Red Dead Redemption 2 [2018] [Episode 04] [Lang: En - Sub: En/Ar]

Nov 9, 2020 12:00 · 7968 words · 38 minute read complex circumstances dumb bastards pushing

I’m real hungry here. Can I get a few cents? Boy. Be careful. I’ll put one square between your eyes. That’s an interesting way of putting it, Seamus. Oh no doubt, I do interesting very well. It’s trusting I don’t do so well. Please… Please… Arthur. This is Seamus… he’s our new partner. I ain’t no such thing. Prospective new partner… if he likes us. Liking ain’t the problem… trusting is, as I said. Keep your voices down… I don’t want my boss hearing. This is a side line. Course. Look at us, honest as the day is long. Exactly. I tell you what… let us prove ourselves. Prove ourselves? To this clown? What you talking about? Good day, Hosea… good luck with your business dealings. Listen, he’s rough and ready and quick with his tongue… but I swear, you can trust him, and trust me. I’m an old man. You’re not old, Seamus. I’m old enough… and you know why I ain’t dead? You don’t trust idiots. Exactly. We’re not idiots… let us prove it to you. Okay… I tell you what…

02:05 - Arthur! Old Bob Crawford and his boys… just bought a beautiful stolen stage coach from upstate. It’s in their barn. Now you go get that… and then we can work together. Who’s old Bob Crawford? An acquaintance of mine. So you want us to take out your competition? Well, he-he’s not just an acquaintance… but a cousin… by marriage. I also want to see if you boys got what it takes. Now, you survive that…

02:30 - Where is he? He’s in a farmhouse just northwest of here, called Carmody Dell. It’s just up the train tracks… as you’re heading tip towards Fort Wallace. There’s also some money in that house… but that’s your business, not mine… but don’t kill nobody. Folks know we ain’t intimate no more… and they’ll know it was me. But, you’re fine with us robbing your cousin? By marriage… and yes, I’d love it. You heard the man… let’s go rob his cousin. By marriage. Really? Really. Lead the way. He said the place is just northwest of here. Me? You’re the one who’s been out gallivanting around here. That’s what you call it. Clearly you’ve recovered from your bear encounter.

03:30 - Could have played that better, couldn’t you? Thought you wanted me here to show some strong arm? That’s usually how it goes. Yes. but… you know how this works. C’mon, Hosea. That feller’s a joke. And that’s why he’s perfect. He won’t cause us any problems. A safe spot to fence wagons and coaches, that’s easy money for us. I guess you’re right. Come on, it’s not like he’s asking us to rob a bank. If the two of us can’t steal a stagecoach from Seamus’ old crooked cousin by marriage, we should hang up our hats now. * To retire or cease working or performing some task or duty * That must be the place up ahead. We should go on foot from here.

04:48 - Let’s see what we’re dealing with, come on. There’s the house. I see the barn in the back, stagecoach has to be in there. Okay, let’s take a quick look at the place… See anyone? Nope. Okay… I reckon we could do it now. Sneak in, I’ll get the coach, you can try the house. Or… wait until morning, when I’ll head over… distract them by putting on a little show… while you sneak into the house. find what you can, and… then get the stagecoach.

05:53 - What do you think? Let’s do it now. Alright. I reckon we’re ready. Let’s go. Maybe take a peek through the windows before you go in, make sure it’s all quiet. Get on, dear boy. We must been to go faster than this. You’ll gonna crush if you don’t slow down. Nicely done, we got everything we needed. And I’m pretty sure they never even knew I was there. Best way, less problems the better right now.

12:32 - just need to get this back to Seamus in one piece and it’s a good night’s work. So what were you able to lift from the house? A few bits and pieces, nothing too fancy. Well we need anything we can get right now. This was easier than hunting a thousand-pound grizzly anyway. No doubt. I won’t forget that in a hurry. I’m looking forward to your retelling of that one around the campfire. “It wasn’t the first time Mr. Matthews had stared death in the eye, and as usual he did not flinch”. Exactly. So how long you think we’re gonna stick around here for? Not sure. Until we can’t, I suppose. Feels like we’re starting to get back on our feet, slowly but surely. just need to keep at it. Okay, here we are. just pull the coach into the barn there. Get back on the path. Hello. Seamus… we met your cousins. How was it? Fine… nice people. Park that thing in here… quickly. Nice work, Hosea. It was mostly Arthur. Like I said. coarse, but competent. Here. Thank you. If you find any other coaches that need selling… I’ll see what I can offer you for them. But discreet, you know? Of course. Goodbye, gentlemen. I’m heading back to camp, I think. You coming? Sure. Hey, Arthur.

16:32 - What you want? Uncle told me something about a train. What did he say? Mary-Beth overheard something about a train… full of wealthy folk… rolling down through Scarlet Meadows… just south of the state border. Yes. You need help with it? I ain’t even sure about doing it. Come on… at night, not too guarded, it’s perfect. I ain’t thought it through. You know, stopping a train… pain in the ass. Sure. but what if… we could force a train to stop. Well, of course. We get a wagon, full of something flammable… Oil… put it on the tracks. They see it… they know they either have to stop, or die.

