and myself I’ve got the pictures of and I’ve got a post that I’m posting that have to do with you know my life right and my business right so I’m I’m posting there’s a anyways there’s lots of things that we can get out of this but the first thing I wanted you to see is I wanted to see how okay let’s take a look at the engagement because one of the things that you need is you need people to be seeing your stuff and on social media if you post a post it doesn’t mean people are going to see it there’s this whole reciprocity thing but we’re talking about let’s just talk about rate number one you got to have something you can give them that they want right so to give them something that they want you have to know what they want you have to you have to know who they are who are you trying to reach that’s part of your avatar anyways I want to get into that too much but let’s just say that you you know who they are and you’ve got what they they want right like for me right I’ve got um access to some some some some things that I and I’ve I’ve actually created my own ebooks and all these things but I’m not talking about that right now I’m talking about having something that you can just give away right so I’ve got this thing that’s called the five best ways to make money from home right now I actually have access to that and I can actually give it to people and you could have access to it too and all I did is I posted here I just got access to a report that I can give you for free it’s the five best ways to make money from home I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to give this to you but if you want it let me know and I’ll send you the link now there’s a couple things you gotta that you that are important to note here first of all I’m not just posting a link here I’m not saying here go there go get it I’m not just posting a link the reason I don’t do that is because the social media platforms they don’t want people to go off the platform so they’re not gonna if you put a link like I have on some of these other posts I have links right I have shared of videos and things like that I’m not getting any kind of nobody’s commenting nobody’s liking I do that for other reasons but if I’m posting something like this I want to make sure there’s there people are going to see it see how there’s 33 comments and there’s two shares um but the thing is that because I posted that with no link and I’m asking people to comment to get the link that causes a couple things to happen first of all the algorithm is going to be like oh okay well that’s a post I can actually share to other people’s timelines number two when somebody comments it increases your engagement so it’s important to not put a link because you you need people to comment so that it increases the engagement so that’s why you don’t also I don’t I also don’t if I look at the comments oops it just hides them see what comments if I look at the comments you can see everybody’s just says interested yes yes yes and my reply is always just I’m sending you a pm right I’m just sending you a pm go check your inbox don’t put the link there because if you put the link then that first of all Facebook doesn’t doesn’t will will share it less but secondly uh somebody else might be looking through the comments and say oh there’s the link they won’t bother commenting so it’ll reduce your engagement so you got to make sure that you got people that are commenting because they have no other way of getting the information so it’s got to be something that they’re they want so my audience is people that want to build a business online they want to make money from home so this is why this is a great thing to for me to give right so I give that and by the way if you want that just go ahead and message me or find this post on my timeline and go and comment in it that would be the ideal thing just go in there and comment it might be a few days after you see this but just that’s the best way for you to get this information if you’re looking for it so so that’s okay so that’s number one right number one have something now how do you we’re gonna talk after in a few minutes here so make sure you watch this till the end because we’re gonna talk about how you can have some things you can give away for free right without having to do the work because you could create all these things you can do your own research you can spend all the time creating it you gotta go go use a canva there’s all sorts of tools you can use to create your own thing to give away to your audience or maybe your business that you’re in has these free things you can give that’s great so use those things because the people you want are going to want those things if they don’t want what you have to give that’s okay they’re not people you want to talk to anyways you want to talk to those who want what you have to give and what you have to give has to be related to what you’re trying to sell all right so me I’m trying to sell how to make money online how to grow your business online how to create courses how to sell courses so my audience is interested in making money from home so they’re also going to be interested in creating courses to generate income and all these different things that I also offer right okay so that’s number one number two that’s what I’m talking about here offer it to them for free in exchange for the email now how do I do that right here I’m offering this free ebook to them I’m not saying in here that they need to give me my email anything but whenever I reply to them and I send them a private message right if I if I send them a message like um uh let’s say let’s say vicky here if I look at the message I sent him uh I sent him this link now you can see it right here if you want to copy and paste it go ahead that’s not a problem but this is the link they go to this link and then when they open that link they see what I’m offering them they see this they see exactly what I told them i’d give them right they see this look five best ways to make money from home right the pros and cons of the five proven the legitimate ways but this is something I’m giving away it’s what it’s called a lead magnet this is actually a and this is the next part that I’m talking about here right I’m