10+ REACTORS!!! ROCKY VII TRAILER REACTION MASHUP | Reactors React To Fan Made Trailer
Jan 24, 2021 16:00 · 2145 words · 11 minute read
MacamTV is awesome MacamTV I believe that’s how you pronounce his name MacamTV I think that’s how you pronounce it forgive me man if i butchered your name I’ve please forgive me MacamTV hopefully I’m saying that right he makes all these awesome different fan-made trailers so just so you know this isn’t an official Rocky film it’s a fan-made Rocky VII film the trailer looks good it does make you want to like throw down in a boxing room it’s not about how hard you can hit it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward it’s funny because it’s his favorite film of all time if you guys have seen our top 10 fails of all time Nick loves Rocky that’s in my top 10 as well one of the greatest films made of all time my wife from a Christmas present she bought me a little portrait of that it’s in my classroom i have a wallpaper on my phone back behind me and obviously now with the creed movies as old as he’s gotten you know there’s not gonna be a rocky seven but could you imagine what if Nick i wanna say Gabe I wanna say I’ve heard a rumor that there might be but there might be i know right i can’t wait to check this out i’m probably gonna i’ll probably cry like four times all right brother let’s do it in three two one all right here we go gonna fly now so he got he got shots and scenes from Rocky Balboa um pathology Fruitvale station Sylvie’s love grudge match Mexico vs Russia um a commercial it was interesting because he was able to get dialogue that i’ve never heard before maybe it’s from those other films the the tough thing with that trailer I’m just gonna say I’m a huge Rocky fan huge Rocky fan I understand this is a fan made trailer nothing but love thanks for having us react to this but I’ve got to say i wouldn’t know what the story would be right it’s hard to follow the story that that trailer is trying to present to us as it’s trying to to show us i think that the idea would be him fighting uh uh Drago obviously because you see him and Drago there with the fist each other and obviously the fact that he put Michael B Jordan in there it would be sometime after uh Michael b Jordan fought Drago on the Drago’s son so now you know the grudge match i doubt there’s gonna be a Rocky seven but you never know I gotta say I am excited for Creed for Creed3 I like how the writers have taken the story I mean again the guy’s got… at this point so i can’t see them bringing him back too but the things i liked about this trailer were the the dialogue the lines of dialogue where he’s like i stare at those lights every single day uncomfortable and I’m not even sure why but i do it i think that’s awesome they talked about the lumpy lumps i mean that is a Sly Stallone rocky line right there he said you know life’s full of lumps we all got lumps you know to me like oh man dude again he chose some great lines and kudos to him everybody’s got lumps it’s a lumpy life period that’s true * few hours that’s it * * thanks appreciate it * that’s awesome good i’m good i’m gonna be good that was super awesome i really liked it honestly i would love to see those two fight it would be okay old crotchety old men doing it but it’d be freaking awesome i just seen the possibility of them kicking some butt i love the fan made trailers this was awesome i need this kind of talent in my life but i can react to it so there’s my talent anyways guys if you liked it don’t forget to comment below tell me what you guys think about it go over there and check out their channel it is awesome two seconds on there and i was like i want to watch it all right now there’s literally so much it’s so awesome MacamTV production yeah Creed is in this one, Creed is here for the final fight you always get hyped for this music Awesom i quite like fan made trailers because sometimes you see things that you don’t necessarily pick up on in the films yeah which is quite cool there what i can suggest is picked up after the Creed films and it’s reintroducing Rocky for another fight amongst the Creed while um Creed’s son’s alive and it’s basically set after the the uh the new Creed franchise uh it’s an awesome idea yeah after watching six of them in one day i i’ll happily watch another so if you want to make it Macam go for it awesome uh trailer Macam I highly rate that it looks like a trailer and that’s the objective there isn’t it so yeah you did your job mate spot on and uh yeah really enjoyed it so thank you being uncomfortable might come in handy someday who’s who’s this guy’s supposed to why are we done maybe that’s from different movies I’m not sure it was great that’s true What movie is that exactly? That’s awesome Would be cool to see that He’s so tall Oh boy nostalgia great work there so that was a great concept by uh MacamTV awesome stuff guys yeah I really like to see Sylvester Stallone and Drago actually go head to head for one last time and do you guys I mean it’s gonna be fascinating wouldn’t it and uh when you read the description and I’ll have a link in the comment section below it says uh Rocky Balboa JR wants to pursue boxing but he thinks he doesn’t have what it takes his father Rocky Balboa at the age of 65 decides to get back in the squared circle to inspire his son and to prove that age doesn’t matter if you have the will I knew being uncomfortable might come in handy