Oct 26, 2020 14:04 · 1592 words · 8 minute read device supports 06 time without

Hello guys and welcome to today’s online class where I’ll be showing you how to win in the new map Alcatraz.. the place where boys become men.. as you can see I won all my recent games on this map with good number of kills too. so I’ll be sharing all my tactics, tips, strategies and all the good stuff that will help you win in this map. the rest depends on your skill and how good you are in the game. This video will be in parts… 1st part is the tips and the 2nd part is a gameplay video where you gonna see me apply those tips in action to help you understand better as I’ll be carrying random teammates to a 35 kills win which was full of nonestop action and chaos. Let’s get started.

00:57 - on this map there are 4 high tier and the building in the centre is always high tier that’s why it’s my favorite place to land Landing in any of these places will give you some really good loot at the same time you need to be ready to fight because many enemies will be waiting for you there. Alternatively you can land on the other areas to avoid fights but honestly guys if you gonna play alcatraz then you should go all in and play aggressively because this map is perfect to improve your skills like fighting in close range and awareness.. you will be forced to fight multiple enemies at the same time without your favourite class to help and most of the time you won’t even find a class so being in these tough situations will really improve your gameplay.. also you get 5 chances to respawn without worrying about your teammates not scanning your dog tags and if you’re worried about losing rank or stats then just create a new smurf account and use it to practice. We gonna use cell house as an example because it’s my favourite place..

and from my experience 01:58 - the fastest way to land is to make sure that you open your parachute right on top of the spot you wonna land at. In this case I wanted to land in this corner so I made sure that my parachute opens right on top of it.. also I like to land in corners like this because this way I make sure that I don’t get flanked from behind that way I limit the chances of me getting killed. Another thing you need to worry about after landing is the camping snipers you can find them in their natural habitats on this tower.. and this tower.. and they like to steal kills.. they wait for you to knock an enemy and they finish them off then they try to kill you..

nothing’s more satysfing than killing camping snipers but 02:36 - if you gonna challenge a sniper make sure to have a fast aim and keep moving left and right to make it hard for them to aim at you.. and since they mostly won’t have a vest they will go down super fast. on this map most of the fights will be in close range and you need to use hipfire a lot so if you don’t know how to hipfire then you should start learning.. in my opinion shotguns dominate close range literally every shotgun on this map is good.. but you can also use SMGs and even assault rifles for close range..

personally for close range I mostly 03:11 - use KRM / ECHO / QQ9 / FENNEC / AK117 and even AK47 sometimes.. and for mid to long range I use AK47 and if I don’t find it then I use AK117 on this map there a total of 6 classes shown here.. but recently they added trickster and you can find it in airdrops.. I’m not sure if it was intended or a mistake by the developers The easiest way to find a class is to go under this tower here.. and if you’re lucky you will find an upgrade right next to it.. the best 3 classes for me are Ninja,Medic and smoke bomber.. defender is also strong but I don’t use it because i find it toxic.. and you will notice on the game I played later on this video that I had it but never used it .. also in my last video I mentioned that the defender had a glitch that makes your buttons disappear after you use it.. I’m not sure if it still happens but I think they fixed it.

04:10 - yes I know that you get frustrated after getting killed and the first thing u think of is getting revenge from the enemy that killed you.. but you need to think twice before doing that.. you might have the surprise element but don’t forget that your naked.. no vest and 100 HP and if you’re against a good player then you will get clapped over and over again.. so I’m gonna show you 2 examples.. one is a good revenge and the other one is a bad revenge Let’s start with the good revenge..

so in 04:35 - here I went against an enemy and it was a bad engagement to start with because the enemy had a level 3 vest and I didn’t have any.. so I went down and first thing you do when you get knocked is check the revive timer over here.. if it’s short then click the give up button so that you can spawn instantly after it ends and avoid waiting a long time. Anyway thanks to the killcam I knew that this guy didn’t heal up yet.. so it was a very good chance for revenge because I damaged him before I went down. Moving on to the bad revenge example which is by the same player I just killed.. so after I killed him again I checked the revive timer and I noticed it’s also at 8 seconds .. and I knew %100 that this guy will come back for his own revenge too.. so right away I healed up and I checked the sky and guess what.. it’s your boy flying to his death.. in general always try to keep an eye on the revive timer especially after killing enemies and once it ends take a quick peek at the sky and see if anyone’s trying to backstab you or avenge thier death..

btw that guy I killed kept coming back but he got clapped every 05:53 - single time.. the question here.. what are you supposed to do if you can’t revenge ? Well.. You have 2 options.. first one is to land in quiet place that isn’t high tier and find some loot and get ready to fight.. the 2nd option is to land on an airdrop to get your best loadout weapon and a chance of getting a vest but of course the best option comes with a risk as you might go against other enemies with the same plan so keep that in mind. Another good tip to help you locate spawning enemies is the shadows..

if your device supports 06:23 - shadows then make sure it’s enabled. “Movement” since this map is very small there will always be action wherever you go.. and it’s important to keep moving.. if you knock an enemy check your surroundings before you finish him off and make sure there are no other enemies around.. not only you will waste valuable time finishing him off but you will also waste ammo and if you go against another enemy (which happens a lot btw) you will be forced to reload and it might get you killed.. another 2 important skills are dropshotting and jumpshotting..

for me personally 07:09 - I mostly use dropshotting when I’m 1v1.. because it will help you kill the enemy in front of you but at the same time during that you’re basically a sitting duck and an easy target for other enemies in the same area.. so when I know that I’m against more than one enemy I use jump shotting or sideways movement as I find them more effective against multiple enemies.. but anyway both are skills that every player needs to learn and alcatraz is a perfect map to help you practice them. “The Elevator” this isn’t a very important tip but anyway it’s worth mentioning..

there 07:45 - is an elevator that connects cell house to the docks.. you can use when you’re in docks but if you’re in cell house then I don’t see any point of using it as you can simply fly off the building instead. “Loot box” someone asked about this in a previous video.. as you know after you kill an enemy their loot box will be available for a limited time only.. so how long until the loot box disappear ? The answer is it takes 20 seconds for it to disappear..

so if you get killed and you had good loot then you can go back to your loot 08:26 - box if you have enough time and get your loot back. That was the 1st part of the video now we will move to the 2nd part which is the intense 35 kills gameplay.. and during that there will be few extra subtitled tips here and there .. I’m gonna stop talking now and I’ll let you guys enjoy the rest of the video .