Gate of Hell Opened, Dajjal, Shaytan Devils Entering Homes, Drugs wont help to see Imam Mahdi (as)

Jan 11, 2021 21:34 · 4627 words · 22 minute read

keep ourselves in wudu (ritual ablution), keep ourselves in energy.

00:14 - Every type of hadith we just posted that the hadith for calamity is to give right away, give sadaqah, give charity right away to take away any type of calamity, any type of difficulty.

00:26 - Keep yourself in wudu, make your salawats (praising upon Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ).

00:29 - Take the app and recite the salawats, recite the du’as, sit at home and recite the Arabic salawat book.

00:37 - The Green book has the Urdu if you speak Urdu, even if you don’t it has the transliteration and just keep reciting and reciting and reciting all of them are a immense nijat, immense salvation from every type of difficulty and shayateen (devils) cannot take the presence of salawat.

00:55 - Whatever type of shayateen is trying to attach itself to people to make them and increase their sickness to make then to become sicker and sicker and sicker its salvation, its release is in the durood e-sharif (sending blessings upon Prophet ﷺ).

01:10 - So, if you know Arabic you should be sitting there and having a mawlid in your house by yourself reciting your salawats all the time, all the time, all the time.

01:20 - That immensity of light brings the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

01:25 - We talked last night on wudu, things that for me are just common sense from my training but may not be common for people.

01:36 - Means that in the understanding of wudu some people think they don’t have to have wudu at home that wudu is for like when you go to the market, you go to the mall, you do whatever you want when you’re home doesn’t matter.

01:53 - And some people think they don’t have to cover at home, ‘I’m home, I don’t have to cover. ’ Look you’re from dunya or you’re from people of akhirah? If you’re from people of akhirah there’s more people in your home than there are people outside and they are pious – all the shaykhs, all the awliya (saints), all the saliheen (pious servants), all the jinn (unseen beings) momin (believer) jinn that are men in your home too.

02:18 - Why you’re not covered in your home? So, means this world of malakut (world of light) is not something normal people understand so they say, ‘Oh we can be relaxed. ’ There’s no time to be relaxed.

02:31 - Right now, everything is under attack. You should always keep the cover because the lowest form of your understanding of cover is that you don’t want the opposite gender to be attracted to you.

02:46 - But this is not what the reality of the cover was only for, that’s the lowest understanding.

02:51 - The highest understanding is they’re taking your energy that whatever comes to you its climax and the pentacle of your being, we said before you are two triangles.

03:04 - Your lower triangle and your upper triangle.

03:08 - The upper triangle is your Islam, your Iman (Faith) wal maqam ul-Ihsan (station of moral excellence).

03:16 - So, tanzila whatever Allah (AJ) is sending of emanation is coming and dressing upon to dress the upper part of your reality.

03:28 - This is the house of the soul. This (shaykh points to his heart) is the house of Allah (AJ) and the heart.

03:35 - So, means if your upper reality is always being tanzila, always being dressed, all emanations are directed towards the heart, they’re moving into the heart, they’re moving into the being to dress the holy crown of creation which is the head, right.

03:53 - If there’s a light in the heart, they shine on their face.

03:58 - So, your two major organs your heart is the sun, your face and head is the moon.

04:06 - So, who’s going after what? Shaitan is going after your heart and to destroy your moon.

04:15 - Somebody else asked, ‘Why these scholars have marks all over their head and dark faces?’ Oh, because they read Qur’an and they don’t understand it.

04:23 - When Allah (AJ) said, ‘We will see them, you will know them by the mark on their forehead. ’ Not the self-inflicted charcoal burns that they burn charcoal onto their forehead to make they have like sujood (prostration), have you seen their burn, burn mark.

04:39 - That’s not the mark Allah was looking for. This the mark of the piety in which Allah (AJ) gave a nur (light) into their heart and like a spotlight a light comes out of their head.

04:51 - You’ll know them if you have sincerity cause your heart sees a nur on their face.

04:58 - On Yawm al-mashr (day of gathering) all of creation will look at them and think that they’re looking at the lights of Allah (AJ) looking at the lights of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ because of the immensity of the nur that coming from their head, from their forehead and from their right hand.

05:15 - So, when we know that the heart is the house of Allah (AJ) and this house is going to be known by the Muhammadan haqqaiq (realities), when Allah (AJ) describe, ‘I created this creation in My image. ’ What’s Allah’s image? Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ. Allah has no shek.

