Halloween & Cooler Drones! ✨ | War Robots UPDATE 6.6 Overview
Oct 29, 2020 11:32 · 471 words · 3 minute read
Welcome to the Halloween event in War Robots. You get coins by completing daily tasks and then use them to open special chests. During previous events, there were lots of theories on whether or not each fourth or twelfth chest is a lucky one. Well, we have looked at those theories and decided to make them a real thing. There’s now a counter near every chest, showing how many more you need to open until the next guaranteed rare reward.
00:34 - And trust me, there’s a lot of great stuff in this update. Starting with the new titan. Minos. Titans always preferred to stay further from the actual fight. Well, this one’s different. This devilish bull prefers to get close and personal. And you don’t want to get in its way. Oh the stress your enemies will experience once you start running at them! Beautiful. Grom and Squall are ultraheavy shotguns that will go amazingly well with Minos. No more running around at the periphery.
Go in! Wreck some stuff! 01:07 - A machine so awesome it deserves to stay in the spotlight. Sonic shotguns! Turn up the volume, we’re tuning in for the symphony of total destruction. These shotties are made for super-close range fights. They require you to get VERY close to the enemy to be effective, but if they hit — they hit hard. So hard, in fact, that repair robots can’t do anything to fix damage inflicted by these weapons. Scatter Havoc Devastator Welcome to the battlefield, my dears. This guy. It’s Johnny. Legendary pilot. Scary as Heck. Absolutely unhinged. He makes his Hawk’s cannon inflict a brief lock-down on hit. Also, Johnny’s name makes it very convenient to shout out loud. DAMNED JOHNNY. It’s like this dude is always causing some mischief somewhere. A wild guy like Johnny requires a fitting robot. So we made a special Hawk for him. Crimson Hawk.
02:02 - This Halloween, as you have probably notices, got very metal. Now, I think these two should form a band. Oh, they already did?.. Subscribe to War Robots on Youtube, Facebook, or Discord to stay in touch with us and other players. You’ll likely need that connection during the event. There are lots of mysteries to solve with lots of prizes to win. Be sure to check your quest log every now and then! For balance changes in this update please check the link below.
02:30 - Subscribe! Comment! You can win new equipment here! First 10 commenters under each new video on this channel receive 1000 Gold. And you can win Crimson Hawk by commenting under this video! We will select 40 winning comments and will send prizes in several days. To enter the contest, post your in-game ID and platform, subscribe and hit the bell button! Happy hunting, commanders! .