Maglia Ametista / Pull top down/ Suèter
Nov 30, 2020 13:00 · 5197 words · 25 minute read
Hello everyone in this new video tutorial I will show how to make this beautiful sweater that I decided to call amethyst sweater because the color I chose is called amethyst and it is the Flemish yarn of the miss tricot yarns one of the new miss tricot yarns of this quest ‘winter is a spectacular thin but very warm yarn I can assure you that at this moment I have only one top underneath but I am very warm also on the arms I have used three of these balls each ball is 100 grams and measures 380 meters and is made up of 75 % merino wool and 25% microfiber as I told you this is a size if I used three of these balls working with crochet of 3,5 and 3 in the description as always I will leave you the link to the site crocheting with the yarns where you will find this color that are not 4 and it is called 20 st but there are many other spectacular colors circle the carbonia that goes from light gray that someone is looking for peacock there is the autumn color so there are really some spectacular colors that I intend to work all of them but most of them are in love with the ocean color I am also in love with the carbon color and also with the autumn one so I will try to work a little all during this ‘winter as far as processing is concerned, this processing is topdown and therefore beats from above and I also wanted to make a point that would go in contrast with the delfinato color I explain better how you can see the processing and leads to the nuances horizontally of the secluded and I just wanted to create a point that would give me vertical lines you see I created these strips of high-relief stitches a2 and a1 which are precisely so as to give even more movement to the entire jersey and that’s the thing which I like the most so we have horizontal stripes but also vertical stripes with the crochet hook of number 3.5 I worked in the upper part and the body of the shirt without and from the fact that a type of removal increases here it is precisely the shirt that matches my shapes while of course here I made increases to be able to enlarge the shirt then with number 3 I went with a certain time that I went to create the sleeves for the hands that I only made continued to work only the shirts on the stripes of two relief magnates abandoned the single one because I did not want the shirt to be a bit too swollen if we can say so and I also made decreases because otherwise the shirt on the sleeve would be too wide but I wanted a sleeve that is too narrow because he wanted a shirt that is perfectly suited to the shapes but if you want wide sleeves you can easily avoid emotions and continue to work with a center number 3.5 Of course, during the video I also tell you how to do it as I told you for my size I used three balls of yarn but if you want to make m changes and then work with a center 3.5 the sleeves to widen them a little I already tell you that where the heading will fall even if you are in the s you have to buy an extra ball of yarn because otherwise not being able to make the sleeves as you want them even if you want to make the shirt a little longer even in that case that I have to advise you depend an extra elbow because I used the three balls of yarn size m if you want to make it the same as mine then only fit the roses shapes with four comments of you can also do it in yours if, however, you want wider sleeves or the quality is narrower or you want it more high-necked in that case I recommend 5 more elbows.. size L the same goes and buy 5 balls of yarn and if you want wider sleeves longer the longer sweater so more or less these are there the amount of yarn you need to make this sweater it is a sweater that I find really nice it is something fanciful in particular it is very opaque so I think had managed to satisfy all of you who cream them in a closed point rather than in a pierced point but do not worry for those like me who have manipulated because the points are more particular soon will come that after giving a punk with points with few holes having said that I recommend if you decide to do it send me your photos on my facebook page by hooking with it or on the group of the fe gori the freedom to hook and whip where I had tried the survey and you have chosen which is the color where to use first even if in fact I know that many of you have chosen the amethyst only because they want very well the theme is fine as I told you I will also work other colors and if you have purchased my same yarn at the site a crochet with the yarns or at a haberdashery Coleti you can always tag me on the social network or even on instagram where you will find me both as elsa I do and as hooking with the yarns and it is as always there appears them boulders mo video tutorial to make our topdown sweater I decided to use a new ministri yarn with yarn called Flemish the color I chose is this zero or 4 which is the gradient color of beautiful purple then I will work with the crochet of the 3 and a half I mounted 125 chains and top town so it starts from the neckline I recommend those who want a wider neckline keep in mind that the processing that mimics which is held on a multiple of five so I recommend if you want to make it wider increase by at least 10 15 if not even 20 chain stitches do not widen too much because it wears while the neckline is too wide said we can go and make our first round which consists of making 3 chain stitches which are the first double crochet then one two three I take the bar yarn in the next chain stitch and I’m going to make a second double crochet I take the yarn I jump a chain stitch into the second one and I’m going to make 3 double crochets of one sorry I do pull a bit of f ilo 2 and 3 I skip a chain and start again then I enter the second and go to make my first double crochet I go to the next chain I make a second double crochet I take a jump thread a chain went into the third and goes to make 3 double crochets then a return 2 return 3 and start over then skip a chain entered the second I make my first in yalta I go to the next chain I make a second double crochet I take the yarn I jump a chain within the next and make 3 high stitches