5 Important Lessons People Learn Too Late In Life
Oct 30, 2020 14:45 · 790 words · 4 minute read
The fact is many people who grow older often look back at their life with some level of regret for the choices they made when younger. If you want to avoid becoming one of the many who do this, then in this video we’ll be focusing on the lessons to be learnt from older generations to avoid feeling regret later in life. Therefore, let’s look at 5 lessons in life that people learn too late… 1. Money Isn’t Happiness - You’ve probably heard a story of a successful businessman or woman who lived a life earning great sums of money, only to then realise it came at a huge cost when at their deathbed - I’m not saying money isn’t important, because obviously it is as without it, life can be extremely hard, while with it, you have huge opportunities available to you - However, the fact is, money shouldn’t be the only, or even primary, focus on your life, as while it can allow you to do many things in life, later on most people understand that what they did in their life and the impact they had on others -…is fundamentally of greater importance than the money they amassed, despite it’s value during the course of their life.
01:14 - So don’t just focus on making money, but focus on how you make it and why 2. Be Responsible - When something in life doesn’t go as hoped or planned, it’s often easy to shift blame onto others and often, there might be a valid case to do so - However, this doesn’t resolve the problem and serves little to no benefit, other than growing resentment which will lead to regret later in life - A much more proactive approach that will lead to greater satisfaction later in life is to acknowledge where things went wrong, and then to have a problem solving mindset to set it right, moving past blame - The fact is, this will likely be more productive for you, but more importantly, you take responsibility for your life and therefore taking control of what occurs in it, something Simon Sinek often talks about in his seminars 3. Have Patience - Anyone who’s watched Gary Vee will immediately understand the importance of this one, but put simply, patience is critical to achieving success in life - The problem for many is they want immediate success on something they choose to try, and when they don’t see results quickly, they give up and move on - The issue with this is that anything that’s worthwhile in life takes effort and time to nurture and grow, often taking years to build - Those who don’t act with patience often jump from one endeavour to another, rarely giving the time necessary to nurture growth and finding later down the line they never achieved what they set out to 4. Take Initiative - Continuing on with the theme of Gary Vee, while it’s important to play the long game and have patience, you should be taking massive action today - That means put in the work and keep hustling, because as when you nurture anything, results don’t show quickly, but the effort required to see them still remains high - Even in concepts like the Law of Attraction, they might speak about manifesting your reality, but at the same time you should be open to acting on opportunities presented to you - What that means is have a mindset where you live as you intend to, but keep an open mind and take action to make it a reality, because that action is fundamental 5. Act Today - Life might seem long today, but in reality many find it’s actually quite short when they reach the end of their life, as it’s easy to let it drift by you - Every minute of every hour of every day is the passing of time, and when it passes, it’s gone, so it all counts and not using it effectively is to waste it - Therefore, avoid the attitude of something can be done tomorrow, or next week, and instead cease the moment and act today, at this moment in time - If you don’t, you might find yourself at an older age, wondering where the time went and regretting not using your time better when you had the chance Are you aware of these lessons and if not, will you be applying them from now on? Let me know in the comments section below.
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