17:12 - Ain’t no train driver wants to be cooked alive. That is… kinda brilliant. Uh, for you. And that is a real idea… I think that’s the first time you ever had one of them. Shut up. You might be the first bastard to ever have half his… brains eaten by a wolf and end up more intelligent. So, we doing it? Yeah, we’re gonna need ammunition, guns… look real frightening… and some dynamite to open up the train. I’ll get the supplies… gotta head into town for Abigail anyway. Don’t even ask. You go find us an oil wagon. Yeah, I know just the place.

17:52 - They’re always heading into that refinery. There’s an old rundown shack just over the border… north of a place called Dewberry Creek. Leave it hidden somewhere near there. Shall we, Javier? Hey, Arthur. Easy. Hey you, stop right there! Boys! Someone’s stealing the wagon! Come on Let’s go. Get. Arthur! Oh, Arthur! You seem in a good mood. I am, son, I am… Let’s have some fun… tonight. Let’s enjoy ourselves. We having a party? Maybe, just a little one. Great. Mr. Macguire is back. So, come on…

let’s have ourselves a party! 24:31 - Oh, please make it quick. Uncle Sean is back. Uncle Sean is back. Oh please. Uncle Sean is back. Oh sit down, you fool! Didn’t take you long! I’ll keep them girls in line, if I have to whip’em, I will! Yeah right! Did you get a bump on the head? Yeah… Somebody needs to. Yeah… Somebody needs to. And don’t you worry, Mr. Pearson, you drunk old shit bag. And don’t you worry, Mr. Pearson, you drunk old shit bag. It’ll be nothing but, uh… the finest game in the pot, Yeah takes one to know one, Macguire. now Dead Eye Macguire’s back! And don’t worry about nothing Miss Grimshaw… we’ll have this camp running like clockwork… I love you bastards… have fun.

Have lots of fun! 25:14 - Yeah Sean! Can we drink now, please? Let’s drink. Uh oh, here comes trouble. I just can’t get rid of you, can I? Hey there Mind if you join you fine folks? Still one of life’s great pleasures, sitting by the fire with friends. No matter what else happens, nothing quite beats sitting by the fire. You can have the hounds of hell after ya, and all the angels of vengeance alongside them, but a warm fire and you feel all is okay. Them that discovered the stuff must have thought they was gods among monkeys.

25:52 - They discovered fire! In our time… they’ve discovered a wire you can talk down to speak to people you wanted to avoid so much you moved to a different town to escape them. Yeah. th-that’s the one! ♪ In Louisville I met a maid, ♪ ♪ Mark well what I do say, ♪ Finally some good news, hey? Indeed. l was fearing the worst. You usually do, my love. You know this one, don’t you? Go join in. Go get yourself a drink, you deserve one. How many times have we heard this song? And then they jump back in again! Stupid. You know what? That taught me something… Very nice, but how about something a little more civilized? That’s right. And… and if you can tell the difference between a… the difference between a sheep and…

27:58 - Hi, Pearson Lenny So you brought the loud mouth kid back to us… I’m sorry. I wanted them to hang him. Well he amuses me. You done good, Arthur. Loyalty. john. How did you get on? Good. and you? Got everything we need. Good. I think we need another man. Charles? I’ll go get him. Meet us at the wagon when you can. Sure. See, Arthur… I ain’t that dumb. Next time, let the wolves eat all your brain… then you’ll be a genius. Easy! Oh, boy. Alright, boy. Hey, who’s that? Arthur. Welcome back. Don’t remember much about last night. When are you gonna get off your ass and do something? I’m pacing myself, Arthur. It’s the mostly I’m scared about. Well, don’t be… you’ll be fine, you’re one of us now. You know this hydes in furs can also be done up in the coats and boots and such. Beyond my skills but there is a traveler who travels around this part, Canadian feller. Skill tenner. He can make just about anything. You should drop in on him sometimes. Okay. I’ll keep my eye for him. Good we really needed this. Thank you, Arthur.

33:35 - Before you come any closer, the answer is no. What did I want? You wanted money. Shit. Well, at least it ain’t your job. Ah, shut up, Arthur. Yeah, your job’s starting the fights… it ain’t Winning them. I can scrap, Arthur… I’m just no good at home work. I can see. Besides, what do you care. Englishman… you’ve got no time for me. I tried to find you work… but then you’re off cutting jobs with other folks… and your boy Sean doesn’t get a look in. Guess I don’t wanna get shot, that’s all. Ah, you’re a real fucking funny shit, Arthur Morgan, huh? Real fucking funny. Calm down. You better sleep with your eyes open. Yeah, well you’re gonna sleep with your chest open… if you ain’t careful, boy. I love ya, Arthur Morgan… I love ya. Come on. take a shot. Come on, take your best shot, please. Grow up. Let me come on the raid with yous…

36:07 - Raid? Don’t be playing coy with me, son, it’s unbecoming. That bloody train you and him has set up. What you’re doing out here, you’re going to need guns… you’re going to need men. Oh, that. So Marston told you? It ain’t a big show… I need calmness. If I take you, I might as well bring Micah along. Compare me to that oily turd again… and you’re a dead man. Fair enough. Anyway. Arthur… what’s your problem with me? In fact don’t tell me, I already know. You’re threatened by me.