saying get their email and their name right get their name into the internet now how do I do that um is by having this page that they they have to go to to enter their name and email so I click on they’ll have to click on this put their name and email in here and just click on the get instant access then they get the the the ebook right so I can click on anywhere on the page it’ll it won’t let me it won’t let me access it unless they unless I put my name in you know that’s that’s what’s called a capture page or a squeeze page it’s a page where people have to give you their email to get what you have to offer if they don’t want this if they don’t want to give you their email that’s okay as well because that means they’re not open to having a conversation with you they’re they’re afraid that you’re gonna try to spam them or sell them other things or whatever so don’t worry about them right what you want is people who actually are interested in how starting a relationship with you right so that’s that’s the number three number four is you have to have a conversation with them so how does that happen right you could you could like for me right I I could have a conversation with vicki right here on Facebook I could start messaging go back and forth and say hey yeah well I could go look at his profile I could go see what he’s all about what he likes what he doesn’t like and have a conversation about that try to try to be a friend right because that’s that’s really what you want to do but if I’m trying to scale this and grow this and and do lots of other um grow some more then then what I want is I want to automate it through email so I posted this just yesterday right you know from when I’m recording this and I got 33 comments already I mean if you if you were to look at the the way the algorithm the the numbers work is that this is all the comments and the reply so I probably had what sir 15 15 people saying they’re interested they want to know I mean there is that’s kind of funny there is one person that said I don’t need this which is funny uh even more comment yeah and so but anyways whatever it doesn’t matter it still engages and causes more engagement on the post might show it to more people right there’s also the fact that maybe I should have a picture there maybe I could have posted the picture of this thing here maybe I will maybe I’ll post another one and put the picture right the other thing is I have other things to give away on my blog things like that but that’s that’s beside the point that happens later on when you’re starting out the fastest and easiest way is to get something that you don’t have to work on that’s available for you to just give now for me this is a platform I’ve been using for five years but let just look look at this I’ve got 1800 subscribers I had 11 added yesterday two today that’s just from this one post I’m I haven’t been doing that that much right because I’ve been focusing more on creating my my episodes and all this stuff but that’s that’s what you you do now how do you get access to that I was telling you about how you can do that too and let’s look at the last item I have on here let them ask you how they can buy it and have it from sell that’s what that’s the ultimate of attraction marketing so the idea is that you you have a conversation with them through email that’s the automated way of doing it right so you build an email list and then you send people emails to that list which is called a nurturing an indoctrination or maybe even a soap opera sequence sorry that is a way to um to get them so that they get to know you right so you’re not really you’re not having a conversation directly but you’re sending emails and you’re nurturing and that’s not as good as having a direct conversation obviously the best thing is to get them on the zoom call or on the phone at the at the at worst at best at other phone call videos even better but at least talk to them in person that’s the best best best way but you know if you’re scaling and you’re you’re growing right now I just had 11 right but I mean if I had if I scale that and I get 100 people in a day I won’t be able to talk to every everyone right so that’s why it’s important to have the email part of things okay so how do you do that so the first thing that I would highly recommend you do is you actually go and learn all these things and get access to all the free things you can use I use a system called my lead system pro which is this and in my lead system pro if I look at this this is lead gen campaigns this is this comes with the platform for free right you have access to all of these I’m actually going to do one right now um actually is that the right one am I looking at the right thing my leads temporal oh generic lead cam let’s look at the generic one the generic ones are probably the better ones well from one perspective or another but let’s say for example I’m into um network marketing or May see that make money from home right the other one is maybe the five day challenge go for yes I’m actually gonna let’s post on this right I’m gonna do this let’s go like this so this is free access to this I’m going to copy I’m going to save actually I’m going to save image I’m actually going to go and create a new folder for this under here it’s under here so I’m just going to show you how you can use this how easy it is so I’m going to say this is just to go for yes new folder so go for yes 5 day challenge all right so this one here I’m just gonna save the image here so that’s the image okay and then I’m actually gonna whoops I’m actually gonna close this go like this I just want to make this I want to get a screenshot of that oh okay so now um free five day challenge say yes uh simple let’s just do that okay so I’m just going to take that text and I’m going to go on Facebook I’m going to do another post I’m going to say I’m going to do another post right here and I’m actually going to put the image in here I’m going to put that image where is it it’s actually up here and here right over here go for yes and this image so I’m just going to say omg all right just found out that I can a few days that I can give this away it’s normally it’s normally normally what is it um what is it it’s normally 197 okay 107.

