How Forsage xGold Ethereum Will Work
Dec 30, 2020 16:00 · 4548 words · 22 minute read
Hey, our friends, what is going on? Vitaliy Dubinin is here.
00:04 - Happy New Year and one of the top leaders inside FORSAGE community and the first person to earn over one million dollars with FORSAGE.
00:12 - I’m very blessed and grateful And I’m super, super excited for an up and coming mega launch on the 3rd of January of a very powerful and long anticipated FORSAGE Ethereum xGold program.
00:27 - And in this video, I want to share with you exactly how FORSAGE Ethereum xGold works, how you can earn a lot of Ethereum with this program, how you can potentially 10 extra money several times over with this program, and how you can earn a lot of spillovers and how you can get ready for this program and also share with you why right now is an absolutely amazing time to earn Ethereum that already gained over 700 percent just this year, 2020, from its lowest point.
01:04 - And why it is just the beginning, why Ethereum can go as high as five to ten thousand dollars next year and the end game potential for Ethereum can be as much as fifty thousand dollars for one Ethereum and will share with you exactly how all of this works.
01:20 - So FORSAGE been able to accomplish a lot during the last 11 months since the launch in February 2020 FORSAGE Ethereum We have reached over one million and twenty eight thousand participates participants worldwide from different countries around the world.
01:40 - Life has been totally changed and the participants collectively has been able to earn over six hundred and eighty six million dollars with FORSAGE Ethereum program about nine hundred and fifty five or sixty six thousand Ethereum.
01:57 - And here absolutely incredible. If you also went up a lot of value of this year and it’s all been accomplished through FORSAGE x3 and FORSAGE x4 programs, which we’re going to touch upon in this video.
02:13 - And very soon on the 3rd of January, we have FORSAGE xGold coming and we already see the success of the xGold program on the Tron blockchain, which actually now have participants earn over thirty eight million dollars approximately and one point four billion Tron Also has x3 and x4 and xGold program.
02:40 - So I’m going to demonstrate how it works and what are the levels on the FORSAGE Ethereum now.
02:45 - This is a very powerful program. I’ve been able to not just become a dollar millionaire.
02:53 - I’ve been able to really change my life and build a team of over five hundred and sixteen thousand people inside FORSAGE community on my team.
03:05 - I’m able to realize my dream of owning a Mercedes E three hundred cabriolet, which is absolutely amazing.
03:12 - You can set a goal and achieve it with FORSAGE.
03:16 - I set a goal back in April to own a sports car cabriolet like tuition.
03:23 - I don’t want Corera for us. I reached his goal back in June so it can happen very quickly, guys.
03:29 - A lot of earning potential right here inside this program.
03:34 - And what I love about FORSAGE, one hundred percent decentralized.
03:37 - We can see the transparency of the code right here on the blockchain.
03:43 - All of the transactions are visible right here.
03:46 - We have right now of over three and a half million transactions.
03:52 - And the code is transparent. Nobody can touch it or change.
03:55 - And you can start with little amount of capital and grow it.
03:58 - There is a limited earning potential right here with FORSAGE and literally this one hundred percent decentralized project and very simply a very lucrative project.
04:10 - So this is how FORSAGE Ethereum xGold is going to look like.
04:16 - Hello friends. I’m Lado Okhotnikov When Vitaliy was recording this video, we still had discussions about the cost of slots.
04:23 - It was necessary to calculate the most optimal option taken into account all factors.
04:28 - The figures have just been finally approved, which are slightly different from the preliminary version mentioned in this presentation by Vitaly.
04:37 - First slot in xGold costs zero point zero five Ethereum.
04:42 - The second zero point one, then zero point two, zero point three, zero point five, etc.
04:49 - The last fifteen slot costs sixty-one Ethereum.
04:53 - Undoubtedly, Vitaliy will have a new presentation with up to date numbers.
04:58 - But now in the pre-launch such a video It is urgently needed, so we are posting it without waiting for the corrected version.
05:06 - Moreover, the main essence of this presentation will not change.
05:10 - We have 15 slots available for you to activate inside FORSAGE xGold that starts with zero point one Ethereum.
05:20 - Then it goes to zero point two, zero point three, zero point five, zero point eight.