36:37 - Threatened by you? Yeah, my youthful vigor… it intimidates ya. Does it? It’s a story as old as the hills. The changing of the guard… the fading of the light. You’re toast. old man. Okay… and what are you? I’m the future, in all its glory. Yeah, well good luck. Good luck and shut up. I wanna get some rest before night fall. Wake up you lazy sod. What are you doing here, kid? I’m coming, John… on the job. I said you weren’t coming. Yeah, well Arthur says I am… and it’s his party, boy, so come on, let’s go. Me and the big cheeses, love it. Can’t wait to slit some bastard’s throat. You sure about this? No…

37:30 - Are we ready? Yeah, train’s due through tonight. Alright then, it’s on. Charles? I’m ready. Gentlemen. Let’s go earn some money. Hey… all the horses untethered? Think so. Good. they should follow on behind us. You find a good spot. Wolf Man? Yeah, follow the trail south west, there’s a spot that’s… remote, but should still give ‘em enough time to spot the oil wagon. They see this blocking the tracks, they’ll stop soon enough. Apparently, it picks up a new team of guards at the state line, so shouldn’t be much in the way of guns to deal with. See, this is what I mean.

I disappear for a couple of weeks and you cut me out of all the action. Just the action that requires a brain. Oh, you’re a funny feller. John Marston. From what folk say, Hey! Slow it down. Bear left here, towards Rhodes. you had your feet up the whole time playing sick, and fondling that new scar like you’re gonna buy it breakfast in the morning. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Stay close on this, wouldn’t want you getting scratched by a squirrel or something, that could put you outta commission for the rest of the year. - Why do you have to speak so much? - It’s… incessant. You’ll gonna run the horses to death.

39:05 - ‘Cause I’ve still got some blood in me veins! You old bastards have forgotten how to live. I blame you two for rescuing him. Far too much trouble for what we got out of it. Yeah, takes a whole army of bounty hunters to bring in Sean Macguire. And look at me now, in the gunner’s seat! Back in business, boys! You know my da always used to say… Not the da, please! Not the da, please! No, no… Not the da, please! Not this again. Fine! Damn, you three… Sulky, Angry, Scar Face. A right barrel of laughs. Here’s good. Stop the wagon over the tracks. Remember, these are innocent folks. We handle this right, nobody needs to die here. Mr. Marston… Mr. Smith… Mr. Macguire… get over there. When she slows… board her. And you? I’m gonna make sure she slows. It’s do or die, with you… I like it. Get moving… here she comes… What’s going on here? What’s going on? Nothing good… I’m going to board, make that quick and join us on there.

41:16 - Alright, get on that train! You bastard. All yours, captain, I’ll go on ahead. Go on, get on there! Everybody stay calm and nobody’ll get shot! Let’s go… everything you got! Money! Valuables! There you go… Let’s make this quick, people, come on! We ain’t leaving ‘til this bag’s full! Everything you got. I ain’t got nothing. You wanna have a little chat with Romeo and Juliet here? What’s the problem here? What’s the problem here? Deal will these two will you, Mr. M? Deal will these two will you, Mr.

M? 42:08 - Money, valuables, now! Don’t do this. Just give it to him, Thomas, please! Okay, okay godammit! Come on! In the bag, everything you got. Come on! In the bag, everything you got. Keep it coming, don’t be shy. Come on! In the bag, everything you got. Come on! In the bag, everything you got. People like you make me sick. People like you make me sick. These two seem to think we’re playing games. I’m going to count to three… one… two… Goddamn it. Sick is better than dead, lady. And I’m losing my goddamn patience. Let’s just do what he says so this can be over. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a robbery! Let’s make this quick! You boys need me? No, you go ahead and look for the baggage car.

