Microservices, Web Typography, and RTL: FrontEnd news (31 Jan20)

Jan 31, 2020 08:00 · 494 words · 3 minute read use utility libraries brief overview

Hi! Let’s talk today about Microservices, Web Typography, and RTL. If this is your first time here and you want to learn Frontend and JavaScript, start right now by subscribing, and don’t forget to turn on the subtitles. [Music playing] Let’s start today from the tutorial, namely “How To Use Correctly JavaScript Utility Libraries” by Dmitri Pavlutin. Here you can read when it makes sense to use utility libraries and how to integrate them to affect the bundle size minimally. The author proposes the cherry-picking approach plus monitoring bundle size.

00:43 - “JSON Parser with JavaScript” is a detailed guide about the AST based parser implementation, starting from the grammar design, and ending with meaningful error messages. The author provided a step by step tutorial with code examples and exhaustive explanations. In the article “Use web workers to run JavaScript off the browser’s main thread,” you can learn how to speed up the loading of your user interface using threads. Surma uses the game PROXX as a case study. The very next point in my list is the 6 part series “JavaScript Visualized” by Lydia Hallie.

01:31 - The author explains how the JS engine works, describes the specificity of dynamic typing, and more. [Music playing] One more interesting article is “Explain Like I’m 5: Microservices in Node.js” by Liz Parody. This is a brief overview of the basics of microservices using a Lego- themed Node-based example. The talk “Web Typography: A Non-English Perspective” covers the web fonts displaying regardless of language, and rendering across different writing systems. “Designing in the Browser” series by Una Kravets explains how to use dev tools for testing and implementing CSS and mark-up, including CSS motion, custom properties, Houdini extension, etc.

02:25 - “Challenging projects every programmer should try” is Austin Henley’s list explaining what each project can teach you, from a text editor to a game console emulator. Try on something this month. [Music playing] In the article “Defining UX for the Non-UX Person” by Lawrence Zheng, you can get acquainted with the basics of UX, like customer journey, wireframes, etc. Take a look. “Pixels vs. Relative Units in CSS: why it’s still a big deal” and needs to be discussed. Kathleen McMahon reminds us about the need to test layout with page zoom and shows with examples, how the selected units of measure affect this. “RTL Styling 101” by Ahmad Shadeed is an extensive guide on typesetting interfaces about styling for RTL languages in CSS.

03:34 - At least you need to be informed, how to implement that. Manuel Matuzovic in his turn posted an article “Building The Most Inaccessible Site Possible with A Perfect Lighthouse Score.” Do not trust robots, automated accessibility testing is only a first step and than manual testing is vital. [Music playing] If you like this video, give it “thumbs up,” share it with your friends, subscribe to the channel and watch other episodes. Thanks for watching and stay curious. .