Der RasenMonkey zum Rasen sanden - ein Sandstreuer, der durch den RASENFREAK inspiriert wurde!
Sep 16, 2020 04:00 ยท 1163 words ยท 6 minute read
Good morning dear lawn freaks, welcome to a new video from Lawnfreak Andreas Krauss. We have something really cool today and we are going to visit Monkeyman Matthias. Matthias, also a viewer of my channel, saw this thing, this old car of mine, on my video. Ancient video, I once converted this sand cart into a lawn sander. With it you can dry, so really dried, quartz sand on the lawn.
00:40 - I just drilled holes here in this cart so that the sand trickles out evenly. And then another baffle here, I hope you can see that now, a baffle welded to it. Matthias has now developed the thing further. And I’m very excited, he’ll introduce it to me today. And you’re there again ๐. Have fun in my video. So dear lawn freaks, we are here, we are with Matthias the Monkeyman. And I’m sitting on a Monkey, isn’t that awesome. Incredible, a real motorcycle icon, moped icon, whatever, totally cool. And now let’s take a look at Matthias’s workshop in the garage. And his first devices which he has already packed. I am very curious how the device works. We’re about to sprinkle some sand on the lawn with the RasenMonkey.
02:06 - Now we have arrived at the workshop, or rather it is not a workshop, it is a garage. And as you can see, Matthias has already packed his RasenMonkey. So first thing I have to say, there is a cool sticker. I think that’s really cool, really nice stickers. Which you also get, the most important thing is of course a sticker, no, the machine is important. Let’s get to it in a moment. So the Monkeys are packed, the RasenMonkey, and we’re going to look at one of those devices. There it is, the RasenMonkey. Super, super cool. Here as I did, of course, the beautiful big holes. And to show the absolute highlight of this little machine, is the wonderful service. You have a handle up here and with this handle you pull up the holes below. That is of course totally cool. I have… She: Again! Back then I only put a sheet metal rail on my gritter and then moved away with such a tape.
03:26 - That was terribly awkward, you could open the holes, but it could no longer be closed. So if you ran into an obstacle somewhere, then you had a problem. Either you got around it quickly, otherwise all the sand would have trickled out. And you can prevent that here, of course, is fantastic, by then simply letting the holes go again. And of course you can lock this handle in different positions. Here are three locking positions: In the top locking position, the holes are of course fully open. In the smallest detent position, I’ll say a third, two thirds, three thirds. Of course, this can still be dosed accordingly using the adjusting screw. And the very, very nice feature is when I open the spreader and drive off and I come to an obstacle, then I only need to pull the handle briefly, and then the opening is closed again. Then the holes are closed again and hopefully nothing will trickle out.
04:38 - That is exactly what was missing from my sand spreader back then. You just have to be smart and develop cool solutions. And then you can sell things like that. I don’t need to do anything. That’s service here. My wheelbarrow is fully loaded. You: Drive now. He: I’m driving around. You: Go ahead. He. Are you filming already? You: Yes, drive now ๐๐. Looks really good. Of course that’s really cool when you see your own ideas come true, and when someone develops what you started. I’m not jealous at all; I think it’s totally cool that Matthias invented and developed this RasenMonkey here. Has installed a great operator. And with that you can really sand your lawn very nicely, very evenly.
06:18 - It is just very important that the turf is dry. And the best way to keep the turf dry is to throw sand on the lawn. How do I always say: Sand always works ๐. Sand is the top topic when it comes to lawn care. As I said, sand dries the turf. Sand ensures that no fungi and moss form. And ultimately, sand can also be used to smooth the ground. So even out the bumps. To do this, of course, more sand has to be scattered. You’d have to go over here a lot more often.
06:53 - And then you can work the sand into the ground. Matthias just revealed that he has dug a lot of sand on the corner of his house. And now I’ve got myself a spade, and let’s see what this actually looks like. The lawn looks great, really great. We prick it very carefully, we don’t want to destroy it too much. That feels really sandy. Let’s see what that looks like. I don’t believe it ๐ณ. Look at this here, it’s all just sand. Madness! That is unbelievable! And what does the lawn do, it’s growing like crazy. It’s unbelievable.
Incomprehensible! The lawn grows like crazy on pure sand. Nobody ever believes me, but here… cool. Isn’t it nice how this sand trickles? incredible By the way, I connected a hose. No, bullshit. Which I also find very nice what Matthias is now offering here. You get a sandbag delivered with the device. To use the right sand right away. To see what good sand actually is. What a good sand looks like. And that’s why he’s sending… this wonderful sand here. And this is really, really great quartz sand. So I think that’s very cool.
You know exactly what I have to use for a sand, 08:45 - so that the device works properly. And again, I said it in the beginning the sand must be pourable otherwise it won’t work. So any wet sand from the sand pit doesn’t work. It has to be washed and dried quartz sand that trickles really nicely. This is important. That… otherwise the device won’t work. So dear lawn freaks, this is it with the RasenMonkey. Of course there is also a really nice instruction manual. The device is largely pre-assembled. There are very, very nice illustrated instructions that are shrink- wrapped in foil. You can even hang them in the workshop with a little tape if you like. And of course there are also two stickers, stickers are always cool. Yes, that about the device. That’s it now from, I’ll say it again, from Monkeyman. Thank you for watching. See you in the next video if you like.
09:51 - I look forward to you all! Your Lawnfreak says Goodbye and see you. And the sand trickles every day. Oh quiet… wait a minute ๐ Sings: The sand trickles softly, the Lawnfreak be happy… [Music] .