42:43 - You sure about that? Will you Show this son of a bitch we ain’t playing around here? Deal with this feller, will you? Quick, come on! Come on partner… come on, quick. Everything you got… money, valuables… We ain’t leaving ‘til this bag’s full. You won’t get a damn cent from me. Let me hand you over to my friend then. Come on, be smart about this. Money now! You son of a bitch. C’mon, cough it up, people! Don’t be shy. Everything you got. let’s go! I can handle this from here, you should check on Sean. Okay Okay, none of you folks move a muscle, you hear me? You got a big problem. What is it? You alright? Found the baggage car. For Christ’s sake. You ain’t even taken a look yet? There’s probably something in here, Arthur. For fuck’s sake… for fuck’s sake…

44:13 - C’mon, get up you little Irish shit, get up! Arthur, we got a problem. There’s two arseholes on horses. How many you say? I just see a pair of them. Alright, in that case, we’re fighting… Marston, Smith, get ready. You men come off the train now, do you hear? We said you men come out now! There’s only two of you, you fools… we got a whole lot less to lose. Why don’t the two of you ride away? That way neither of you get killed. Goddamn liberties… There’s a few more of them turning up. Me and my big mouth. Okay… let’s deal with them. Last chance! Drop your weapons and get off the train! Look out on the left, here come their friends! And we got more coming out of the trees there! Get rid of them, quick, so we can make a run for it! Let’s go get him. Come on.

45:31 - Behind us! We got more of the bastards riding in! Come on! Let’s make some space so we can get out of here! That’s how you want to do it? Come on, boys, let’s get the hell out of here! Let’s get. Let’s go, Boy. Let’s go, Arthur! Come on! Let’s go! Stay with me! Whoa! Whoa! That was fun boys, real fun. I can see why they call you the professionals of the outfit. Shut up. At least we made some money… and what did I get? Gotta be a hundred dollars here, very nice. And you weren’t even invited. What now? We still need a real big take… enough for us to get out of here.

47:15 - Was that a set up? Law turned up real fast. I don’t know. I don’t think so. I’m starting to get nervous. Think they followed us from Blackwater? Maybe. They found me already near Horseshoe, but… I think this lot was just locals. I hope so. I’m gonna head into Valentine… see if I can get something started there. Good idea. Either way, we should all go it alone right now. You know the deal… don’t be followed. Ah, course not, boss. Heya! ♪ One night, when I was frisky… ♪ ♪ over some potent whisky… ♪ Hey, Arthur. Come here a minute. Hey, Arthur. Come here a minute. ♪ Like the waves of the Bay of Biscay… ♪ ♪ Like the waves of the Bay of Biscay… ♪ ♪ Like the waves of the Bay of Biscay…

♪ What is it? 49:02 - ♪ Like the waves of the Bay of Biscay… ♪ Can I ask you a favor? Probably not… Very funny. Would you do something with Jack? He seems kind of down. All this upheaval can’t have been easy on the poor kid. Why? Because I’m your preferred nursemaid? Because you do what you say. Please? Okay. I’ll take him in the morning. Thank you. Sure… very well. Whatchu up to? Playing. Anything fun? I guess…

50:19 - You wanna come fishing with me? Fishing? Sure. You’re… It’s about time that you started to earn your keep. Okay. Good. Let’s go get your pole then. Now you do have a fishing pole, don’t you? I sure do. Uncle Hosea made me one. Good. Well let’s go get it then. And go catch us some fish! Yeah! I’ll mount up and lift you on when you’re ready. Alright, let’s go then. So where are we going? just down to the river near here. We shouldn’t go too far from camp. Oh, okay.

51:19 - You feeling better? I know you was a little sick. Oh, I’m fine. You’re a brave kid. So just like you. Well, I don’t know about brave… I ain’t much of a kid no more. Though your momma might disagree. Her and a few other women, I guess… What do you mean? I’m just talking silly… it’s been a tough few weeks up in that snow. I liked the snow. Yes, but not like that. When are we going back to the other camp? The one near Blackwater? Yeah. Well… we’re not. This is our spot… for now, anyway. Why? I forgot a story book there. We left so quick. Well, I’m sure someone can get you another story book. Really? When? We’ll… we’ll see. Got fish to catch first. Alright, this looks as good a spot as any.

52:33 - Where should we stand, Uncle Arthur? Down by the shore. Come on, follow me. You show me where, Uncle Arthur. just by the water there, you mean? I can’t wait to get started. Are you waiting for something? First we need some bait. I’m gonna use some cheese. Cheese? Smellier the better. Now, to cast your line, swing the rod back over your shoulder, and bring it forward in a smooth motion. Use your wrist, not your elbow. Like that? That’s it, good. All we do now, jack, is wait for a fish to take the bait.

53:51 - How do I know when I’ve got a bite? Well, if you feel the tip of your fishing rod just… twitching? Don’t yank it yet, that just means one’s nibbling. But if you feel a hard tug, that’s a fish going for the bait, so yank hard to hook it. I think you’ve got a bite, look! Fish on the line! I see, I see! See him fighting there, Jack? That’s when you gotta be careful or you’ll break the line. Best to wear him out first before you try’n reel him in.