05:27 - All the way to ninety eight point seven. And you can see the Fibonacci sequence here.
05:32 - So zero point three Ethereum is zero point one plus zero point two.
05:37 - Zero point five Ethereum zero point two plus zero point three.
05:40 - Zero point eight is zero point three zero four and five.
05:43 - And under each one of these slots that you activate ones, you can earn unlimited amount of time.
05:51 - You can cycle an unlimited amount of times.
05:53 - You have 30 spots here that you can cycle and each one of these cycles that earns you every time the matrix fills up, OK, you earn easily and directly a payout to your Ethereum wallet that you control the private key.
06:12 - OK, this is amazing. And I’m going to break it down for you exactly how this works in just a moment here, guys.
06:21 - So I want to take a look, guys here about this, this program We have each one of these slots is like a decentralized real estate inside the Matrix.
06:34 - You activated it once and then it doesn’t matter how you fill it with your direct partners or a spillover coming from the team.
06:43 - OK, as long as you’re the matrix is filling up, you’re getting paid directly into your wallet.
06:50 - So let’s take a look, guys, at this program right here and look at the TRON side right here.
07:01 - And take a look, guys. We have essentially here thirty places under each one of the spots.
07:08 - OK, so break it down for you. We have them on the first level, two spots we have on the second level, four spots.
07:17 - We have the third level, eight spots we have on the fourth level.
07:23 - Sixteen spots. Now there is one hundred percent of the pie, right.
07:27 - When somebody activates a slot inside FORSAGE xGold, that one hundred percent is being divided between three different voluntary accounts.
07:39 - Somebody is getting twenty percent, somebody is getting thirty percent and somebody is getting fifty percent.
07:47 - Unlike the powerful x3 and x4 programs. In x3 and x4 one hundred percent goes to somebody can be you or somebody else.
07:56 - In xGold it is divided. Twenty percent, 30 percent and 50 percent.
08:01 - Now this is how it’s divided on the second line.
08:04 - Each one of these spots, the four spots you earn twenty percent.
08:09 - OK, so overall that is eighty percent. Each one of these eight spots right here on the third level, you earn 30 percent.
08:19 - OK, so it doesn’t matter if it’s your personal partners or you get it from spillover, you earn 30 percent.
08:25 - So that is two hundred and forty percent. And each one of the 16 spots on the fourth level, you earn a whopping 50 percent, which you do the math.
08:39 - That is eight hundred percent. Now let’s tally up and sum it all up and it turns out to be one thousand one hundred and twenty percent.
08:51 - Now, the last two spots in The Matrix right here, this 50 percent and 50 percent overall, one hundred percent that is being held and used to cycle you and open up this matrix again, cycle into your appliance a spot once again.
09:11 - OK, so we’ll do minus one hundred percent because that one hundred percent you don’t keep.
09:16 - So that gives you one thousand and twenty percent, which is 10x a little bit over 10.
09:23 - So essentially you can do 10x on the value of the slot ever.
09:30 - Over and over and over and over again of the value of the slot.
09:34 - That’s why we say potentially multiply your money by 10x several times over the cycle, unlimited amounts of time.
09:42 - So let’s do the math on how this is going to look like.
09:47 - So this is zero point one Ethereum and right here.
09:51 - So 10 X on that, it’s one Ethereum zero point to the next one.
09:56 - That is two, three Ethereum, five, eight, thirteen, twenty-one thirty-four, fifty-five, eighty-nine Ethereum you cycle on the ten spot.
10:09 - You earn 89 Ethereum. You cycle again another eighty-nine.
10:14 - One hundred forty-four to thirty-three Ethereum, three hundred seventy-seven Ethereum.
10:20 - Now I’m doing roughly 10x, it’s a little over 10x.
10:23 - But for the sake of simplicity here. Six hundred and ten Ethereum and nine hundred and eighty-seven if they’re almost a thousand Ethereum.
10:35 - Now let’s do the math on that. OK, which one Ethereum right now.
10:40 - And the time of recording this video is worth about seven hundred dollars.
10:47 - Ok, so let’s do the math on that. Eighty nine ethereal seven hundred.
10:51 - Eighty nine Ethereum seven hundred. This, this is a sixty two thousand three hundred dollars according to right now.