an indent 2 return 3 tanned a chain stitch and I start all over again I have to do this for my entire first round I am finishing the first round I made the last 3 treble crochets in the same stitch as the basic chain stitch I go for a very slip stitch entering the third chain second round I have to make a shirt and relief I go between the group of 3 double crochets and the first double crochet I go out between the two double crochets I take the yarn and go out I take the yarn I go out from l the first film and I take the yarn I go out of two so as to have made a sort of double crochet the relief I see it again so for those who did not understand let’s repeat it again I made a very low crochet entered with the crochet between the three double crochets I go out between the two treble crochet I take the yarn and go out I take the yarn I come out of a yarn on the crochet hook I take the yarn from all your children on the crochet hook this and to start making the relief shirt at the beginning of the round I take the yarn within the first and the second double crochet I go out between the second crochet the group of three putts to do a double crochet normally I take the thread bar where or the three double crochets entered the first and I make 2 double crochets an indent 2 is worth the next double crochet and make double crochet I go to the last treble crochet and go to make 2 treble crochets one and return 2 and start again then relief treble crochets within that three stitches the other is the next treble crochet I go out between the two treble crochets and go to make a relief stitch I take the yarn between the two double crochets step behind the double crochet I go out from the next hole and go to make a double crochet again relief entered the first of the three double crochets I make 2 double crochets one two now high above the second double crochet 2 stitches high above the third treble crochet one two and renewal we also do sometimes together I go to make it never high relief then within the after the 3 treble crochets I go behind the German shirt and go to make a treble stitch relief within the two treble crochets I go out in the next double crochet and go to make a relief stitch 2 double crochets above the first of the three stitches art one and return 2 now high above the first but above the second double crochet 2 double crochets above the third double crochet then one and return 2 and I start all over again I have to do this for my entire second round I am finishing the second round I did 2 but the limbs above the third double crochet I go to the initial double crochet and I go to make a slip stitch of new I go to the beginning of my third round going to make the high crochet then I enter between the last double crochet is the first of the two double crochets I take the yarn and go out I take the son and come out with a thread on the crochet hook I take the drawing thread given the threads on the crochet hook I go to make my second raised crochet by making it over the relief bay of the previous round then I go out between the two stitches in the center between the two double crochets I go out to the next double crochet in the hole of the next shirt and I’m going to make me love the relief acts and now go to make 2 double crochets over the first double crochet 1 and 2 a double crochet over the next double crochet a stitch to you detects above the next shirt then I enter between the second and third crochet high of the group of 5 esko from the other above immediately after the double crochet then immediately after the third of the group of five and I’m going to make my high crochet a double crochet above the fourth high crochet 2 double crochets above the fifth but high knit 1 and 2 and start all over again then maia high relief above the treble crochet relief of the previous round then within before the treble crochet I exit after the treble crochet and go to make a treble knit relief second never high relief within between the two high stitches relief I go out immediately after the second one and I go to make a T-shirt and relief 2 double crochets above the first of the five art stitches then one and two a double crochet above the second double crochet one stitch on the ground above the third double crochet then I enter between the second and the third is found if the fourth treble crochet of the previous round and I go to make a treble crochet a treble crochet above the fourth treble crochet 2 my heart and above the last treble crochet then one excuse me one and two and start all over again let’s do even times together then and I go to make a high relief mesh above the first high relief mesh then I enter and go out and go to make a high relief mesh according to the reality relief then I enter between the two double crochets relief of the previous round I go out after the last one and I’m going to make a relief shirt 2 double crochets above the first of the five double crochets then one that I’m finally here one within 2 a double crochet above the second double crochet and I live on the third treble crochet so I enter the second and third crochet I go out between the third and fourth and go to make a relief stitch a treble crochet above the fourth treble crochet 2 treble crochets over the last treble crochet 1 and 2 and start again from garment I have to do this for the whole of my third round I am also finishing the third round I made the last two never painted above the last double crochet of the previous round so I enter the high crochet the relief and go to make a very low crochet fourth round and I always go to make my treble crochet at the beginning of the round then take the yarn I go out and take the desco now high relief above the next shirt now I’m going to knit a treble crochet over each double crochet then a two then I go to the next double crochet two go to next yalta 3 double crochet never high relief above the high relief mesh then I enter between the double crochet now the treble mesh relief I go out immediately after the high and relief mesh and I go to me my heart and relief and again a t-shirt over each t-shirt then 3 treble crochets in total then one I go over the next treble crochet 2 I go over the next stitch 3 