First time in the final round, how long will they last?? – ACCW #3.3 – L2R

Nov 2, 2020 18:15 · 946 words · 5 minute read looks like taking number one

What’s up everybody! Welcome back to Redthorn’s Gaming. I’d like to do a shout out to DrReid, Bo Tosaka and Elle for twisting my arm and forcing me to do this video today with some very good arguments as to why i should be doing it so here we have round three of this month’s Aiden Castle Clan War. Let’s go. Here are your participants and there you have it right there FsK cracking 700 million for the first time ever in the server and this is raw power without mercenaries this is one of the reasons why they told me to to uh that i should be doing this video because of this right here that i mean even if they lose they said it’s going to wind up being a better first two that i recorded so hopefully that is the case i mean everyone else is in uh 630 650 here i bet on oblivion winning this i mean anything can happen obviously three clans can die bomb the hell out of fsk and eventually take them down but they will make this last longer no doubt because of how strong everyone is in this in this clan of sk so here are your rules it’s castle siege basically just in a different uh type of setup round rolls i mean you know we’ve seen this before and of course your rewards there i’ve got four minutes and nothing else to do so i will see you when this battle starts oh by the way i hope everyone had a safe and pleasant halloween i can’t say happy halloween unfortunately because that’s today but today is yesterday which to me would be tomorrow does that make sense but i’ll see you when this battle starts 10 seconds before we begin good luck to everyone involved five seconds before we begin and here we go round three aidan castle clan war number three what are they doing they’re just sort of standing around that’s transcendence okay i’m just lagging out right now i don’t actually know where i’m going there’s potatoes by the way my tablet might die there we go my tablet might die i had it uh i had it plugged in but it wasn’t charging is this fsk’s deal yeah obviously yeah so i had it plugged in and it wasn’t charging and i’m not sure what’s going on yeah i do i know exactly what’s going on my frigging tablet is four years old and it’s time for something new but i’m really trying to hold out for an android tablet that samsung made one i think it’s called their s7 and it’s so close to being as good as the ipad which has dominated the market from like day one there’s just a massive amount of mess right here what did i just see i didn’t see that something about 60 seconds really it’s under attack there we go i wonder if i wonder if fsk buffed this base because if they did it’s going to take them a long time oh my goodness like they’re beating beating the crap out of this and uh it’s doing nothing to it now i’m trying to see other people’s headquarters if they’re gonna be but all i’m seeing is fsk this is just a mess fsk is yellow they’re down here china i’m just taking a long time for them to there’s a lot of them beating the crap out of this crystal and it’s taking them a long time to do something to it i mean if i was the fsk and if they did buff this crystal i mean they could just send people out looks like that’s what they’re trying to do but who is that oblivion is standing here i mean there’s literally like a hundred plus people all beating the crap out of this base and it doesn’t look like fsk’s gonna be able to go anywhere like no one’s even gone to this right side so this is kind of pointless i mean look at this there’s just a thousand and one things here it’s almost like fsk either didn’t show up in fourth but they’ve now been uh eliminated from aidan castle clan war number three so and i mean that less than what five and a half minutes some less than 500 minutes and it’s already done congratulations to oblivion for taking the castle i called that one so i got that in my uh my bidding i know i got that much i also believe the other one i bid on was uh fsk having the most leader deaths i don’t remember whom i bid i think i’ve been on fsk to have the most defensive towers destroyed so we’ll just take that one as a loss congratulations the arrow of potatoes for taking number one sumi from oblivion for taking number one on x and smooth shaft there are your stats and i got two out of three yep that’s too easy so we’ll take 798. and there is your current month winner oblivion congratulations to oblivion once again don’t forget to like subscribe and share this video and hit me up on discord or facebook yes my twitter account i think got hacked it’s all in korean now i i don’t i can’t read it and it’s it’s gone so no more no more twitter it’s not like any of you actually ever posted anything but you can post a discord at least hit me up on discord thanks so much for watching and i will see you again .