DDS-CAD 16 | New storey ports

Oct 22, 2020 08:01 · 139 words · 1 minute read dds videos like quick arrow

DDS-CAD 16 offers a very quick and easy way to connect plumbing and mechanical systems from one building level to the next. Similar to electrical storey ports you can now continue modelling the system to the adjacent floor from the respective storey port. The display of the storey port indicates the dimension of the pipe or duct including the insulation thickness. You can also change the flow direction represented by an arrow via the property grid. Alternatively it is possible to simply deactivate it.

00:37 - If you copy your system to other levels the storey ports are automatically recognized and directly connected. Connecting storey ports has never been more straightforward than with DDS-CAD 16. If you want to see more videos like this subscribe to our channel, and hit the bell to be notified of new videos! .