Strong Vs Weak Writing In Games Or Webseries
Nov 7, 2020 11:22 · 954 words · 5 minute read
when I was a kid I used to enjoy what i call now immature writting i used to enjoy that and when i say immature writting basically i mean this good vs bad nice vs evil and all the things which makes a teenager’s hallucination more powerful more pleasurous basically we all know teenagers always enjoy hallucinating about thier favourite movie scenes thier favourite web series or favourite game lets say they love hallucination and dont get me wrong i am not against this good vs evil thing i still enjoy that but i definetly have a better taste now and as soon as a youtuber like me says i dont like this good vs evil thing plz add some aspect add some prespective suddenly an immature kid appears in the comment section and he is always like you guys dont like good vs evil you guys support devil you guys are the reason why this world is not a better place to live you guys always support devil you guys will be the reason of the downfall of oursociety and i am like come on man come on give me a brake come on we dont support devil come on we definetly dont support devil we just support mature writing we support aspect we support prespective let me just explain you what we expect now george rr martin the author of the book game of thrones had this saying that whenever a group of people went in a cave to fight a monstor and they all survived it really frustrated me now why he said this let me remind you this is the same man who added dragons in his books now let me give you an amazing example of reality an awesome example britishers ruled over the world the sun never set on british empire they were so powerful but what exactly happened after ww2 after ww2 america became superpower and surpassed the britishers why america won why politics business there were many factors why america became superpower let us not disscuss all of that so this is the reality what exactly happened in the dark night movie joker won the game by manipulating harvey dent joker littrally won but what exactly happened batman took all the blame on himself and as harvey was good so batman became bad and eventually won the game until a new villan arrived the main question here is how can we write a good story or in our case how can we judge a good story what is a good story how can we know how can we pass a judgment how came we make video videos about it what is the key aspect and prespective are the most important thing in any character story or in any story wheather you take video game web series anything you take aspect and prespective are the most important thing if there is no aspect or prespective it is just shallow good vs evil and nobody wants that nobody likes that now there are no. of examples of shows which started with aspect and prespective but as time passed they just became good vs evil and that was really really bad now why aspect and prespective are son important well a person changes with time a person changes with events and changes with circumstances the people around the character changes with time the people around the main character changes with events and any event is based upon cause and effect cause abd effect a person makes different decisions under different circumstances ser jaime lanister is the perfect example of how a person changes with time he changed with time he lost his hand he met a lady to whom he recited his story and eventually became evil to neutral which is what we all are we became we all are neutrals who became good or bad based on the circumstances around us given the opportunity to be good we can be good if the circumstances are bad we can become bad based upon factors well we youtubers were the first who warned everyone about game of thrones everyone thought we are just controversy creators we got less views we got dislikes we got hate and we youtubers were the only ones who tried to warn you guys i really want to know how this arya batman volverine stark survived in this scene somebody give me a somebody plz explain this to me guys i know you want to blame d&d for the downfall of season 8 but i want to blame immature fans for its downlfall who accepted the season 5,6 and 7 i want to blame these and finally when season 8 was destroyed then everyone became aware one of the great character of gta 5 michael was really a complex character he loved his family he liked his friends he cheated his friends for family there was aspect in that guy there was conflict in that guy and thats the beauty of his character now i know you guys must be thinking that the character of prince of persia was kinda rigid in warrior within game he is kinda regid he is kinda alone so i may not like that guy… no thats wrong i love this guy no homo no homo and he is awesomenow why i like this guy because he is in conflict sometimes sometimes he is sad and there are some scenes in prince of persia ww when he is alone and he is talking to himself i hope you remmember that real life example i gave to you guys the example about america and britain i hope you guys remmember that .