Channel intro
Feb 2, 2020 20:15 · 268 words · 2 minute read
when I was younger I thought in the future the technology will be so advanced that you will be able to replace your body parts when they are broken you lose a limb in a car accident you just replace it you lose an organ when you get sick you just replace it though it’s 2020 and we are not there yet so I guess I gotta do it myself in a decade from now I’m going to build every single human body parts other than your brain you know the brain is a little bit tricky obviously you are your brain so it’s not a good idea to replace it when it’s broken instead we need to understand how it works we need a mathematical framework to describe it I’ve got an idea about how we approach it we need some tools one of them is called homotopy type theory here’s my website it’s that’s my name and the link is in the description here you can see there are two projects one of them HoTT for Cools it’s about homotopy type theory the other is Libre VAD. Vad stands for ventricular assist device it’s basically a blood pump like your heart and I’m going to add other organs as we are going ahead so here’s the idea we are going to build open-source body parts and we are going to release everything under open licenses so if you’re watching this video and you want to join here’s my email just send me an email and we will figure it out from there and subscribe .