11:02 - Now I’m going to show you guys why Ethereum can go next year, 2021, as high as five to ten thousand dollars for one a. m. .
11:13 - And being to be the case, that actually means that this lets multiply by ten, six hundred and twenty three thousand dollars just cycling on this one slot, one time in this matrix.
11:32 - I mean, the potential here is absolutely crazy here.
11:37 - Just on the fifth slot, let’s say eight times seven hundred dollars.
11:42 - OK, that will be five thousand and six hundred dollars.
11:49 - OK, and essentially if you multiply by ten on the price on the theory of next year, that’s fifty six thousand dollars on this one slot.
12:03 - The fifth slot. Right. And this one right here, five thousand seven hundred dollars.
12:12 - That is three thousand five hundred. Multiplied by ten thirty five thousand dollars, this little slot right here that is worth right now, three hundred and fifty dollars, you can see that actually the potential here is much, much bigger than if you actually multiply that with one cycle by a factor of 100.
12:37 - Right. Because 10x you do on the value of the theory right now with with the slot, another 10x is the value that will show you in a moment why it is likely to go up at least 10x in the next 12 months.
12:54 - You know, we’re getting a potential here of thirty five thousand dollars with this one little tiny slot of 350 that you cycle one time.
13:04 - Now, let me show you guys, OK, as you see the numbers here, if you’re going to tally here, zero point one plus zero point to a plus zero point three plus zero point five zero point eight one point three two point one three point four five point five eight point nine fourteen point four twenty three point three, thirty seven point seven sixty one and ninety eight point seven.
13:34 - OK, that’s two hundred and fifty eight inferior.
13:38 - OK, two hundred fifty eight Ethereum. This is my main point, which is right now.
13:48 - About one hundred and eighty, approximately one hundred eighty thousand dollars.
13:54 - OK, now cycling one time in each and every single one of these, that will mean making about one point eight million dollars.
14:05 - And this is based on the value of it right now.
14:07 - It goes 10x from here. That’s 18 million dollars cycling on this X gold Ethereum matrix just one time.
14:19 - This is crazy numbers, right? I know it’s crazy numbers.
14:23 - And let’s say let’s go into and see that you can actually have your entire matrix here field just by spillover, OK? It can happen.
14:34 - It’s not a guarantee, but it can happen that you can get your entire matrix filled with just filler.
14:40 - So how does it work, guys? So let’s say that essentially, OK, I’m going to take a look at the more more empty.
14:51 - Matrix right here. Do you understand? So let’s say that you have here, OK, three outlines in each one of The Matrix.
15:01 - So you have three upline. So the first outline will do it in the.
15:07 - Green, so this is upline number one, OK? The SEC has also a plan, which is in our plan, number two, and this is the blue team, and here we have an option number three, a red team right here now because you are part of the matrix of your plan.
15:29 - Number one, essentially your entire three levels right here are all part of your matrix of our plan.
15:41 - Number one, guys. OK, so essentially every person, all the right partner of the are plan No.
15:49 - One here in The Matrix, he can feel your level one, your level two and your level of three.
15:57 - And those people from the green team, if you’re up number one, each one of them, they have their own matrix and you’re part of it.
16:04 - So they can go and feel all of these people, they can go ahead and feel your level number four.
16:13 - So potentially three guys, you can have your entire matrix filled up and several times over just from the team of your outplaying, the number one doesn’t have to be your outline.
16:28 - That is the actual plan and drops you to for a community.
16:35 - OK, because in each matrix, in each iteration, you have different outlines in each cycle.
16:41 - So you can have all of this field just from the green team and 10x your money on on this slot.
16:50 - OK, so that is right here on the green.
16:55 - And we have our play number two. He’s also part of his team.
16:59 - So the two levels that you have right here, the two levels, essentially guys are also part of his team.
17:07 - So he can fill with the partners your level one and your level two.
17:12 - OK, and the blue team, they can actually go and build their own matrixes and give you a spillover and feel your level three and your level four from the blue team, from your outline, which is so in theory, you can have your entire matrix feel just from the blue team, from the spillover, OK, and their team.
17:35 - So that’s that’s not that’s not the end.
17:41 - We have your outplaying number three here as well.
