Geoffrey says COUNT EVERY VOTE
Nov 5, 2020 17:37 · 269 words · 2 minute read
Greetings from South Dakota. My name is Geoff Barrett. I am a Republican and I cannot tell you the level of offense I am taking at the President’s effort to prevent Americans of any political party from voting. For having their vote count. From having their actions prevented from being taken. Particularly the military. If he was to have his way, our military voters would be completely disenfranchised. That is utterly unacceptable. These people put their lives on the line for us every day. Now what about those of us who stood in line to vote? Those of us who took responsibility to obtain a ballot. To send it in. To deliver it, and to exercise our right.
01:10 - We are in danger of having every Americans’ rights thrown out by a man who is throwing a temper tantrum over losing. It’s not even a sure thing right now. Then why, why do we have to be subjected to this by this administration? Is it the goal to make sure that we are so separated, that we can never recover? Mr. President, act presidential. Stop denying those of us who have the right to vote, to exercise that right. Stop preventing states from performing their duty. You sir are guilty of voter intimidation. That’s what this tactic is. It is simply an effort to intimidate those who are responsible for protecting the sanctity of our voting process from fulfilling their civic, social, political, and federal responsibility.
02:36 - We need these people to be able to perform their duty without threat. I object. Thank you for listening. .