05:40 - That’s all this training. The closest you understand to what the shek and to the form or to the understanding of Allah (AJ) is called “Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ”.

05:52 - ‘When I created creation in My image’ means this insan (human being) and the haqqaiq of insan and what Allah (AJ) gave to it of a divinely nature that I’m going to send the emanation to your heart, your Islam is the foundation of your upper triangle.

06:17 - Your Islam is your source of knowledge of the heavens.

06:23 - Your Iman is a faith and is the holiness and good deeds so then your religious practice should a develop a faith within your heart firm two solid structures on the ground that the pinnacle of it should be maqam ul-ihsan (shaykh points to his forehead) in which you see Allah.

06:43 - And if you don’t see then know Allah (AJ) see you in everything these lights then illuminating from your head.

06:53 - Remind me about the hijab (headcover) part that we started from there then they ask with these lights coming, all this reality coming.

07:00 - My son asked me, ‘What do you define as holiness?’ Cause everyone has a answer for holiness.

07:09 - Holiness is that which improves your soul, you have to have a belief in a soul, in a light, in a being given by God.

07:19 - And what is defined as holy? Is that when you believe in your soul and that which improves your soul and builds your soul that is holy.

07:28 - Not a man says he’s holy, not following him says it’s holy but what are you doing that benefits your soul and the most powerful benefit for your soul are selfless acts of charity.

07:44 - Something you don’t think you have a benefit in, more than your salah (prayers).

07:54 - Your salah is for you. Your salah was not that Allah gave you, we’ve given the talk on the usools and the pillars of Islam.

08:06 - The salah was not the reward, Allah ordered salah so you would be a good person and be charitable and be loving and kind.

08:15 - So that your character would be blossoming and showing so what Allah (AJ) wanted was the good acts.

08:23 - Why? So, that you become holy not that you become “Pray”.

08:29 - You walk around, ‘I pray, I do thousand rakats. ’ No, this wasn’t the benefit.

08:34 - That’s why then if you define that to my son that’s not what makes you holy cause these Daesh they pray a lot but they’re putting everybody in cages and God forbid trying to burn them.

08:45 - This wasn’t the act. The acts that we do, the pillars of Islam were meant to be a character and khuluq.

08:55 - ‘Adabina Rabi fi ahsani fi tarteeb – Allah (AJ) sent me with the best of character and to teach manners and gave me the best of character.

09:07 - Why? Because I did my salah, I did my zakat (charity), I did my hajj (pilgrimage), I did my fasting.

09:14 - I did them in such a sincere way my character is exemplatory’, Prophet ﷺ is teaching for us so with these good character we become holy.

09:27 - Why? Because we’re doing these principles said, Baba pray do all these things so that you’ll have a humbleness in your life and you sort of leave your head low to the ground understanding people’s needs, people’s wants, how to talk with people not to offend, not to hurt, not to overstep your boundary.

09:50 - Everyone should know when they act with people, they should know their limit and not go beyond that limit and not to hurt and offend people that’s why we prayed.

10:00 - We went for hajj to see the massness of our community that it’s not one nation superior, look at Allah bought the whole of mankind.

10:09 - Hajj is an example of judgement day where you fear, you can’t get close, you’re following around, you’re struggling to make your tawaf (circumambulation), you’re tired.

10:19 - Allah’s reminding, ‘How are you going to do that? How are you going to survive my judgement day if you’re just getting tired on hajj and scared on hajj?’ So, all of these were for examples.

10:29 - Why? So that the good character would shine and how we know we became holy or we’re moving in a direction of holiness is what I do on a daily basis to the benefit of my soul and are my acts becoming more and more selfless or selfish where everything has to be about me.

10:53 - I have to have a benefit in it or God I’m feeding people and support to feed people, I don’t want to benefit.

11:00 - That’s why Prophet ﷺ described for us, ‘Yateem (orphans) is most beautific. ’ Why? Cause you deal with men, give them talks maybe they’re all businessmen they’re going to give you donations.

11:15 - But deal with kids who have no home what they’re going to do for us? Means an act of charity and goodness and good character and loving for those whom they don’t have the ability to defend themselves.

11:34 - This is what then makes the person to be holy not that they prayed a lot.

11:39 - When people wanna come and accompany and look say, ‘Oh how much you’re praying you look like you’re praying a lot, you don’t look like you’re praying a lot. ’ Sayyidina Umer was following one of the companions that Prophet ﷺ described, ‘This one he achieved paradise. ’ And followed him for this hadith it’s a long story.