17:43 - So you’re also part of your formula teams up to number three on their first level, guys, so he can go and field your level number one right here.
17:54 - I’ll play number three. And now these people can go ahead and field their matrix at your level number to your level number three and your level number four.
18:07 - OK, so essentially in theory, you can have your entire matrix filled by your outplay number three and his team.
18:16 - OK, so this is how powerful it is, guys. And also, of course, the orange team.
18:23 - This is your team. You can start building your team, the orange team, your personal direct partners.
18:32 - And these people can go and build their matrixes, of course.
18:36 - And you get a spillover from your team, your battle lines, and they can feel your entire matrix.
18:41 - You can see there is so many opportunities, guys, to feel your entire matrix on each of these slides from a spillar is crazy amount of spillover that you can potentially be in here.
18:58 - Now you have staggering and you shouldn’t be going expecting all the time of spillover come your way.
19:04 - Shouldn’t be the one being a leader and creating a spillover and sharing the this powerful community of forces with other people.
19:12 - But I’m glad of showing you how powerful this program really is.
19:18 - OK, that X goal program, that’s why people are so excited about it.
19:23 - And yet just cycling through several, several times in this program is very, very, very powerful.
19:29 - So, for example, this eight hundred slot, you can see the eight hundred transload over here and you’re earning, you know, one hundred sixty sometimes to him.
19:41 - Forty four hundred. So this is the fifty percent of the eight hundred slots.
19:48 - So this is exactly how he’s going to be on the theory of science.
20:11 - How it is possible for etherial to go from where we are right now and about seven hundred dollars to shoot all the way up next year to five to ten thousand dollars.
20:24 - OK, I’m not joking. You know, this and the actual end game for Ethereum is much, much higher than this.
20:33 - We can get to to this point about fifty fifty thousand dollars for for one etherial you.
20:41 - Hey, how it is possible. You know why we are going there.
20:46 - Well, let me give you some facts, guys. OK, etherial is the most traded cryptocurrency, one point one million average daily transactions, three and a half times more than Bitcoin.
20:59 - And right now, Ethereum process more transactions annually in volume than any other crypto.
21:05 - And you can see is the first block chain to settle over one trillion dollars, one trillion dollars.
21:14 - OK, now there is more developers working on the theory of Gloc than any other coin and including Bitcoin there’s and 2300 average monthly developer developers.
21:26 - And in the last three years they’ve been working on Ethereum 2. 0, which already launched and now have over one billion in either state on the Cerium 2. 0 platform, over one billion guys.
21:41 - And this is just the start. This is the bigger picture for a theory of the decentralized space, the derivative space that this year has been 20 hexing.
21:51 - This is 20 x hockey stick and all. And we went from four or five hundred million to like 15 billion dollars right now, thirteen point three dollars billion locked in the decentralized finance space.
22:06 - And everything is on the theory. And blocking all of these projects are on the theory of block change.
22:13 - OK, this is key. This is powerful, OK? And this is just the beginning.
22:18 - I want to show you the bigger picture. Do you fight? It’s one million users.
22:22 - Your theory, music is surging. Ethereum is going to become more and more scarce.
22:29 - And actually, we are seeing right now Ethereum only investors are interesting to you to have only a theory and not Bitcoin.
22:37 - The defense space is completely changing factor for Ethereum 2. 0 and the issuance is going to be reduced by fifty eight, two percent to 95 percent production on the theory, you can see if right now on the theory at one point four point seven million Ethereum issued annually, Ethereum 2. 0 issuance is expected to be somewhere between one hundred thousand and two million.
23:03 - The year was most likely scenario be much less than two million.
23:06 - So it’s a reduction of 58 to 95 percent in the supply of Ethereum.
23:12 - What happens when the demand rises and the supply goes down? We are getting much, much higher in price.
23:20 - Now I want to show you something that will blow your mind, and that is if you visualize all of the money in the world and what cryptocurrency Bitcoin in theory are OK, and compare it to the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet, the billionaire’s gold Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, right.
23:43 - And Stock market money supply global that a global real estate, global wealth.
23:49 - But all of that pales in comparison with their derivatives market derivatives market.
23:57 - The notional value is five hundred and fifty eight trillion market.