and start over then treble crochets relief over the shirt and relief treble stitches relief over the shirt and then I detect a t-shirt above each of the 3 double crochets then one two three a double crochet above the shirt and relief a double crochet and relief above the shirt relief and renewal or a double crochet above each double crochet then a subsequent stitch 2 next stitch 3 and I start all over again so I have to go and do this for my whole fourth round I’m about to finish my fourth round I did the last treble above the last ima knit high the previous round came in relief in the altars shirt and I go for a knitted low to close the round well the fourth round is the round that I always go to repeat because I do not need more to make increases you see a little curled so as as I have to work I do not need to do further and the fourth round is what I will always repeat until I get to the shoes but I will show you what you have to do if some of you have to do idol internally then as I told you I will do the fourth round and then I will now go to knit the relief above the high stitch relief of the previous round a second high stitch relief on the high stitch relief of the previous round and now I am going to make a treble stitch over each treble crochet so for a total of 3 treble crochets one two and three in such a way as not to make more increases which instead has to increase here he had to do the second treble crochet so a treble crochet here enters where to the second goes to make 3 double crochets 2 and 3 and then continues normally going to make a double crochet over the double crochet a raised high crochet above the raised high crochet and of no one double crochet three shirts on the second one shirt over the third this it is for those who still have to do more increases I instead how I do not have to go to do more increases because you see it came out nice curled so now I go to continue probing you continue to work normally without doing any kind of diamenti anymore so I go to work a t-shirt over each T-shirt a t-shirt and relief and again a double crochet over each shirt so as not to make more increases and at the end I will tell you how many times repeated this round until you get the few who made the increases then instead of 3 double crochet he will find at 5 and then he will have to proceed always doing 5 never high above the five treble crochets so in a nutshell I will therefore have this moment but then he will continue to work always and making T-shirts over the treble crochets so without any kind of increase I now continue to work the fourth round I pulled the end how many times I repeated it so I also came around and I will show you how to go and put the marker so I have I repeated my fourth round until I got a total of 13 so from the first round until I put markers I repeated 13 gates my motif my round now I went to put the markers to be able to put the markers I went to count the strips of mai of two high relief jerseys and it is a total of 21 and he did it in this way I put 5 free here so one two three four five free and the star must admit in the sixth both forward and back I have done the same thing from this other one the ato5 strips of two atelier jerseys be and are given to put the marker where all and the sixth both forward and back putting the marker between the two relief jerseys both forward and die I find in this way I find myself with 6 strips of meshes of 2 high stitches on the front and 5 back because I recommend that always disappeared put on the back in front so I repeat 5 free 6 on the texts are trends the markers putting between the two stitches limbs relief 6 forward 6 back and now I’ll show you how to continue the knitting I made sure that my first marker was at the beginning of ciro so I made a very low crochet find myself owed the second treble crochet of the two shirts reliefs and you can see here at mine marker then began to work my round normally and I go to do it in this way I always go to make my high relief shirt then I enter between the two relief stitches I go out in the last one and I go to make my relief stitch and now I go to work normally so I always go to work 3 treble crochets over the three treble crochets or a shirt should have the relief stitch and the two treble crochets where or the two treble crochets are then work n orally until you get to the other marker and show you then how to pass in front of the back I arrived at my marker and it goes to adapt in this way I have my first high and relief stitch and then I go to my first high relief and passed directly here behind and you see the I go directly where or the second high relief jersey you see here is the first one I go to the second and I go to make my high rise jersey I detect so I can remove my marker and you see here I have my jersey and my sleeve and here continue to work and excuse me and then continue to go to do my processing normally scene find the next marker when I show you how to finish the lap and then we will always do the same lap I’m about to finish so my first lap I arrived at the second markings that is the first because here where I started the round and I’m going to do so where now always up behind my first high relief mesh I go to make a high relief shirt and it goes from finishing the round by entering the initial high jersey the relief doing the very low jersey so I can also remove my second marker and you see here or the scalp of the sleeve and now I go to restart my second round and I always go between the two between the two atheist sweaters relief and I’m going to do my first my heart and relief and I continue to work normally by making my 3 normal treble crochets I put my treble crochets in relief so I continue like this for the entire length of the shirt now I just have to to decide this I will decide it does a few laps if then to finish and no longer do the liquid stripe high relief stitches but leave only the two striped ones the 2 and fifth strips return to normal work is something that I have to decide now, however, of normal killings so can always with all but the other surveys we have made up to now and if I then try on the shirt I realize that I do not like that the other ones are too low.