11:54 - Followed him and then after three days the Sahabi asked, ‘Ya Umer what do you want? You’re sort of sitting in my house looking at me all the time. ’ Said, ‘I wanna know why Prophet ﷺ described that you’re in paradise already and why you achieved these maqams (stations) and I don’t see that you’re doing anything different than what we are doing?’ And he said, ‘No, I just learned every night I forgive everyone.

12:15 - Whoever is harming I’m forgiving them. Ya Rabbi don’t let me hold rancour in my heart. ’ Means he was giving an example of character not of an action he did but his action was of a character nature: ‘I forgive people and I pray that they forgive me in return’, that earned paradise.

12:36 - So, we’re all struggling to be holy and our holiness is going to be defined on what we’re doing with our soul.

12:46 - Am I, what am I doing is building my soul? And my soul its food and its energy are in acts that are selfless and not based on my self and this love for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and doing a mawlid and holding a mawlid, supporting the mawlid, giving food out for the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, giving charity to people, food to people.

13:14 - Those acts are what gives Allah (AJ) satisfaction.

13:18 - When Allah’s happy the soul becomes holy not by people giving a title to somebody, ‘This one is a sultan, this one is…’ they don’t know who anyone is.

13:30 - Titles are only from Allah (AJ) and those are from the actions that most people don’t even see between the servant and Allah (AJ).

13:38 - But you should see the holiness in their character and their deeds.

13:44 - So, with that light, with those realities you’re building your heart, you’re building all of these energies you don’t think that the crown of your creation, your head, your whole salah the power of your salah is in your sujood.

14:05 - The power of your prayer, the pinnacle of your salah is in prostration we talked before about that.

14:13 - It’s not when you stand upright, that’s the least powerful position because you’re standing up in the presence of Allah (AJ).

14:20 - So, that’s not, that’s your station of ihteram and respect.

14:27 - What Allah loves dearest in the servant is his sujood.

14:31 - Soon as he goes into prostrations he’s nearest to divinely presence and Allah (AJ)’s listening at that point.

14:38 - So, means then the crown in which He’s giving the grace and the emanation and the beauty and the dressing He’s giving.

14:48 - That’s why sujood is so dear to Allah cause ‘I made you like royalty, I chose you above my angels, my jinn and all creation because you’re in the shek – in the form of Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ.

15:05 - He gave you a beard, why? It’s not random.

15:10 - Your hair could’ve been growing out of your ears, some people grows out of their nostrils to this long.

15:16 - (shaykh laughs) But this hair (shaykh refers to the beard) that Allah (AJ) wants is the sunnah of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

15:23 - Everything about us is the exemplary form and condition and reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

15:31 - ‘I gave you all this, all this grace, all this majesty.

15:36 - When you bow down to me, you show me how humble you are and that you’re nothing. ’ With whatever you’ve given to me I’m absolutely nothing.

15:45 - So, when that prostration is going and it’s so dear to Allah (AJ) that you showing yourself to be nothing, you don’t think shaitan (satan) is after your head? Yeah, that’s your crown.

16:03 - If this the house (shaykh points to his heart), this the crown (shaykh points to his head).

16:07 - So, then shaitan wants the crown. ‘Don’t put a headcover on.

16:14 - You know let your energy go. ’ Men and women, it’s no difference.

16:19 - If a man sitting at home and playing on internet and talking to this and talking to that if you’re an energy person you know immediately, you’re coming under attack from all sources so your head is always being covered.

16:33 - You know as soon as you wash in the washroom if you come out without wudu, you’re going to be burning from everywhere that lost its wudu.

16:40 - They’ll attack you on your privates, they’ll attack you on your feet, they’ll attack you into your face and your mouth.

16:46 - The energy’s all around you waiting for your blink of any eye What Prophet ﷺ said,’ Don’t leave me to my nafs (ego) for a blink of an eye. ’ Why? Because he understood the full attack and teaching for us you’re under full attack at all times.

17:03 - They don’t think they’re coming after your head and when you don’t cover your head you have your head is like scratching and itching, who’s chewing on your head and making it itch like that? There are ifrit (powerful demon) all over there picking at you like the crow on the one who’s under cross.

17:24 - The crow lands on his head and tkk, tkk, tkk, tkk, tkk hitting his head.

17:28 - So, means we are continuously under attack.