24:04 - And that’s low end estimate, guys. Now, what if just one percent of this market derivatives market is going to be settled with etherial? OK, that one percent A is gobbling up like 90 plus percent of all the derivatives market decentralise finance market.
24:23 - So one percent of this would give evaluation of the theory of a five point six trillion dollars.
24:33 - Now, where we are right now in the price of bitcoin Ethereum, we are right now at eighty three billion dollars.
24:43 - So let’s do the math on that five point six million billion trillion divided by eighty three billion.
24:58 - This is a million dollars trillion divided by a three million billion, sixty seven point four, so sixty seven point five and multiply the current price of seven to ten dollars by sixty seven, sixty seven point four, that’s forty seven thousand eight hundred fifty four.
25:24 - So it’s almost fifty thousand dollars. I mean, that’s that’s where that’s where the potential is for the future.
25:32 - You know, five to ten thousand dollars next year.
25:35 - That’s the low estimate. Guys, where we are heading was Ephriam at those price points.
25:41 - You need to understand the bitcoin is rising.
25:43 - You’ve seen what happened in November and December for Bitcoin absolutely exploded.
25:50 - And we are just starting this cycle. You can see this is the month of November.
25:55 - This is the month of October, November, December.
25:58 - Absolutely. Three very strong months for Bitcoin, surpassing all time highs.
26:05 - And we are just starting this bull run just like in the twenty seventeen within six hundred percent.
26:11 - This twenty twenty one, we can do easily, you know, find the next Bitcoin.
26:15 - But I think etherial is going to outperform Bitcoin big time and a percentage wise we are not even an all time high.
26:24 - It’s so right now is the perfect time for you guys to lock arms and get started with for such a theory of Nadjib the radio.
26:34 - We have the academy courses, we have the research community and for seismic screenings for programs are also very powerful.
26:43 - One hundred percent of the payment goes to you or somebody else.
26:46 - It’s more simpler matrixes over here. You’re already familiar with that and how it works now.
26:53 - And is gold is launching a third of Gennari.
26:55 - I explains to you how it works and looking at these numbers, guys, of where we are heading with Ethereum guys and this is crazy, you know, 10x in here.
27:07 - Eighty nine a. m. , right. When you seen the sixty three thousand dollars right now.
27:12 - But, you know, give it a year, six hundred thirty thirty thousand dollars.
27:17 - That’s why this program for a theory I believe can make more millionaires and they already possess as has been able to generate and create.
27:31 - So right now, get ready. Get everything ready.
27:35 - Lloyd Olmec, a mask, OK. Or Trest, we’ll get a theory.
27:40 - I’m ready for the most exciting launch of Sergej X Gold and think about how many slots you want to take.
27:49 - And you know, do not let your people to surpass you on the slots because once they do, they get full cycle until they get back to you.
27:58 - So if you have, let’s say, six spots, a six slots right here in the goal and somebody in your team goes to seven slots and you go after him, you’ll need to have the entire cycle filled up until he gets back in cycle into your matrix.
28:15 - So make sure that you do not miss any income right here.
28:19 - The Cypher sergeant’s goal. Let’s earn and accumulate as much theatre as possible.
28:25 - Get ready for the next year. Hopefully you now have a better understanding about how for such a theorem as gold works, make sure to pass it on for your teams.
28:41 - And let’s get ready for this amazing launch of Forsys Etherial X Gold and Russia.
28:48 - Together, guys, just in case I will repeat once again, the final approved Xcode marketing figures for Ethereum first slot costs zero point zero five Ethereum second slot zero point one Ethereum father in accordance with the sequence of the golden Section zero one three zero point zero point eight one point thirty two point one three point four five point five eight point nine fourteen point four twenty three point three thirty seven point seven and the fifteenth slot six to one.
29:22 - Ethereum total income from one circle of all slots one thousand seven hundred eighty six point nine six.
29:30 - The only net profit from only one circle one thousand six hundred twenty seven point forty one Ethereum, or about one million one hundred forty thousand dollars.
29:43 - If you count at the rate of seven hundred dollars per one Ethereum enteritis already higher and will clearly grow during the year already at the start, which will take place on January.
29:56 - And many of you will be able to earn a lot of money, so do not waste time and get actively involved, wish you a fantastically successful New York. .