IBM RXN for Chemistry - Accelerating Discovery with AI, Cloud and Automation
Aug 26, 2020 09:55 · 152 words · 1 minute read
It takes approximately 10 years and 10 million dollars from the design concept to the market for a single material. And this is a time that we can not afford. Especially in situations where we have threatening diseases that are affecting the entire humanity. RoboRXN is a pioneering project that shows how the combination of three technologies cloud, AI and automation can dramatically change the way we work. Imagine a chemist at home, willing to make a molecule, connecting to RoboRXN through a web browser, drawing the molecule and having RoboRXN recommending the optimal synthetic route together with the starting commercial material, and finally RoboRXN self-programming itself to execute the process in an autonomous laboratory.
01:08 - So with the RoboRXN technology we are expecting to accelerate profoundly the way we do material discovery. It’s revolutionizing an entire field, bringing chemistry from a traditional type of business into a hightech business. .