The circulatory system explained
Oct 13, 2020 13:05 · 344 words · 2 minute read
my name is Jack Haynes and i am learning and we’re going to learn together about biology for life chapter three hello my name is jack haynes and today we are going to be talking about blood vessels so there are two main kinds of blood vessels and veins although you might have heard more like arterials venules and capillaries that is true since our arteries branch in the arterials and venus veins branch in the venules and then they branch in the capillaries but i’ll be talking about that in a future video so first the veins bring deoxygenated blood to the heart that’s why you always think of veins being blue and arteries on the other hand are red because they take oxygenated blood away from toward the heart away from the heart to the rest of the body so from the right ventricle the heart the blood moves from the lungs from the heart to the lungs and from the left ventricle and move from the heart to the body so and the heart contains two ventricles the left and the right it also has two atria the left atrium and the right atrium but again that’s another topic for a future video okay so around the blood around the blood vessels there it’s a layer of cells that mix them up inside the blood vessels there are two main kinds of cells red blood cells and white blood cells red blood cells carry a substance called hemoglobin which is basically oxygen that they bring to the heart but white blood cells are the main defense system the most popular one of the white blood cells include phagocytes which phagocytize or digest any bacteria or foreign objects that enter which can include other blood cells from other types of blood but i’m talking about that in the future video how about blood types okay and before i mention anymore that’s a challenge if you like and subscribe my video okay by the way this is plaque and a blood vessel .