🇨🇦 Covid-19 en Edmonton, Canada. Actualizado 🇨🇦 ( Subtitles in English)
Dec 19, 2020 22:00 · 3319 words · 16 minute read
Hi, I’m Chelo, and I’m here in Edmonton, I put together Welcome to one more video today I wanted to show you a little how Christmas was celebrated here with the lights and others but hey I received many messages and many requests that how is the issue of the covid updated here on Edmonton I think it is the second time I am going to speak the subject on my channel but since we already heard it everywhere, it and in and we are a little tired but hey does not hurt a little information and a little update as is the subject here the First part is going to be an interview that channel three of Rosario that I thank was like three weeks or so a week ago and the restrictions began to be a little more strict, last week again so if you don’t want to see the whole report on end of the video. I’m going to give you a little more information updated that as of December 8 they started again the restrictions a little more strong so you well, I leave you with the interview do you hear it there? There I hear you. To Pablo and Santiago. Yes, there it is. Now we also have to talk about the Maradona and actually a daughter that yesterday eh it was known in all the media that it was well claiming paternity for her. Well, we change the subject, we now we are going on a trip to detach ourselves as much as we are like to do at this time of the morning, we return and leave, to Canada. We fly and go straight to Canada. So we have never been. A lot. We were never in Canada, so which is the first.
Hi Chelo, how are you doing? Good morning, 01:53 - good what, noon for what time is the day. No, they are the ten minutes to four in the morning. Clear. Four minus ten of tomorrow. But hey, with whatever, with being connected to Rosario, always awake, so no, no there’s a problem. Well, thanks, thanks. No, I mean, we are further east. Then, that chelo, so we are in the future, chelo, here I tell you, at seven forty-nine, no there are too many changes, huh? There I see you, you look clear. I know I what is going to happen , I already know that Maradona’s daughter is the daughter, and for know that Juan is in that Corrientes, Córdoba, and he goes to go there, the people, me. I already know it all. Well, you are Rosario. Pure , proud, Rosarino.
I already left 02:37 - twenty years ago, but I keep telling Rosario always in the bow. Well, two notes, one, the music has to do with you, shirt. So, actually, you come to the future, you honor why we are in the future, and another thing, you already armed, tell the little tree, I was seeing the same thing. Here. You got ahead. Here in Canada, here in Canada it’s been like a month and a half before, just ends Halloween, he takes off all the things from his Halloween and put the little tree. Ah, look, I mean, it the little tree in the month of November.
Anyway, we 03:10 - we put together like two, three days ago, but here is it possible to before. And is there any tradition, something particular for do it? Family, Eh hot chocolate and nothing can be pizza. Here. Christmas music. It’s a tradition to do just like one. Here they say that you have to put something new on it for example, and make some wishes to renew energy. Well, I will. What do I know, ask for a cat. chelo me at this time, is there anyone sleeping in your house? And my wife and my son are upstairs sleeping so no, not problem, we can walk calmly. Speak slowly yes. Querés, nor do we want to wake them up at dawn, for right? Nothing happens.
Are they from Rosario too, or is your wife 03:58 - Canadian? My wife is Canadian who lived in Argentina for a while and my son is Mexican, we live, I live there for twenty years in Mexico. Ah, well, traveling all over the world. Well, chelo, tell us, how the situation there in Canada? What what, what is the what can be done in relation to the pandemic? Well, I’ll tell you more or less a summary of what started here by Actually, it was never a mandatory quarantine, because which in the long run could affect the economy and mental health of the people so it was recommended to strongly staying at home and business closed, long schools, and a little while ago, like a week or so ago, the second wave arrived, eh. And there is already a started to restrict things again. They had opened the summer here that is from June and how do I say a week ago they began to close eh and businesses eh schools, they also began to close little by little and and the second hour is coming now at the end of December. are we, well, and now, what kind of restrictions do there? You have to hang out with Barbiejo all the time, you you have can you normally leave.
Barbiejo could, was 05:14 - have all the time, you can go out, you can go out, social distance, but it cannot, for example, be reunited in house, more than ten people, weddings, funerals, neither most of a lot of people, but for example, I can go to a they parks, to have mate or coffee with someone. AHA. And and then forever in the open air and with a mask. Business, by example, a business has to be like a third more or least busy, they cannot be full, because yes, if there are lot of people contact, and this, the school, schools always close on winter holidays, they are celebrate the holidays, Christmas, the end of the year, but instead of being two small weeks, they will close a month. Clear. They are trying to that, to lengthen the more than anything. Well, speaking of that, a chelo, well, here it was known that Great Britain is going to be the first country in the West that begins vaccination now few days, what information do you have about the vaccine also? Hey, I know that from January they were going to start more or less vaccinate and the elderly. Good.
