Marianne Marcoux - Marine Biologist
Feb 11, 2020 14:51 · 161 words · 1 minute read
We know almost nothing about marine mammals in the Arctic. It’s truly fascinating to me because every day… I know I have to make new discoveries. I study the current condition of whale populations in the Canadian Arctic. More precisely, I study the impact of climate change. and humans on the populations of beluga whales and narwhals.
00:24 - Thanks to UAV technology, we’ve been able to film narwhals who used their tusks to catch fish and then feed on top of it. I just feel really lucky because I have the opportunity to work with Inuit. They’re the ones who know the whales best. so I can learn a lot from them. Sometimes I feel like Sherlock Holmes. I feel like a private detective. I’m getting a lot of information that I need to summarize and then try to understand what is going on with these whales. My name is Marianne Marcoux. I’m a marine biologist in Winnipeg, Manitoba. .