Erin Bertrand - Microbial Oceanographer
Feb 7, 2020 20:42 · 180 words · 1 minute read
- My job is never boring. One day I’ll be working with my research students in the laboratory and the next day, I’ll be heading out on an oceanographic research expedition. When I was a kid, I spent a ton of time outside. I always wanted to be by the ocean and meant to experience that as much as I could. The curiosity that sort of overwhelmed me when I would be by the sea, that really led me into the career that I am in today. One of the things that fascinates me most is how tiny things can have gigantic impacts.
00:27 - So, we’re studying phytoplankton, which are microscopic little organisms that grow in the ocean and how they impact climate change. For me, it’s less about increasing the number of women in science, it’s more about increasing the diversity of perspectives and if we don’t have all of those things in science, we’re not doing the best science we can do. My name is Erin Bertrand. I’m a microbial oceanographer in Halifax, Nova Scotia. (electronic music) .