17:31 - You walk around exposing yourself, the condition of the tariqah (spiritual path) was that as soon as you took bayat (oath) and as soon as you’re wearing the taweez’s the du’a of the shaykhs and the big shaykhs if the smaller shaykh doesn’t understand, the big, big shaykhs they understood that immediately the jinn families will be dispersed to the homes.

17:55 - Momin beings will be dispersed into the homes and those momin beings by virtue of them living in your home, praying in your home, you should have a source of protection in your home for if they leave you are in tremendous difficulty.

18:11 - If they keep coming back and complain to the shaykh that ‘It’s very difficult to live there, these people don’t wear clothes in the home.

18:18 - They burn things that are inappropriate, they’re doing things that are inappropriate’.

18:22 - So, all of what Prophet ﷺ brought for us was for these understandings, he just had to say, ‘Do it’, he didn’t have to explain “why”.

18:32 - The tariqah comes if there’s permission to give the hikmah (wisdom) of why these rules were installed by Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

18:44 - Cover yourself because they’re momin beings in the home and what about the beings that are not momin.

18:51 - That when the children are coming back and people are entering and service people are coming through, what type of beings are coming with them into the home environment? So, yeah most definitely if you want protection you cover all the time.

19:05 - You want protection take your face off of every type of internet so nobody nefarious could look at you, send their energy to come after you.

19:15 - We’re under a tremendous amount of difficulty, the door of the anti-Christ is open and he’s moving and people like flies dropping pow, pow, pow, pow.

19:27 - And Allah (AJ) grant for us an understanding in these teachings.

19:32 - We want God’s kingdom to come, the heavenly kingdom come hope that Allah (AJ) then teaching these energies are coming upon you why you’re not safeguarding them? So, the power of the pyramid was the cover of the cap.

19:47 - Soon as you cap your head, you’re sealing an energy that’s moving between La ilaha illAllah (Shaykh traces a triangle in the air) La ilaha illAllah and your Islam (bottom right vertex of the triangle), Iman (bottom left vertex) wal maqam ul-Ihsan (top vertex of the triangle).

19:57 - Soon as your head is covered this energy is flowing.

20:00 - Which energy? The power of your soul, this energy on the power of the soul is powerful enough to push negativity away.

20:08 - When shaitan then inspire that, ‘Release the cover of your head. ’ It’s like all your energy’s out and then they’re just sitting there pulling that energy all day long, inspiring the person then for all the wrong choices and all the wrong decisions.

20:23 - So, means there’s a tremendous reality in everything that Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ brought and these are all for the opening of these realities.

20:32 - If we’re trying to open our Islam and our Iman and maqam ul-Ihsan, at the same time what’s fighting this dunya are the people of the lower that they have no Islam so what’s the opposite of Islam? Ignorance.

20:48 - They’re deen and their religion is ignorance.

20:54 - As a result of ignorance, was their lower triangle, what does ignorance bring? Fire, brings anger.

21:03 - So, instead of faith in their heart they have anger in their heart.

21:09 - So, their ignorance and anger brings what? Fire.

21:14 - We saw them storming buildings and looking with horns and God these people are going to be on the streets going from home to home.

21:23 - They’re just ignorant, they’re angry and they’re on fire and they’re narani (fiery) people cause these like the door of Jahannam (hellfire) open on earth and now ahle-Jahannam (people of hell) start to march everywhere.

21:37 - Your only hope to save yourself from this ignorance, the anger in your heart and your fire.

21:46 - So, somebody come say, ‘I’m too angry, too angry. ’ This is a med school, how could you be so angry when we give the conditions, something’s wrong in your Islam cause your anger’s coming from ignorance.

22:02 - Something in what you’re doing, you’re ignorant about.

22:06 - As a result of your ignorance, you’re continuously getting angry.

22:10 - You could be ignorant of not knowing the fact that you have to have wudu.

22:12 - You’re just going around all over this land with no wudu doing everything.

22:17 - So, means you don’t truly understand what this shaykh is teaching you of Islam.

22:22 - So, it’s med school. Anyone tells you they’re angry something’s wrong in their Islam and definitely they’re not reaching towards Iman so they have no Iman in their heart if they’re in continuous state of ghadab (anger).

22:35 - Cause the ghadab take away their Islam, their Iman.

22:40 - Without Iman there’s no light cause the station of Iman; Islam is merely the action: you accepted.

22:50 - Iman what is that in English? It’s called a noun, it’s actually something.

22:56 - Iman is what Allah grants to you; Islam is not what’s granted.