And those who are in the 06:28 - line front, which are the nurses, doctors, and others. And to the people, the normal ones, the mortals, eh, like in April, in May. Ah, well, perfect, but that is going to start to give also there in Canada, let’s say. While. Marcelo, is Juan Pedro going to add to the note that you are the watching and listening from the center of Rosario, so, Juanpe, cheloalso listens to you. Thanks Pablo, hello chelo, how are you doing? Good morning to you. It is a places.
Hey, I want to ask you about the following, you see 07:02 - images from Canada with an impressive amount of snow in the streets, I don’t know if that’s the case, exactly in the where you live, and it is known that the virus, the corona virus, is contagion is enhanced in the winter season during the cold, yes? Because people we are in more comfortable closed, and in the closed place, he is strengthened has been this in Canada considering that the cold is or for what one sees and reads, they are very intense. Hello Juan Pedro eh here the truth is one of the coldest places right the video last place was the world record that made forty-two under zero with a thermal sensation of fifty-one I was locked in the house eh and crazy did he come out and what they say they separate, eh they are what the reality of the colds that are always found this time, uh, and symptoms, for example, like colds and and some that are only typical of, uh, a flu, not going to take into account how as a corona virus a then they are going to specify for example the eh or dry, pain of the body, and others eh but yes how a wave is going to come to always knew that at this time there comes uh flu, or colds, going to take that into account, when making the studies. Well, Juan, any more? Well and then uh I ask you something that has more than anything to do with Canada right? With life on a day-to-day basis, because if I don’t understand bad condition, it is a bilingual country, that is, there are two languages on the official, two official languages, English and French, how communication has been ? How does that work? How does it work in canada? Eh apart from being a large country it separates lot by provinces, right? Because they also have a even the English colonies that are from those of this side, I am, hey, only English, here a lot of French, not no French is spoken more than anything on the other side that is not Quevec and the whole area that is the French area that here is sometimes they want to separate and be eh like even like a country differently, but with English here, so people want to come with English, eh that’s fine. Uh-huh. Is there an offer? work for Argentines? Yes there are quite a few. Very good job offer, right? Eh Canada it is always to catch the good and recommended people from other countries and bringing them to here.
So, I was studying this these last 09:47 - months of the subject and and yes, I have a YouTube channel to bring migration councils and others, so that people have the possibility to come. Marcelo, there is a lot of talk that Ice hockey is undoubtedly the number one sport, a I do not know if you have a soccer roots because you are from Rosario, if I you like ice hockey, watching games and if it really is Well, it is that it is a crazy passion of Canadians. Yes, They take it as very big, but no, I’m not football. Soccer. Good. football. I was hooked on the winter theme , forty-two degrees below zero, you said there was a maximum record with fifty-odd thermals. how is the logistics of such a day? In other words, you wake up in your house it can only hold with a stove, tell me, you live with forty-two below zero because I don’t know if he is going to work, he is going to the supermarket, how is it done? When they are extreme cold like that day, it closes, everything closes, right? I don’t know, he recommends exit, but here with a minus twenty than minus thirty, people go the same, the boys go to the garden, no, people go to work, I have what we have back here is the heating, that is, it comes out, it is not a stove. course, it is all the time.
Everything is ready, it is prepared, room 11:10 - imagine that they have lived like this, forever. Yes. Then, of thus, thus they live. Clear. You saw that when you go to Bariloche, example, he says it is a dry cold, it is a different cold, how is the cold there in Canada? The same, dry. Look. Good. And that feels less, right? Because humidity is what it seems. For that, the subject that with Juan, about the symptoms that not have, because you may have some symptoms that you can , you are afraid that it may be to run to Viruses and you can you know, but in the end it is only a flu, having a cough normal that I could give you here at this time. Sure, what is the the typical dish? There, how do you have breakfast, tell us, is now in a while, what time does the day start? What is what breakfast served at the table? Here they start late the same, eh? Ten in the morning, nine, ten in the morning. I start early, like always.
But I matecito and I am quite a bit I stay with my 12:03 - things. I have, I live here, I live abroad for a long time, but always the traditions and the things that one can have from their place, that’s what I like. Sure, but stop, one bakery, you say he was a vigilante, a cream bomb, how do you do? Ah, in English. Sure, but there are the same ones, bills, I mean, exactly. No, no, yes, bills, bills how when we do, no, but you buy a bread, I have milk wifi, and I put it on, but you try to maintain a little the things that take you home to your heart. Clear.