er volvo and then 23:54 - I will normally do the treble crochets over the treble crochets thus eliminating the stripe at a certain point I still have to decide well I will decide as I try the shirt to see how it is going if by chance I have to tighten enlarge by changing it crochet for tighten it under the breast I have to see these things for a while I will also decide what to do with this strip of my heart with a single dry line it costs and whether to continue it or if at some point leave it and then work only in relief the two stitches the strips of two t-shirts then from the scalp to giulio I worked for about 38 centimeters then I repeated the round up to 38 centimeters and now I’ll show you how to go to do the sleeve to the row and the stripes or continue down but for the sleeve we will not do it to do so we will only continue the double stripes with the two high tops in relief while the single one we will remove it because I do not want the sleeve r on the arm it is too big so now we will go to work the sleeve and I also tell you that I will change crochet I will go to work with number 3 and not to make any decreases this you know because I have small arms so if you continue to work in this way the sleeve will live bellaria and I this model instead I want it not adherent as a sleeve but not as wide as it would be and that is why I decided to make some decreases you can of course decide not to let it continue the sleeve as it comes to you can do as in my case the decrease then let’s go to work our sleeve and I am going to make any relief art where or the shirt and I detect here then I take a raised thread with a chain and I go to make two more chains that sony has first relief shirt you keep it when we close the round that a small hole will be made here but I have already made a sleeve and then I will show it to you , you can see this small hole is created, but we or later with the needle and thread I will go to close so do not worry if you create the small hole because after we will close it well and now we go to make ours of our decreases and it goes to do in this way entered the first double crochet and I’m going to make a non-closed shirt I go to the next double crochet and no to make a non-closed shirt I close the three double crochets together one double crochet over the next shirt now normal high above the high top relief so you see let’s not do more the single stripe of never high relief now high above the next double crochet sorry then go well into the shirt here and now I go to make a further decrease I take the yarn I go where the next double crochet and make an unclosed shirt goes from a subsequent shirt makes another shirt not closed immediately yours but the highs together and I start all over again so I’m going to do the two but the limbs are now raised above each double crochet with one and two I go to make a t-shirt not closed over the first double crochet a second never high not closed over the next double crochet I close it gives them the highs together now high above the next double crochet now high above the double crochet in lego and I go to fa the normal double crochet a double crochet over the next double crochet I have the last 2 double crochets left I go to make my decrease then an unclosed double crochet over the double crochet another non- closed double crochet over the next double crochet I smell yours never high together and I start again for cup going to make two t-shirts diego continues like this for the whole round I repeat I am doing the decreases because I want to go and push the processing but you can not do it and therefore go to work normally and make only a small change of no longer work the shirt and emboss but lawyer but we work the others normally I’m finishing the round and 2 double crochets closed together I’m going to make the shirt the relief and I go to stop the to close them around the year to make a very low jersey over the high jersey as a track my heart and relief go to make my very low jersey to close the round now as I said this hole has formed but I later with the needle and landa thread you can see I will do it in this way and I will go and sew it in such a way as to eliminate it or if you do not want to sew you can only take the thread and make a small stitch here in such a way as to always close the processing however now let’s go to doing our round again this is the round we always repeat that I will not do the most or any kind of decrease so I can proceed redo my round so I go again do a double crochet I have to over the relief shirt as we always did and then I go to make a double crochet over the two shirts closed together a double crochet over the next double crochets 2 and 3 and I find myself again where or the two double crochets closed together and I go to make a sweater ia high above 2 my heart is closed together so I have now switched to having five treble crochets and then the two treble crochets one and two and then again via 5 stitches others going to work a treble crochet over the two limb stitches that are together a t-shirt over each t-shirt and a double crochet over the last 2 double crochets closed together to have in this case 5 double crochets and 5 double crochets I repeat I did this because I want to tighten the work a little and so I moved on to have fewer treble crochets so as to have 5 and I also changed the crochet going to work with the number 3 but if you don’t need it you can do me you can not remove them or make emotions but not wanting to tighten too much continue to work with the ‘crochet and 3.5 let’s say that this depends a bit on the type of sleeve you want to make I repeat I didn’t want it too wide but not too tight so I went to make this small decrease now continue to knit the sleeve I will tell you at the end how long it came to me and then if I have a little left over I will see if I make a small border under the shirt I have to see if I have the yarn left over I now have started the third ball so to se but I have to complete the other sleeve as well because I had only started it to understand a little what type the decrease can do and then in the end I will tell you how much feared long from the sleeve and if I did less the border under the shirt under the shirt I finished the sleeve I did a total of 62 rounds so each sleeve came to me 62 rounds and since the less advanced yarn was very little the only thing I did was go for a round of single crochets at the end of the jersey so just not to go not to waste the apple yarn left a little bit and I was able to make a round of single crochets under my shirt so our shirt is finished .