someday cry every day take your lumps the thing about putting together a fan trailer is you have to find the footage that you want to work with so uh deleted scenes from Rocky Balboa pathology fruit Ville station Sly’s love 2020 grudge batch see when I was watching that i saw that the shot with like Robert De Niro when from the Grudge match movie it was real quick though you could barely catch it Milo uh who is on this is us he plays Jack the father he played the sun in Rocky Balboa so he you know they used clips of him in this so it looks like he is going to fight Creed uh which actually that that would be a pretty cool movie if that ever came to flourishing but fan made it’s a it’s a dream movie um I’m digging it thank you for inviting me to react uh to your uh your channel like 30 minutes you’re trying not to Michael B Jordan it does make you want to like throw down in a boxing ring doesn’t it always seeing him with the boxing gloves on that’s it the legend is back I’m feeling the music quite a bit for the final fight oh classic Rocky music right yep so was that a throwback to one of his older rivals wow i think it does get you watching people like people watching and fight on tv and they’re just like throwing their fists wow man that was pretty damn good for a fan trailer the music the the tone the uh the feel the pace of that that fan maed trailer was really damn good actually i would say it didn’t show too much and it showed just the right amount of what you would really want and a sequel to Rocky like that so very well done man I really dug that so man thank you so much for that recommendation that was a really well put together trailer it really surprised me and i really loved the pacing of it i really loved the feel made me want to watch Rocky 2 even more so be sure you subscribe to MacamTV all right let’s get it Rocky Rocky Rocky three Adonis Creed The legend is back Is that Dolph Lundgren? oh that is him i wish we’d get to see this one more time between Rocky and Drago this is pretty decent putting all the efforts of every clip i clip from movies even tv commercials but this is pretty damn cool now it is a considered as a wishing thought that we get to see Sly one more time as Rocky Balboa but it’s clear that he already announced that he retires as the character because he’s getting old it is a wishful thought just to see him just one more time so the story to the trailer his son Rocky JR that wants to pursue in boxing career like his father did but he’s unsure if he has what it takes so Rocky decides to step out of retirement and get back into the game and because all the training with him actually that goes to show that no matter how age you are it’s about aiming that dream so that’s a pretty thought of that and let’s give a big shout out to MacamTV because this is the hard work that he put into this trailer and this is what he does not only to subscribe to him but be part of the patreon and just join in because he’s got more to show That’s the beginning, looks real okay that was not a bad trailer I gotta say that was not a bad trailer I’ve seen fan made trailers before uh and I’ve definitely seen some good ones and I’ve seen some bad ones and this is definitely a good fan made trailer obviously i can tell because he does a bunch of them like you know if you know people like his trailers now some more of his fan-made trailers or what he calls as dream trailers because in a sense they are what fans dream of it’s what fans want uh to be seen in movies or in the sequels of very popular movies and so I think he does a great job of kind of putting these fan fantasies into the limelight and kind of tries to put it in a realistic uh realistic trailer there you go got our boy gone man the myth the legend this guy who does hero’s great tv show okay one last time in the arena so I’m surprised that he’s using steel the dead cows to you know to make his grip and his fist stronger so that’s like training technique a few the legend is back there we go don’t forget to subscribe this channel press the like button here we go guys the mid-face Russian legendary fighter okay i like the drums on the soundtrack being played you know live i like that that’s Robert de Niro that’s Robert de Niro my friends like Robert De Niro appearing in the end it’s incredible so great trailer we could see like uh all the characters so far that uh I think Creed didn’t appear what appeared uh Evan Drago we could see the guy who Peter and Rocky five that actor that does a famous character on heroes a great tv show like I mentioned uh see the son of the of creed you could not see really the polar creed but who could see sun you could see one Drago and you could see Robert De Niro man oh this is like a real trailer right here man got everything that the trailer needs that is true yo it’s just turning out really good a few hours that’s it the legend is back for the final fight the effects the editing skills man it was it was really good MacamTV shout out to you man this was amazing freaking I love seeing Sylvester Michael well not Michael B yeah that is Michael B oh I love how he gets all the credit too oh for this being a fan made trailer pick the right music for one I mean they’re all the parts you just decide to like collide it just suits everything nice I love it I love it for a dream trailer fan made freaking dope Please support all these awesome creators all names in the description below.