22:59 - Islam is your acceptance: I accepted to try to submit myself.

23:05 - When Allah accepts the practices of your acceptance He grants you an actual light and there’s an experience of a light that comes into your heart, this light illuminates your heart and it’s a candle that flickering.

23:21 - Wuquf-e-qalb and the vigilance of your heart is then your whole life is to guard this candle Allah gave, this precious light Allah gives to the believer of faith.

23:32 - ‘What am I gonna do my lord to make my faith stronger?’ Make your salawats.

23:36 - ‘What am I gonna do my lord to make my faith stronger?’ Give, do acts of charity, do all these things to become holy then this love, these actions make the faith not a candle anymore, like a fire.

23:53 - That was the fire that Nabi Musa (as) saw. So, we used to have the logo for the hu shirts cause that fire is ignited that’s the presence of hu in your heart, Hu.

24:07 - Hu of the heavens to combat WHO of dunya. W-H-O is a dangerous WHO.

24:15 - Why then, why shaitan is reflecting and copying the heavens? He knows the fire and the hu has to be in the heart.

24:23 - That guidance and muhabbat and love has to be in the heart.

24:26 - When the heart is lit with that light, lit with that faith it’s like a sun, nobody takes it out.

24:35 - But first it’s just a candle, it’s a candle in the wind.

24:40 - Shaitan is continuously sitting there (shaykh imitates a flickering candle while blowing on his finger).

24:44 - Yeah, that’s the goal of things to hide from him.

24:46 - So, this is why we do what we do, we’re doing it all the time.

24:50 - Regardless I’m here or not here. I hear that when I’m not here then people don’t come to support.

24:55 - Why? Rabbiul Ala’s (Most High Lord) who? Is Allah (AJ) and you have a grave to worry about, not me to worry about.

25:06 - Everyone has a grave to worry about and we have even more to worry because the anti-Christ is right behind the door.

25:13 - So, every action that we’re doing, everything that we do is a vehicle for us to get our faith here.

25:21 - Allah opens the school for everyone to achieve their faith, every interaction is open to achieve our faith.

25:27 - Why? Cause we all need our heart to be lit like a sun not a candle in the last days.

25:32 - Good God I’ve seen all of the people, we see them dropping like flies.

25:36 - Friend, family and foe just you know come two days, they say couple things wrong you understand that their heart is being extinguished.

25:45 - It’s not something that just granted for anyone.

25:49 - It’s not something if you don’t take care of it, you don’t nourish it you think by taking marijuana and drugs you’re going to safeguard your heart or you contaminate your mind and now the anti-Christ and dajjal begin to completely take over your brain and your process of thinking.

26:10 - And that you could be with Sayyidina Mahdi (as) doing these ridiculous things? You would even survive all the phases of death that are coming onto this earth? Watch and see the ulema (religious scholars) are not surviving.

26:26 - You think common people are going to survive? What were they teaching and practicing? When someone come to them and say, ‘Wudu’, they say, ‘I don’t know anything about it just you do it. ’ They didn’t achieve an understanding of what water was.

26:44 - What their knowledge then was for what benefit? Means these are very difficult things, these are not days where you think and you rationalize, ‘Eh I’m gonna be okay’, you take your chances cause if one of these attach themself to you when your head is not covered and you think at that time you wanna come.

27:02 - If these energies attach themself not only that, they can attach themself and immediately your leg become ulcerated cause they’re a negative energy, they go in there and they destroy every type of vascular system in your body.

27:15 - They can begin to reek havoc on the human body.

27:18 - So, when they are ordering, ‘Stay in your homes, stay out of these environments’ means keep your way.

27:24 - Keep your you know you’re in a spiritual battle, keep your wudu, keep all your sunnah (Prophetic traditions), keep all your shar’iah (divine law), keep all your covered for so that we can reach to a point in which Allah (AJ) sanctify the heart and fortify the heart and that we can be with Sayyidina Mahdi (as) inshaAllah.

27:46 - Allah (AJ) give us a life in which to see the arrival of Sayyidina Isa (as) and Sayyidina Mahdi (as) and to be under the flag of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ here and hereafter, under the support of awliyaullah, Ashab ul-Nabi ﷺ (companions of Prophet ﷺ), Ahle-Bayt un-Nabi ﷺ (blessed family of Prophet ﷺ), awliyaullah fis samahi wa fil ard (in heavens and on earth).

28:09 - Bi Hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi Siri Surat al-Fatiha.

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