Well, and for example, your son, what does he have for breakfast? I mean, 12:38 - because your wife is also Canadian, you are Argentine. Mexican. Of course, I say that I am interested in knowing at the table how to the day is set. The breakfast here on the original is pretty American. Scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon. Polenta. It is quite large. Chiquititas and mate . Sure, chelo, and you and your son, what do you have in head? He feels Canadian, Mexican, or Argentine. It is a mixture of everything, because now we are watch football games. Clear.
And nothing for not knowing by 13:16 - what to inflate. Clear. So. Clear. Because apart from that they give him Lalo de Messi, he sees the shirt from the other day and says but to the for those who play do not have a problem yet do not know four years I don’t know, it goes little by little. Clear. And well make a eh un. A spa. Sure eh are somehow prepared on special for the holidays there are, uh, you just said final meetings of no more than ten people seems to me, right? Yes. That’s why now the theme of the holidays what are you trying to do now is close from now on so that for example what would be the holidays the last week of the year so they can open a and that people can meet a little more. Good. Then I know hope that it can open a little more to that time.
13:59 - chelo, well, it has been a pleasure to meet you, to know your history, we deeply appreciate that you have stayed awake. Yes. Being so early or so late, It depends on how it is measured, there in the middle of the Canadian morning, and We send you a big hug. Well, thank you very much for the possibility, greetings to all the people of Rosario, you miss a lot, and you always carry Rosario in your heart. Well, chelo, a great pleasure, eh. I don’t know if you’re going to keep sleeping now, the day is about to open. To sleep. To sleep. Well, thank you, eh? Have a good night then. Goodbye. Goodbye Marcelo, thank you. Goodbye Marcelo.
Greetings to the whole 14:34 - people from Rosario, you miss a lot, and you always get along in the heart, Rosario. I wanted to talk about my YouTube channel and tell you things there, I mentioned it, but it did not give me ball. I wanted to make jokes, and to speak as a joke, as a joke, but they spoke to me very seriously this. Well, I hope you liked the interview. Well, what I’m going to do, more than anything, show you a little bit in General Features, regulations that are new in the province of Alberta, where the pile is, in late months, if the cases were going up, it is stipulated that they are regulations are from December 8 to 12 of January. I think the calculation came out wrong, because what has been going on for is That Christmas, which is much bigger than the end of the year, here in Canada and it is most likely that it is restricted forbidden meetings in closed places if you live in your life house only with your relatives only with them for the people who live alone you can have two contacts that are unique that you can go visit for example makes one week and a half plus almost two weeks that we are not going Luca’s grandparents see one of the m edidas is that he who does not pay attention because there is always like everywhere if the authorities find out they can make a fine that goes between thousand and fifty thousand dollars, just some of ours that got together they gave him a fine of five thousand dollars so they that I prefer to ignore and not pay five thousand dollars if did not see the video with Brandie’s sister who is nurse that here I leave you the link she is the one who advises and what he tells us all the time that we have to make and that we cannot do then what she does not tell us a follow us who do not need to be in person are asked to be in his house for those who asked me the airports closed, they can only come or well, people residents here or eh direct relatives of people who lives here in places that are not so necessary as a gym, they dance schools, casino, bingo, And places like that are one closed, restaurants and bars are also going to remain closed ones for eat at the place but they can work with a pickup or they have several restrictions well the social distance us the mandatory mask and some of the doors are closed so they can only control by few entries the movement of people also only e have a certain percentage of customers in the business a the schools to as of the eighteenth of December and to winter holidays may start from eleven o’clock January they will go back to school personally so that it is understand this more than anything it is a month not quarantine compulsory but a little more restrictions strong so that the contagion is stretched a little more so you well I hope you have been interested and remember that you can also subscribe and if you want to put the bell for That you have notifications every time I upload a new video so yes so that you know what comes from the channel eh will be a little more difficult to do a report with Argentine or Latin questions that I was doing or business but good one of the videos that are coming It is eh some events that I was filming hi Mila. Hi.
But one of the videos that are coming 17:41 - is showing how they prepare for Christmas or some houses that put their lights and a special place that we visit Christmas lights and I am still waiting for your to see what you want to ask Brandy for the next one to year when I do the report to her so good I thank you very much for continuing we are already four thousand four hundred and forty-four any questions you have remember you can contact me on Instagram thank you very much that they are well that they are healthy, courage, and remember Avanti before and Avanti always see each other. .