Dec 23, 2020 12:22 · 1638 words · 8 minute read 06 gonna go total disaster

Hello guys and welcome to a new video.. today we gonna go through most of the secret changes and additions that activison made this season.. to avoid making this video too long I won’t mention the additions and changes that has been mentioned in the patch notes.. especially that there are a lot of videos on them already.. it’s also because I’m disappointed with this update.. so we will just focus on the secret ones.. let’s get started. We gonna start with the bad news.. and there is a lot to be said here so bare with me..

you 00:35 - know that every season activison adds some cool stuff to the game like the snowboard and the new weapons but then they decide to ruin all of it with some changes that nobody asked for.. well they did it again as they made some major changes to the movement in general.. if you play the game a lot then you will notice that the movement feels weird .. it’s hard for me to exactly describe it but it’s like your character is stuck on mud .. or like it’s rusty and needs some WD-40.. I wasnt sure what was wrong exactly.. all until I read this comment from this guy right here..

I mean everything he said is true 01:04 - but this is the part that I was looking for.. he says “what was the need for character position to be shifted to the left”.. so I went to the game and I checked it.. and he was right.. if you notice here we have screenshot from season 12 and you can see that the character is close to the centre.. but in season 13 they moved the character to the left for some reason.. and I realized this was the reason why the movement felt weird and slow..

now this might not sound like a big deal but it’s actually a game changer 01:28 - as it messed up the entire movement of the character.. it also messed up the aim especially when you use hipfire you will notice that it’s harder than usual.. not to mention that it looks funny and unrealistic to the point where I feel like I’m playing free fire.. also remember last season they nerfed the slide and jump.. well it’s worse now.. sometimes instead of sliding your character will crouch even when you’re running and it’s gonna get you killed a lot as it happens more frequently compared to the last season..

but most importantly 01:53 - they decided to nerf dropshotting and proning in general.. this is a footage from last season where you can see that proning and movement is so smooth.. and this is the movement in season 13.. it’s slow and broken.. also after you prone it will take you more time to get back on your feet and during that you’re pretty much a sitting duck and you will most likely die at close range especially against enemies with good hipfire. Finally they changed the gliding or flying whatever you wonna call it.. now it’s harder to steer left and right and also harder to dive enemies..

I really have no idea why 02:21 - they keep nerfing movement every season.. it’s like they’re trying to make the game easier for new players by eliminating everything that requires skill.. and by doing that they’re ruining everything that made this game special.. like if I wanted to play an easy game where all I need to do is blast enemies I would’ve played pixel gun.. I think most would agree that they should bring back the old movement back not just from season 12 but all the way back to season 8.. it was perfect and nobody was complaining.. moving on to the classes changes..

Activison made some secret changes to classes this season 02:55 - .. starting with ninja class.. I had a lot of players asking me in the comments if this class is nerfed.. most players thought that the ninja class no longer has silent Footsteps and that’s not true.. the only thing that changed is that the ninja user will now hear his own Footsteps.. but they will remain silent to the enemies .. as you can see in this example the enemy here is using ninja class and I’m not able to hear his footsteps.. same thing applies to the mini map the footsteps still doesn’t show.. just make sure you upgrade your ninja class to get silent Footsteps.. this change is bad for ninja users because hearing your own Footsteps can be distracting.. another change is that hooking takes a bit longer than usual.. next we have the hacker class..

I believe it was the worst class in the game but they 03:41 - buffed it this season and they made the hacking time extremely fast.. honestly I was surprised when I tested it.. because before this season it took around 4 seconds just to hack 1 player .. but now as you can see we hacked 2 players in around 2 seconds.. so to sum it up for you before the update you needed 4 seconds to hack 1 player and after the update you can hack a full squad in the same time. As for the deployed classes like airborne it also takes one second to destroy them.. I’m not sure if it would be useful but I highly suggest trying it if you have an organized squad next we have the Refitter class.. if you watched my video on this class there was a glitch that allows your teammates to take much less damage when you give them armor plates even after the armor plates are broken .. so I tested this again to see if they fixed it and the answer is yes.. if you notice here before the update I’m taking 10 damage only from the AK47 even after the armor plates are gone..

where it should’ve been 18-19 damage and after the update you can see that 04:38 - the damage is 18-19 for each shot which is the normal AK-47 damage. And with this nerf the Refitter class turned from being one of the best classes to one of the worst.. and I don’t recommend using it anymore. many players in the comments told me that the defender class has been nerfed and they were right.. activison finally decided to nerf it.. and to be exact they nerfed the stun duration.. so before the update at close range the defender stuns for around 2 seconds ..

and after the update the duration was reduced by %50 and it only stuns for 1 second.. I’m sure we all agree that this nerf was much needed.. even the defender users themselves know that. the reason why I think this update was a total trash was not only the big movement change that nobody asked for.. but also the fact that they didn’t listen to what the players actually wanted.. most of the glitches hasn’t been fixed yet.. the jumping from vehicle glitch.. black screen glitch.. frame drop.. de-sync issues and so on..

and on top 05:38 - of that there are more glitches now including sound glitches where you will notice that some sounds aren’t working anymore like zipline sounds and helicopter sounds.. now I’m not an expert in game development but I guess it’s because of the changes they made to the sounds like the Footsteps and gunshots.. and don’t get me started on that because it’s a total disaster.. it became harder to distinguish enemy footsteps from teammates footsteps..I know they are trying hard to make this game more realistic but they need to stop because they’re just making it worse..

I just wished they would add the cool stuff without changing 06:06 - the current gameplay experience.. and instead just focus on fixing the big glitches that’s has been there since the start. I won’t be talking about the new additions because whatever they add to the game it doesn’t matter since the game is broken anyway.. as for the guns I will make a separate video to show the best guns in this season.. but it’s worth mentioning that the AK47 received a small nerf to the recoil and accuracy in general but you won’t even notice it..

especially 06:33 - if you use the blue one or the one you built in the gunsmith.. they also improved the hipfire accuracy and you will notice that you can hipfire enemies at longer ranges compared to last season.. another change worth mentioning they increased the height that allows you to fly so you will notice that you won’t be able to glide from certain buildings or mountains .. and you need to jump from approximately 5 meters to activate the wing suit. I’m really sorry if I sound negative in this video but it’s the reality..

when most people 06:57 - describe this season as amazing or insane where deep inside they know it’s broken.. someone needs to say it.. the current state of call of duty mobile battle royale is fucked..and personally I lost hope in Activision.. And I don’t think they will ever fix the glitches. I just hope the these changes won’t be permenant because if they are then it will change the game forever and for the worst.. I hope you guys found this useful and hopefully it cleared your confusion about the changes.. if you want to know about more about this update then check out blink channel he talked about other changes and also shared a huge airborne glitch that allows you to deploy it with out any cooldown.

07:29 - Thank you for watching and I’ll see you in the next video.. peace .