but today you can get it for free okay so just comment comment below and I’ll send you send you my secret link I’ll send you details okay so so now let me see is that good I just found out that I have a few days that I can give this away uh it’s normally when I send it today you can get it for free hurry though I have no idea when the price will go back up okay so that’s it here so I’m going to say that and then I’m just going to say it’s called go for yes on social and get people to happily say yes to your products and join europe journey so that’s for network marketers and people that are trying to build a business online or whatever right and so I’m just going to post that just like that and you know within a few hours or maybe a few minutes I don’t know if we’ll have any comments or any any um responses right now in my um on the post but we’ll see we’ll see while we’re but anyways that’s it’s as simple as that so you have access to this all these different lead campaigns look at that there’s five day challenge go for yes five day challenge posting for profits five day yes simple list so in a couple days I can actually post this one right um and then uh credit repair five day five steps to boost credit score essential oils there’s four wrecks there’s health and wellness so all these things if you’re in any of those niches right you can use those for free to get people to join your list now if you uh if you want to take it a step further then you can create a newer list like I have right here right to to to manage but even without that you can just just get my lead system pro that will give you access to that right so obviously if you want access to my lead system pro uh there’s probably gonna be a link in the blog post but if you want you can just go ahead and reach out to me and I’ll send you the link but it’s a platform that gives you all these things it’s all done for you as you can see any of these if you’re in 4x for example right you look at this this is what it looks like for the forex if I want to if I’m into forex I might say to people hey look at that look these are reasons and this is a read read before you jump into forex right click here to download your report and both of those ask for the email right it’s all the same thing it’s a it’s a way of getting people to give you their email for free now this is stuff that they want they want this stuff right they wanna they want this report they want this essential oil uh pdf they want the the credit repair thing they want the depending on what business you’re in if you’re trying to if you’re trying to build a credit repair business right because there’s there’s some out there that are doing that well you got to have something that the people that want their credit repaired are interested in right so that’s when you would give them this you would give them this you would say hey I have I just got this new credit uh this new report that well I’ve got this new five simple step p ebook that talks about how to boost your credit score oh my god this is so awesome I don’t know how long I can give it to you for but I can send you the link if you want just comment below if you’re interested right so you know that’s the thing right these are these are the the things you need to get that so if you want if you want to have something you can give them something they want this is a way to do it I mean there’s other ways but this is the way that I’ve been doing it for like five years I’ve been doing it on and off in the sense that I’ve also because after a little while right I started working on other things and I have a day job I have a family I have so I don’t really have all the time I would like to be able to focus and generate things or build a particular part of my business but and I’m I’m doing things a little differently but I will I want to refocus on this a little bit more because that is crazy like for me uh in course creation uh there’s um there’s there’s another thing this is one thing that’s available in this platform is called the business center so let me just show you what that looks like the business center is where let’s just uh oh oh I guess I can let’s duplicate because I don’t want to I don’t want to go into okay let’s go here that’ll go into the business so the business center is where you can create courses so I go to my dashboard oops my courses so I’ve got these courses I can sell I can give away I can do whatever I want I’ve got more courses like I go to marketplace here and I go to my license courses I I have access you could have access to this too by the way so I’m like say for example content creation animation let’s do that this one here I’m just going to activate the license and then I’m just going to save the course publish it I’m just going to publish it like this now if I go back to my courses