54:35 - Look, Jack, it’s a redfin pickerel! It’s almost as small as you! We should really throw these smaller ones back, give ‘em a chance to grow up a bit. Can I take a break from fishing? I want to make something. Okay. I’m gonna pick some of those red flowers. I’ll be right back! Let’s try again. I like the look of that spot. You gotta stick at things, Jack. I know. Fishing sure is boring, Uncle Arthur. Yeah. I know, boring as hell. But then… something happens, and you can get food for days. Really? If you’re lucky. But until then, you just… sit. and wait, and… try not to worry. It’s good for you. It’s good for you? I guess… Hey, look at this. At what? At what? This necklace I made. This necklace I made. Necklace? For momma. Sure. What a fine young man… and in such complex circumstances. Arthur, isn’t it? Arthur Morgan? Who are you? Yes, Arthur Morgan… Van der Linde’s most trusted associate. You’ve read the files, typical case…

56:51 - orphaned street kid seduced by that maniac’s silver tongue… and matures into a degenerate murderer. Agent Milton. Agent Ross. Pinkerton Detective Agency… seconded to the United States Government. Nice to finally meet. We know a lot about you. Do you? You’re a wanted man, Mr. Morgan. There’s five thousand dollars for your head alone. Five thousand dollars? For me? Can I turn myself in? We want Van der Linde. Old Dutch? I haven’t seen him for months. That so? Because I heard… a guy fitting his description robbed a train…

57:32 - belonging to Leviticus Cornwall up near Granite Pass. Oh, ain’t that a little… old fashioned nowadays? Apparently not. Listen… this is my offer, Mr. Morgan… bring in Van der Linde… and you have my word, you won’t swing. Oh. I ain’t gonna swing anyways Agent, um… Milton. You see, I haven’t done anything wrong… aside from not play the games to your rules. Spare me the philosophy lesson… I’ve already heard it… from Mac Callander. Mac Callander? He was pretty shot up by the time I got to him… so really it was more of a mercy killing. Slow… but merciful. You enjoy being a rich man’s toy do you? I enjoy society… flaws and all. You people venerate savagery… and you will die… savagely. All of you. Oh, we’re all gonna die, Agent. Some of us sooner than others. Good day, Mr. Morgan. Goodbye. Enjoy your fishing, kid… while you still can.

58:49 - Who are they? No one to worry about… no one at all. Come on, lets pick up your things and get home. It’s getting late jack, your mother will be worried. Let’s head back. Are you taking me back? Why did you lie about where Uncle Dutch is? Because… well because those are disagreeable men and I don’t want them to hurt him. What did they mean about Mac? Is he in jail? No.. I don’t, err, think so… I hope he’s just fine where he is. Like I said, don’t worry about them. World is full of disagreeable men… that’s why you got all of us. To protect you from folk like them. Now how about that necklace you made… you still got it, right? Yeah, I got it. Good. So did you like fishing? It was… okay, I think… It’s a lot of waiting around. It is. There you are! How you boys getting on? Great, we caught a fish… and I made you this necklace. Ain’t that pretty? Ain’t I the luckiest… Did you thank Uncle Arthur? No need… we had a good time. What’s wrong? Nothing… just met some folk. I’d better go speak with Dutch. Okay. Hey… you did real fine. kid. Thanks. We got a problem. What? I just met some guys out near the river… a feller named, erm… Milton and, erm… I don’t remember the other feller’s name. Ross… Milton and Ross… And? And…

01:21 - they are employees of the Pinkerton Detective Agency… and they know about the train… and they know we’re here. Were you followed back here? No… they know we’re near here… and they want you, Dutch. They offered me my freedom in exchange they did. Why didn’t you take it? Huh, very funny… Well what do we do now? I say we do nothing… just yet. They’re just trying to scare us… into doing something stupid. We have turned a corner… we survived them mountains. We just need to stay calm. Hello, uncle Dutch. Alright there, son? Come on, boy Here’s trouble alright… Hey, you. What do you want? Howdy. You Granger? That’s my name…

05:30 - and my occupation too, if you hadn’t noticed. Weren’t always like that though, were it? You used to be a quick draw guy… you knew Jim ‘Boy’ Calloway? Used to be’s correct… them days are long over. And who might you be? It don’t matter. I need you to tell me about Jim Boy… just a quote for a book. A book about Jim Boy? Well, shit… I can’t talk to you now. Look at me… I’m knee deep in hog crap. Well, don’t mind me… we can talk while you work. I ain’t talking and shovelling. Besides…

06:08 - young man like you would get it done in half the time. I don’t know about that… What’s to know? You interested in the old days? You shovel this shit… I tell you some stories. You keep your hands clean… I don’t give you squat. Goddamn it. These better be some stories. Oh, they are. Pick up the fork and get to work… or get out of here and stop wasting my time. Alright, I’ll shovel your damn shit! Jim Boy weren’t nothing, you know. Me… I killed men, women and children too, animals. I even killed rocks. And I killed ‘em good.

06:50 - I shot folks, stabbed folks, skinned folks. I scalped some… boy… they scream when you scalp ‘em. Hey, let me work. I dunno what’s got into these hogs, but I know what’s coming out of ‘em. I bashed folks, butchered folks… I burned folks alive, buried folks alive, one time I… Hey, I get it. alright? You’re mean. But what about Calloway? You have no idea, girly. Why, effeminate type like you… I’d probably have chopped your head off, stuffed you… and eaten you… like a sausage. No doubt… Now it’s clean enough to eat off of.

