Final battle for Six November 2020 Major slot! | Empire Rises #5 vlog | Team Empire

Oct 26, 2020 17:39 · 1094 words · 6 minute read previous games kill thoughts mean

JoyStiCK! Best EUL team in your opinion? Right now! BDS, it seems. You’ve cheated! That’s a fact. — What are you talking about? — I mean, the score. Help me! What does this man want from me?! — I’ve told you. — You did? — Yeah. Your should have answered: Team Empire. Oh really? We are not on the first place and that means we are not the strongest team. It’s because of technical lose. Otherwise you’d be on the first place. Oh yeah? So we are the strongest then. This is it. That’s it, guys. What are you doing, Always? You are cleaning that mouse from AliExpress with the part of hookah? — Yeah. — I see, bro.

01:07 - My job as analyst is to prepare the team for the upcoming game. I watch the previous games of upcoming opponents. On some maps that are most likely to be picked. I’m taking notes, making analysis, talking all that with the coach and the players. We watch and discuss how to how to play one or another round, how to counter enemies. To get quick plays and so on. We are having a break after Stage 2. 5 or 6 days.

01:55 - We’ve decided to take a break, have some rest and then, one week before Six Major, get back to bootcamp and train hard to get well-prepared for the Major. Don’t play too hard. Do not overdo it. Easier, easier. Danila, do you hear me? Do not play solo, don’t try to kill everyone all by yourself! Play as a team. If you do that, it’ll be fine. Don’t overdo it, don’t try to do anything ridiculous. NICE ONE! — Oh my. That was sweaty! — Really hardcore sweat! — Have you seen what I’ve done? — Monster! I’m Ace! Now I’m Ace! That was very hard. Atta boys! Guys, you are the best! Major time. Top-2 Stage 2.

Just as ordered! 08:51 - You need to improve Kafe a bit and it’ll be a friggin bomb! Kafe is meaty! We’ve lost that round because the enemy sneak past the double’s and ShepparD could planted. By the way. That round Where we were defencing B-Blue, and you all went to picture hall. You just needed to rotate to upper section. There was no one there. We’ve played Def badly. We did something just because of Scyther’s tryhard gaming. Game vs Team Secret was so close. Because there were some clutches won, which made the overall score… not the one it could be otherwise. At first we planned to play Oregon.

09:26 - But on the last day we’ve decided to take them out on their territory — their signature Kafe. We’ve seen they have no strong points on Kafe and we could turn this to our favor. That is why did it, picked it, won it and it all turned out fine. Can you give analysis on previous game, Danila? I don’t want to comment. I nearly died yesterday. I’ve had heart attack during that game. After each round! Give us some thoughts about that game in general. We’ve been thinking to play Oregon… or Oregon. On the last day we were like: Kafe! Kafe. And we managed to win on their best map.

10:28 - Because Team Secret prefer to play badass maps. Kafe, Oregon, Villa and Meme-park. Their key 4 maps. We knew it’ll come down to one of these. The question was which one will be the most comforable for us. We were training Oregon hardly. But just before the game we thought that Kafe will be better pick. And so we’ve played it. We were able to win. Scyther did all the hard work as Def carry. As for attack, it was god knows but, but we still won it.

10:59 - — Nice one? — So good! Can you tell our viewers when they will see more of Empire playing? I can’t remember when Major starts. From 6th to 8th of November. Please join the streams and root for us. We’ll try to show good performance and win it. This is it. That’s right! — Do you agree? Have you seen it? — Yes. I haven’t, but I do. Playing vs Virtus pro. There was no difference on what map we will play. They picked Coastline. Wanted to run and gun a bit. We were more confident this time. More than the last time. That is why the result was better than the last game. But the last round was very very close. Scyther, what are your predictions and forecasts for upcoming game? Who will they ban? Who’ll pick? My money’s on Thatcher and Valkyrie. Map — Ibiza (Coastline). They will ban the strongest operators. They will pick the most useful operators. We will ban the most strongest. And we will pick the least weakest. The least… the most… The least worst for them. That’s right. I’ve helped you a bit here. The best possible choice for them. That’s what was said. — Best possible for them. — What about the map? — Bank. — Ibiza! I’ve canceled the defuse, thought he will kill me for sure. There were holes there. I’ve spent the C4 very dumb.

16:47 - — I thought that the second player came through the kitchen… — Through the ceiling or through the window he could have killed you. I haven’t seen him! He was on the kitchen’s window. Heard some noise. Thought that he come in. Started to check. I wanted you to make holes there. They can’t plant, coming through the window. And you kill them through holes. They ran through the dead end. I thought that you’ll be able to (indistinct) JoyStiCK, what have you done to win this game? I’ve just counter-defused.

17:15 - Were you scared of dying? I was, but there were no other options! I had to do it. There was no time left. Bootcamp was good. Some of the issues were fixed. The performance got better. We start playing better, feeling more comfortable. You can see it by results that we’ve reached our goals. To those who support us no matter what. Despite the results, wins or losses. Thanks everyone! The Major will be held from 6 to 8th Nov. Come and root for us. There will be not only us but the second Slavic team as well. We’ll do our best.

We still have a chance to qualify for Six Invitational 2021. That’s why we need your support. Thanks everyone and bye-bye! .