Remember The Creator - Ecclesiastes l Christian Sermons l
Dec 11, 2020 04:38 ยท 1347 words ยท 7 minute read
hallelujah, today we are looking at the Creator and the message says: Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, so when you are old, you will not say that i have no pleasure for God”, it is important for us to understand that as human being we have Creator, and our Creator is Papa God, let’s read in Ecclesiastes chapter 12. Ecclesiastes chapter 12 says: Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years of reproach, when you will say: i find no pleasure in them, before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars grow dark and the clouds return after the rain, when the keepers of the house tremble and the strong men stoop, when the grinders cease because they are few”, it is speaking about circumstances that may arise in the later days of one’s life, and Ecclesiastes, i believe, was written by one of the kings of Israel which was attributed to king Solomon, king Solomon was one of the sons of king David, and Solomon was a king who was the richest king in all the earth with wisdom and understanding, his kind of kingship was rare, was not found, his equal was not there, and you know this man experienced all kinds of things, he had almost thousand concubines and 300 wives, think about a man such as this so if you want to talk about riches, this men have seen riches, if you want to talk about women, these men had a lot, he has spent time, he has enjoyed life, he has experienced many, many things, anything you want to talk about today, that most people think they have, in Solomon had, he experienced them in greater measure, the Bible says that in his days gold and silver were not counted, were nothing, were not something of value, that means it was beyond counting, what he had, yet this is the man who says: remember your Creator in the days of your youth, he said now is the time to remember your Creator, now is the time to remember God, now is the time to remember the One who give you life, will give you peace, to give you the new day of life, there are some who say: there is no Creator, we created ourselves, are you kidding me? are you kidding me? nothing just exists, you know that, nothing just exist by it’s on there is a power that initiated the creation, there is a power, how do you know you are created? because, you see, your life is limited, everything that is created, has a limited lifespan, has a limited time, so the fact that your life ends, the human’s life ends, the creation’s life ends, it means that One is responsible for the life that we live, and who is that who is responsible for that? the word of God says: it is God, in Genesis 1 it says: in the beginning God created, so the Creator there is God Almighty, the Father of all source of life, God is our creator, how can we remember our creator? why is it important? it is important to remember our Creator, because someday we will meet Him, we will leave out of this world, we will check out, and we don’t know the destination, some don’t know their destination but Christ promised us, that if we believe in Him and believe in God Who created the world, we will have another opportunity to spend with Him forever, and so i want to encourage you this morning to remember your Creator in the days of your youth, now that you are still young, you will say: i am old, what should i do? well, it is not late, there is no lateness as to when you will come to God, God is always there, He is always merciful and faithful, it is important to remember your Creator because He made you, believe me, God made you, it doesn’t matter what people have done in the name of God, that was wrong, that was bad, some of them it was just their idea, it wasn’t God’s idea, but God who created the world, wants you to remember Him, He wants you to honor Him, He wants you to remember and say: thank You, my Creator, i believe, God, you are my Creator and i trust You, i thank You for creating me, this is the kind of life that God requires from us, and the king says: remember your Creator in the days of your youth, when evil days hasn’t come, when you are not tired yet, when you are not saying: oh, i cannot have the strength to continue searching and looking for God, he said: now is the time, now it’s time to seek God, remember your Creator in the days of youth, and the word “remember” there is to acknowledge, is to put into light, into value, into respect, into honor, remember your Creator, that means that think about your Creator and say: who made me, it is a wonderful idea for God to made it, hallelujah! and it will be a wonderful idea for us to remember Him, how do we remember our Creator? we worship, we praise Him, we thank Him, we honor Him, in any way you can do to remember your Creator, it says: remember your Creator in the day, hallelujah! remember your God, remember Papa God, does it change anything if we don’t remember Him? no, it doesn’t change anything from Him but it’s up to us what will be the end of our life without God, what will be the end of life without the giver of that, what would be the essence of life without acknowledging this Person it’s like a river or a stream of water that flows for people to drink and have their daily lives, and the source of that stream was cut, was blocked, what do you think the life of the people will become? desert, drought, miserable, thirst, famine, it is the same thing without God life is incomplete, you need God in your life, regardless of who you are, what you have done, where you have been, He is faithful and merciful God, He made you and He loves you, and He is waiting you to remember Him, to say: today i remember that God made me, some say: they came from fish, some say: they came from monkeys, some from chimpanzees, some from pigs and cows, some from elephants, there are all kinds of theory, human beings will prefer to come out of animals, instead of the Creator, what a sad story that humanity have limited themselves to the level of animals that’s the future humanity is going to have, they won’t be different from animals because they are attributing their souls and origin to animals, but remember, i come to tell you today, that you didn’t come from some idea, from big bang theory, no, no, no, you came because of God Almighty, Who spoke the word into being, said to Himself: I will make man in My own image and likeness, glory to God! I will make man in My own image and likeness, Genesis chapter 1, verse 26 says: and the Lord God said: let’s make man in Our image and likeness, glory to God! let’s create human being in Our image and life why, why would you choose creation as a source of your life instead the Creator? that’s what it says in Romans that they’re worship the creatures and the creation instead of the Creator God God is our source, God is our Creator, let’s remember Him too, as you do that may the peace of God rest upon you and God bless you! for God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have eternal life you’re watching GSM TV .