07:44 - I guess I’m done? You get that barrow to the shit pile… and I suppose you is. Alright. No shortage of shit round here. Comes from hungry hogs… and no hands. Hell… that stinks. Okay. I cleaned up your mess. Go on, tell me about Calloway. I said I’d tell you stories… I didn’t say they’d be about him. Don’t trifle with me, old man. You knew him… just give me something… anything. You making a book… you should make it about me. They’re just words is all. Give me something to say and I’ll leave you alone. You owe me that. Hey, you be careful. A killer like me… it don’t take much to end up on the end of my knife. One time… Hey, you know what? I don’t think you were anything at all… just a crazy old man. I ain’t a killer? Why, you’d already be hog feed… I hadn’t made a deal with the federals… got this farm. This is your last chance, Mr. Granger…

08:42 - give me a quote for the book! Hey, hey, hey, you don’t w-want to hit an old man of peace… no government witness. Calloway said you was full of piss… but he didn’t tell me the half of it. I’m itching to drop you, girly. Only you ain’t worth my time… I-I got too much to lose. Too much to lose? Well, seeing as I cleaned up this pigsty… I figure I’m in my rights to wreck it. Let’s see. You don’t wanna do that… you walk away right now. Well, well… all I wanted was a quote. You don’t know who your trifling with. That’s my stick! You walk away. Right now. Don’t do It! There you go. No… No… No… You didn’t, no! You just took yourself a regular shit shower, Mr. Granger. Boy, that’s real nasty. You earned yourself a killing. And I’m gonna enjoy it now. Draw. It’s gonna be the last thing you do. Come on! You’re alright, boy. Hold on. Okay, boy. Hey, you’re crazy in the head. What’s your problem? So… feeling better? How’s the scar? I heal pretty fast. Lucky you. So you just lazing about or… you got any leads? Got something. You see them? Sure.

15:51 - What, you see yourself as a shepherd now? Maybe… Come on. Well Where exactly are we going? Collect something… help us get some sheep. You know that attempt to seem all… enigmatic and interesting… that might work for Dutch, but for you… it just makes you look stupid. Come along. You’ll see. That train job was a start, but we need more money. ‘Til we can get back to Blackwater and collect. I’m here to tell you, we try to collect that money any time soon… It’ll come with a noose. I was worried you’d say that. Dutch says that we… Dutch says a lot. Now, that’s his gift… saying things.

16:35 - Oh yeah? What do you mean by that? I was the prize pony once, now I’m the workhorse. Listen. Dutch is… but… but, well… You was at that thing in Blackwater. And we already seen Pinkertons here. New century’s coming. This life, this way? Well, we’re the last, I reckon. And we ain’t long for it. Then that’s the way it goes, I guess. For me, yes. Alright… So where are we going? Just need to pick up something. There’s a hitching post over there. Tether the horse and I’ll meet you across the street. I already don’t like how this is going… The gun store? Yep, can you head in and pick up a sniper rifle? I’ll explain later. Don’t you wear yourself out now.

17:53 - Hello, how can I help you today? Looking for a rifle… something with a sight on it. Shouldn’t be a problem. If you want to see What we’ve got, it’s all in the catalogue here. You good? Sure. Let’s go. Howdy? Okay boy Why couldn’t you have done that? Done what? Bought that gun. I had a run-in with that feller earlier. We ain’t on the best of terms. You had a run-in? I’ve had a run-in with half that town. Calm down… it’s done now, ain’t it? Why are you being so cagey about all this? Always playing some goddamn game.

19:46 - Me? I ain’t the one taking Jack on fishing trips. No, you ain’t. If you say the boy ain’t yours, What’s the difference? You’ll probably only run off again. Why are you so interested in my life? Ain’t you got one of your own? Just do one thing or another, not be two people at once, that’s all I’m saying. It ain’t that simple. You know that as well as anyone. Same as with you and that girl, what was her name… Mary? That was different. No, it ain’t, just the same. Anyway, for the love of God, will you tell me what you got me doing here before I turn around and hit the breeze? There’s a herd of sheep coming down to auction from Emerald Ranch.

20:32 - Folk in town were saying that the owner’s trying f to stamp out every farm from here to Annesburg. Yeah, I know that place. Let’s head up to the ridge up there… get a proper view. This way, Arthur. So I’m thinking, that the herd’ll make it to auction alright, but, a couple of new ranch hands’ll be collecting on the sale. Doubt the town will care to notice too much. Why we need this rifle you couldn’t buy yourself? Reckon we shouldn’t get too close, least not till we know what we’re dealing with. Let’s see what we can see from up here. Okay, I think that’s them over there. So what now? Put a shot in near them, I reckon they’ll hightail it. They’re only ranch hands. Just watch the sheep.

