baby WOGUE Voice - Community Ratings

Mar 20, 2020 21:08 · 377 words · 2 minute read care though 18 understand behavior

First thanks everyone for completing this, and time to go to the results! Before though, many people will say these results come from subscribers and people that like this channel, so I want to show you something from baby WOGUE analytics. That’s the last 4 weeks analytics, and I want to compare the behavior of subscribers versus non-subscribers. Speaking of which, baby WOGUE subscribers are more resistant to Ubuntu Virus! Corona? Pff! So what I care about here, is the view duration. What we see is that subs and no-subs are watching around the same time. However a sub can watch the same video more than once, which lowers the average, but non subs have almost double the views, which typical leads to lower audience retention.

00:49 - Point? There is not really a difference on how people receive the audio! Okay, time for the actual stats! On the first card I ask for native versus non-native English speakers, and I will compare their votes between them. On this card I ask on what device the audio sounds better, but because I didn’t make that quite clear I will ignore it. On how good people are understanding the speech, which is perhaps the most important ability, we have. 8.81 average, 9.01 for native, and 8.60 for the rest. Almost 9 for non-native English speakers sounds good, but 9 for native speakers is kinda bad! In any case all videos have subtitles now! On how pleasant the voice sounds, we have. 7.69 average, 7.60 for native, and 7.79 for the rest. It might makes you impression, but synthesizing voices score just one unit below natural speech! In the short future human speech will come second, like when YOU (humans) lost on chess! On my story telling we have. 8.32 average, 8.21 for native, and 8.44 for the rest.

02:05 - English language version 2 *********! #motherf*ckers :p Then there’s this question if background music makes voice harder to understand, with 20% saying yes. And finally is an overall voice rating, scoring 8.12 average, 8.05 for native, and 8.18 for the rest! So that was all for now, and the way I see it, it can only get improved! Not far far from now, I’m imagining something like.. .