now that’s available here too I can actually give people or sell this or you know whatever I want because it’s my access but if I want to go see what this is if I go um I don’t know if it’s in here is it actually I got to go back to the search to previous account I’m not sure if it’s in here I don’t even know product campaigns uh these are all go for yes masterclass it’s limitless there’s a whole bunch of these other things you can also offer it’s really crazy but the other the thing you have to remember is that there’s so much to learn right there’s so much to learn about all this that it’s so important for you to you know take it one step at a time right I mean the first thing you can do is you just get mlsp right get my lead system pro and then after that you can give away these these free um these free lead lead magnet magnet generate lead generic lead magnet you can give these away like I’m doing on Facebook right and once you’ve done that right once you’ve done that then you can start thinking about the rest but the cool thing is that there is some crazy training here uh there is some insane amount of training if you want to learn how to use social media if you want to you learn how to posting for profit oh these are actually the the courses that but anyways if you know call your leads daily method get leads today all these different things are available for you to learn about you know snapchat Twitter pinterest Instagram right video marketing blogging all this is available for you to learn obviously you can’t learn all that in a day just do a little bit of learning every day right then over time you’ll learn all the things but you start with this start with this just have something to give them have something to give them you just go in here and you go to either lead gen profit campaigns product campaigns um uh there’s a bunch of different ones in here right um let’s see if I go to the lead gen campaign which is a separate anyways it explains what all this is right right here but there’s all these right mls mlm sponsors six preps per day for five dollars Facebook ads Facebook live Facebook live video and app resources uh storytelling training tell stories that sell right video marketing YouTube lead gen video right I mean all these things are available to you just as part of the platform it’s just it’s just what the platform is for so you’ll learn how to do all these things and let’s take a look at the Facebook post I just did see if I have any comments do I have any comments I don’t have any comments yet oh well do I have anything else going on there’s Russell okay Russell bronson replied to comment he’s doing he’s always uh active right I mean I’m I’m one of his top fans in the in there so as you can see I share some of his stuff and um but you know and then give it another hour to and see if there’s any comments on this but like I said this might be an image that lots of others have shared so that might be that might reduce the engagement on it but we’ll see it doesn’t really matter this is just part of the whole thing you got to go through sometimes just text works better sometimes an image works better sometimes you know all that people it really just depends right there’s a there’s all sorts of things but that’s what you learn by being part of my lead system pro you learn all these things you learn whether you should be posting images or videos or a text whether you should be using hashtags or not all these things you learn through this platform and this is the fastest way and the easiest way to start to build your business to start to get people to actually be interested in what you got to do and this teaches everything you need to learn to generate income in in a month or you know two right it’s possible it’s possible it’s possible depending on how much time you have depending on how coachable you are depending on whether you’re willing to learn you can always reach out to me how we can have a consultation I got a I got three I got three 30-minute calls that we can do where we talk about the kinds of things you’re trying to accomplish and but yeah so just go to mlsp let me just put the link actually up here you just go to this link right here where is it right here you just go to this link mlsp.

js. com go check it out go join that platform learn everything you need to learn and start your online journey by getting people that want your stuff to ask for it all right have yourself a great day and we’ll see you in the next episode This has been Course Income Secrets, the entrepreneur’s blueprint to generating income from the e-learning boom! Some of your friends need to hear this message, so don’t forget to share. For more content like this, go to CourseIncomeSecrets.

com and make sure to subscribe and follow us here. My name is Jean-Serge Gagnon, until next time… .