22:18 - Looks like one of them don’t scare too easy. Put another shot in close, he’ll get the message. Yep, that spooked ‘em alright. Alright, let’s go round ‘em up. Let’s go, boy. Let’s go get the strays. You ever work on a ranch, Marston? No. You? Oh, a day here or there, but not much. Most cowboys I know are… dumb as trees. How hard could it be? I guess we’ll soon find out.

22:59 - Let’s get these things, bring ‘em back to the yards. They’re pretty scattered. Let’s get them all rounded up. Move! Moving up. Alright, I think we got them all. Let’s head for town. You know what… Marston. Why don’t you leave the sheep to me? You ride shank, keep watch for any trouble. I brought you in on this. It’ll be quicker this way, trust me. This ain’t the right time for you to be learning how to herd. Alright. Whatever you say, I’m done arguing. We’ll be making next week’s auction at this rate. Enough with the yapping. That’s it. Round up the stragglers. C’mon. Yah! Move it! There you go. Go, go! Let’s go. Close her up, boys. There you go. Fine sheep. They’re okay.

27:07 - Well, you seen better round here? I’ve seen ones with less… ambiguity about their provenance. A lot less. What you trying to say? I’m trying to say… you give me twenty five percent kick back… and I won’t say nothing to nobody. Everything alright here? Excuse me? Sure, I’ll excuse you… for twenty five percent. Do you want me to put another hole in your head? Folks swing for rustling livestock. Twenty five percent. Fifteen. Twenty. Eighteen. Done. Calm yourself, friend. Just think of it as… I’m buying your sins. You’re buying, but we’re paying. Go on, now.

27:56 - Come back after the auction, you’ll get your money. Dutch is waiting for us at the saloon. He is? Eighteen percent? I thought we was doing the robbing here. Still good money. Thanks… for all the help with this. Can’t herd, can’t swim… Give it a rest, will you? We ain’t kids no more. No, We never really was. Come on, sunshine. I’ll buy you a whiskey. I don’t believe in absolutes, just shades of gray. Compromises. Compromising? Gentlemen. Dutch, Leopold. Where have you been? Working… Marston’s thing. Good… and? We’re just waiting to get some pay on… a few sheep. Leopold, my good friend… as long as you’re here… why don’t you and John go make sure… there ain’t no funny business. Of course. Gentlemen. Drink? Sure.

29:21 - Nothing like talking to old Strauss to make you… want to blow your own brains out. I should have left him where I found him all those years ago. Bookish little Austrian fresh off the boat, his eyes out on stalks. Well, I guess the… Dutch van der Linde finishing school has some strange graduates. That it does. To your good health. Thank you. Van der Linde! Get out here. - Get out here now - What the hell… Van der Linde! You don’t know me… but you keep robbing me. My name is Leviticus Cornwall.

30:05 - I am not a man to be messed with by the likes of you. Get out here, before I have these men killed! What do you think? - Get out here you… - Well, I.. depraved piece of trash! You start spinning a yarn and… when I think the moment’s right… - I’ll make a move. - You think I get where I am… - by letting scum like you… - Why not. rob from me? Van der Linde, you’re done. Now get out here, now! Deal with this nonsense.

30:45 - Please, gentlemen, this is a terrible mistake. This is a case… of mistaken identity. What is worse… than admonishing a man… for the sins… of another? Who wants to be the Messiah? Not me… Nor do I want to be this “Dutch van der Linde,” whomever he may be. More coming in! Don’t be stupid! Too close Push up, stay with me! Let’s go, come on! Where are you going? That’s right at them! We don’t run, Mr. Strauss! Good God! They hit Strauss! Arthur, cover us! john, we’ll push the wagon. Arthur, shoot someone! I’m trying. Get behind the wagon as we push, Arthur. You can use it as cover.

32:28 - What are you doing, Arthur? Stay behind the wagon! What are we doing? Getting out of here! Oh, you want to come at me? It’s just a scratch, shut up! You can talk. We all heard you whine about a little knick from a wolf. Would you shut up and kill these bastards? Why don’t you run now while you still can! This is madness! You’re on the front line now, Mr. Strauss! I can’t do this! Least you ain’t pushing this thing! Horses are over there! Grab Strauss and let’s go. One of you get me out of here! Arthur we leave no man behind. Go get Strauss.

34:04 - Please! You can’t leave me like this! Come on, Leopold. You’re fine. I’m not fine. Just get us out of here. Now’s our chance, come on. Put Strauss on the back of John’s horse and let’s get out of here. You make sure nobody’s following us. We’ll get back to camp… We’re gonna gather the troops… and get ‘em to start packing up. Sure… we can’t stick around after this. Let’s go. Alright, I better get outta here. Hey, boy. Let’s put this son of bicth down! That’s my boy. Hey Arthur. Good to see you. Why? You want rescuing again, do ya? No. I got a plan to make it up to you. A plan like the Blackwater ferry job? Or… like you going off scouting and ending up in jail? Dutch said you was a big shadow cast by a tiny tree. I don’t even know what that means. I thought you was a tough boy… not one of those gentlemen… trying to protect his riding clothes. I just know whenever things get real… you turn yellow, and lose your head. Yellow? Sure seems that way.

