Dutch Sheets: Authority to Make Kingly Decrees (Psalm 110:4)
Jan 5, 2021 12:30 · 1653 words · 8 minute read
- Which brings me then to the major points, the heart of what I want to say in this message.
00:09 - What is this producing in us in America, in the church? Because I think God is doing some really, really significant, positive and good things through this battle.
00:24 - You know, apart from how it turns out, apart from the election results, what is God doing through this that we can look at and say, this is really, really a good outcome of this battle that we’re in.
00:40 - And the first thing is, I believe through this, he is finishing, solidifying, if you will, our understanding of ecclesia.
00:53 - As you know, I know most of you know, that ecclesia, the word for church in the New Testament does not mean a building, it does not even meaning a congregation.
01:04 - It’s certainly not just a service that we do, a church service.
01:09 - The word ecclesia, in Christ’s day, and it’s absolutely what he was referring to, the word, is a legislature.
01:19 - It’s a government body. When he said I’ll build my church, He was saying, I will have, I will build, and I will have an expression of my kingdom, a governmental arm of my kingdom on the earth.
01:35 - So the word church and ecclesia, it doesn’t mean bride, we are his bride.
01:39 - Doesn’t mean body, body of Christ. We are his body.
01:42 - We’re a family, but doesn’t mean that. It doesn’t even mean really literally a fellowship or a congregation.
01:49 - It means a legislative body of people with governing authority.
01:56 - And that’s the context of Matthew 16. It’s what it means.
02:01 - Way back in 1986, the Lord spoke to me through a prophet and gave me a word and a part of the word said, and I really didn’t understand this at the time, but part of the word said, you will be a part of, and I believe, even though it was a long time ago and I don’t have it recorded because he did it by phone, but a part of the word said, you will be a part of the fresh age of the Melchizedek order.
02:31 - And as I said, I believe he said you will be a part of leading that Melchizedek order.
02:38 - Excuse me. Well, I didn’t know what it was, I even asked him when he finished the prophecy.
02:47 - What does that mean? He said, I don’t know what it means.
02:49 - You’ll have to research it. So I just begin to Melchizedek and I saw several things, but of course, one of the significant things regarding this man, who was a type of Christ, was the fact that he was both a king and a priest.
03:07 - And that’s one of the really, truly significant things that makes him a picture of Jesus.
03:15 - Because in that day, you weren’t a King and a priest.
03:17 - You might be a priest, but then you weren’t king.
03:20 - King but you couldn’t be a priest. Actually it was forbidden in Israel to be both, but Melchizedek was both a king and a priest.
03:29 - And as I studied these things, it became clear to me that, you know, the function of a king is to represent the needs of people.
03:36 - Heavenward whether it’s petitions, incense being offered to heaven, prayers, we as priest offer worship to heaven.
03:49 - We ask, we petition, we appeal. Those are priestly roles and they go from earth to heaven.
03:58 - But of course the kingly role is different.
04:00 - It releases authority this way, downward. Kings don’t petition and say, would you please? They decree.
04:09 - They declare and they don’t offer suggestions.
04:14 - They give commands. And so they represent authority from above from the heavens, if you will, downward or above a people downward.
04:26 - And so as our king and our priest Christ sits at the right hand, he’s the creator, he’s God, and He tells us his way, his word, his principles, and he rules this way.
04:41 - As a priest, high priest, he represents our needs this way and our requests, et cetera, to the Father.
04:49 - So He embodies both. I came to understand that when Psalm 110 says that He would raise up a new order of priests.
05:01 - That would mean more than one, not just him, but a priestly order after the order of Melchizedek, that he was saying he would raise up people that would be his arm, his representatives, releasing both functions.
05:20 - His priestly role, as our high priest would flow through us and we would intercede and we would offer up prayers and requests, and we would relate to the Father through worship and petitioning Him.
05:37 - And we would take on that mantle of Jesus, but we would also take on his kingly role as well.
05:44 - And so as we sit there with Him, at the right hand of the Father, we’ve come to understand that we not only petition, but he shows us his will.
05:53 - And we decree that will as his ecclesia. In fact, He said in Psalm 110 that He would give that group of people His scepter and He would say to them rule in the midst of your enemies, then of course, in 1 Peter chapter two, He talks about us being a holy priesthood, administering this way, but also a royal, a kingly, if you will, priesthood, ministering this way.
06:23 - So we’ve come to understand that. I didn’t understand it for quite some time, but I’ve studied it over the years and my understanding has increased.
06:32 - Then God said to me, in the year 2000, you will fully shift the government of America.
06:42 - When the church fully shifts, the praying church, He said, you will fully shift America, the government of America, when the praying church fully shifts from priestly intercession only to kingly intercession as well.
07:01 - And I felt like I understood that because by that time I understood priestly intercession, kingly intercession, but I still didn’t understand ecclesia and that’s why he didn’t say it to me that way.
07:13 - He didn’t say, this’ll happen when you really start being the ecclesia.
07:18 - I wouldn’t have understood that. But over that next several years, maybe five, 10 years, he began to explain to many that we are the ecclesia and what that means.
07:34 - That we rule for Him, that binding and loosing are judicial terms.
07:40 - That they involve releasing His government into the earth.
07:43 - That we find out what he wants and we decree that for him and we insist on it and that we have keys of authority to open and close, and when we decree them, according to His will, at His command, when we decree the door closed, it’s closed.
07:59 - When we open it, it’s open. Those are kingly roles of the ecclesia.
08:05 - So we are his family and we are his bride and we minister this way but we are also his ecclesia and his army, and we minister this way in the earth.
08:17 - And I said all that to say, I’ve watched I’ve watched that revelation unfold over the last several years, back when He first started speaking to me about this, you didn’t hear people when they were praying, say I decree, I declare, I command, you know, unless they were commanding an evil spirit or something, yeah.
08:38 - But it was rarely done. Then when some started doing it, you’d be praying and they feel this authority rise up and they begin to decree and command.
08:48 - And, you know, even when I started doing it, I found myself sometimes later second guessing myself.
08:54 - Do I really have the authority to do that? But it flowed right out of my spirit, as I was there seated with Christ, He would just, something would rise up in me and I would know, decree this for Him.
09:08 - So I would do it in his name. And as I said, it was rare back then in the 90s, 80s, but in the last 20 years or so, that revelation has exploded in the praying church.
09:23 - And then He began to show us, we’re just being the ecclesia.
09:28 - We’re being what he said he would build. And as, as I’ve watched this battle now.
09:34 - I’ve been in the thick of it. And I’ve been in prayer meetings with hundreds and hundreds of people and I’ve worked with dozens of leaders.
09:47 - And the one thing I can say is that it is natural.
09:52 - It is a flowing natural thing for so many of them to say Father, would you please, Father, we ask you, we petition you, give us mercy and let the request be made known.
10:06 - But it’s just as normal and natural for them to then, at some point, begin to say, and we decree your will.
10:14 - And we decree this. And we declare that.
10:16 - And I find myself in inwardly rejoicing, because I know this revelation of ecclesia has taken root.
10:26 - We know who we are and we’ll learn a lot more.
10:30 - And we have a lot of growing to do but this understanding has really solidified and come to a greater maturity during this battle, by necessity, but it has. .