La pandemia del Coronavirus es culpa mia

Mar 25, 2020 11:13 · 777 words · 4 minute read 01 new york times attended

Hello my name Lot Amorós, I have 37, I am a computer engineer and have asthma I share with you that I am responsible for the appearance of the virus crown in the world. Right now I find myself confined As many of you. During this confinement time was trying to understand what was the origin of this virus and how I got to us. I arrived at this article which says corona virus that has existed for over 10,000 years and wonder why all this time has not come to infect humans. Article of the New York Times: The ecology of Disease The disease ecology talks that the least 60% of diseases emerging originate in animals and east to the least two - thirds they originate in wildlife.

And it is 00:47 - that in this world there are at least more than 100 million virus, the which more than a million viruses or even been discovered. Magazine Scientific American says the following: if we invade tropical forests and wild ecosystems that are home to many species of animals and plants, and many these creatures are unknown virus, if we cut the trees, kill the animals, put it in boxes and sent to markets are breaking ecosystems. We are waving their virus natural hosts and what happens is looking for a new host, and They find. Now that host us. We have attended numerous pandemics in the plant kingdom, multiple species have been degraded forest with climate change, this virus has demonstrated that animals and people are united, it has made a connection. I am responsible because I bought food with palm oil, I bought paper or wood without clear origin, not be clear if I was deforested a jungle.

Livestock is one of the main responsible for the 01:56 - deforestation. Did we thought we were going to be healthy in a sick ecosystem? I think not. I am guilty also of having ignored science, look at this article from 2007: the presence of reservoirs of virus as the crown along with bats culture of eating exotic animals in southern China is a ticking time bomb. A time bomb that has been there for 13 years. I am guilty if I bought milk from soy without knowing the origin, not knowing If these crops are increasing deforestation.

In this report WWF 02:31 - italia hablan de el efecto búmeran de la destrucción de los ecosistemas, de los diferentes pasos para que esta epidemia llege hasta nosotros. El primer paso es la deforestación, el segundo paso es el tráfico de especies, los mercados de animales, y por último el salto del virus entre una especie a otra. Cuando los ecosistemas están en equilibrio y están sanos, no hay riesgo de pandemias, el virus se encuentra en equilibrio. ¿Qué pensamos que le van a ocurrir a todos esos animales estresados porque estamos destruyendo sus ecosistemas? Que van a enfermar, y esas enfermedades nos las van a pasar a nosotros. La naturaleza no va a morir sola. Va a morir matando. Así que efectivamente soy culpable por mi modo de consumo, por haber colaborado en la destrucción de los ecosistemas de este mundo, y haber contribuido a el inequilibrio de este planeta.

Pero todavía 03:21 - hoy hay dos cosas que podemos hacer. La primera es forzar nuestros gobiernos para que dejen de destruir los ecosistemas, podemos también dejar de consumir productos que favorezcan la deforestación a nivel mundial. Esta es una de las cosas que podemos hacer, pero hay otra cosa muy importante, que es restaurar los ecosistemas forestales. Como parte del problema también he intentado procurar una solución, he desarrollado junto con un equipo de personas una máquina capaz de hacer esto, un dron que lanza semillas y es capaz de recuperar una hectárea en sólo cinco minutos. Pero para eso necesito vuestra ayuda. Dronecoria lanzó su propuesta en la plataforma de crowdfunding Indigogo donde aspira a recaudar unos 12.000 euros.

Lanzamos una 03:58 - campaña de crowdfunding hace tres semanas para restaurar los ecosistemas a nivel global, hasta ahora han contribuido más de 160 personas, pero esta crisis del virus ha bloqueado la campaña. Ahora mismo necesitamos que esta barra llegue up to this point. There are only six days and we reached 76 percent. We have organizations in Brazil, Paraguay Thailand, Australia and madagascar, who they are eager to use this technology to restore ecosystems on a scale never before seen. Help us raise funds necessary for this not again occur.

If you can not contribute is 04:37 - OK, but you can share this video and together find a solution Thank you. .