39:43 - So I guess you won’t be riding with me to rob the banking coach… comes about this time into Strawberry? I heard one of the O’Driscoll boys… yapping about it while I was inside. You and me? Do a robbery? That’s what I said didn’t I? After you. There’s a spot up this way with a good view of the trail. What are you doing anyway, camping out here like some crazy hermit? Can’t exactly stay in town now, can I? And like I told you, I ain’t going back to Dutch without a peace offering.

40:24 - So what’s the deal with this coach? What do you mean? Comes through about this time every day, like I said. The end. I mean… how many men? Guns? Riders? Nothing serious. It’ll be fine. I heard the banks been hiring every trigger man they can get of late. The meaner the better. You worry too much. Forgive me if I ain’t wholly faithful in something an O’Driscoll told you, when you was half-drunk in a jail cell. He kept yapping about it, saying how they been hitting it on the regular. That’s a good lead in my book. Damn O’Driscolls are everywhere now.

41:09 - Bastards got a hold of most of Big Valley. Heard they took over some big ranch, north of here. How the hell you and Lenny end up down here anyway? You know how it is. A few loose ends, drink here, drink there. What loose ends? Nothing that needs to concern you. I always pay my share. It concerns me, when you put us in danger and we don’t realize till it’s too late. Like that move you pulled in Strawberry, making me kill half the town just for your precious guns. Precious, they are… you need to roll a little looser, Morgan. Looser? I seen you come full undone more than once now. And you only been running with us a few months. Are we gonna rob this coach or bicker about it? What’s done is done. Guess we’re robbing it. Then let’s do it. Alright, this is the spot. Hold up on this ridge. They should be here, in a little bit. Hold tight. Which way will they be coming in? Should be from over there.

43:15 - We’ll need to hit them fast, before they get into town. Just don’t lose your head this time. Course, tough guy. They should be here any minute. Look, there they are… right on time. Get covered up. Come on… ride! This is a robbery! Stop that coach right now! Sorry, it’s pay day, fellers! See. I told you this’d be fun. Morgan! This is fun for you? Hurry, get on. I’ll drive. No need to keep your face covered now. It’s just you and me, sweetheart. I’ll give it to them, they put up half a fight at least. Ya! Baylock! Come on boy. Lookie here, a fine new rifle too. Here you go Arthur, from me to you. That’s more your style than mine. What did I tell ya? Like licking butter off a knife. Something like that.

45:09 - You don’t want to just break it open here, be done with it? Could be more than we can carry. And… there might be a second crew of riders tailing. Alright then. Not to mention… we ride back in with a big take and a new wagon to boot, Dutch can’t say we ain’t pulling our weight no more, can he? I ain’t sure I trust this new act of yours one bit. Listen, I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I got no beef with you. I reckon we’re a lot alike, you and me. Now hold up there… Dutch knows I’m a feller that gets things done, same as you. Gets things done? You’d be wearing a California Collar now, if I hadn’t broken you out of jail.

45:58 - And I have expressed my gratitude, have I not? It’s done. Main thing now, is getting this haul back in one piece. Shit, now we’re being robbed! Get across the river! What the hell? Come on, Arthur. Get out of there! You dumb bastards! Damn. You okay? I think so, just keep your head down. Let’s finish ‘em. They’re goddamn O’Driscolls! I can see that. Here come more of them! Look out, Morgan. Wagon coming down the track. Look at the cowards! They’re running away! That’ll show ‘em! Why is it every job I do with you ends in a pile of dead bodies? Since when did you have a problem killing O’Driscolls? You’ve got a point. Let’s strip this coach then, it clearly ain’t going nowhere now. You know, we should really pick up a lockhreaker one of these days. Save ourselves some bullets.

48:23 - Because saving bullets is such a concern of yours… Let’s take what we can and get the hell outta here. That lock should shoot off easy enough. I’ll give you the honors. on account of… well. this little mess. You shooting it or not? That should do it! Come on. Let’s see if all this was worth it. All I see is you, me, a river full of dead O’Driscolls and a lockbox. I’d say we’re golden here, Morgan. Look at that. What’s the cut here? It’s good. Just make sure the gang gets its piece. Yeah, yeah. Like I said… big shadow, tiny tree. Yeah, and like I said… that still don’t mean nothing. Now, get out of here. Go see Dutch… but make sure you ain’t followed. I know, boss. I know. It’s been fun! Next Episode The tunnel diverges up here.

50:06 - I’ll take the left, you go right, and we’ll see if we don’t converge down a ways. And look out for her. Yeah, yeah. Holmes? Winton Holmes? .