Knurls in Fusion 360 - plugin (update)
Apr 28, 2020 13:31 · 362 words · 2 minute read
Hello everyone. This video will be about update of Knurl maker. New version is now available and all necessary links are below the video. If you like the content please thumbs up. There are few new features. Diamond patterns for cones, toruses and NURBS. Preview which displays the range of knurl, selected face and density of grooves for crossed pattern. Displaying estimated time - the more runs the better estimation Cancel button on progress window.
02:10 - In addition to this it contains other changes. Plugin works both in parametric and direct design but I strongly not recommend parametric one because of inefficiency. Keeping many helper features (and operations) can significantly explode timeline and slow down working with such document. Better settings knurl length - offset changed to “start”. Now you can precisely manipulate it from two sides instead of one. No surplus as default.
03:50 - If you want simulate amount of squeezed material, you need to change flattening factor from 1 to smaller value. Fillet radius is off as default (0). It means than grooves and tips will be sharp. No fillet radius in case of diamond patterns. Knurl angles list changed to buttons. “Crossed teeth number” for “crossed” pattern in case of cylindrical faces changed to “Grooves number”. Better description of validation messages. New blue plugin’s icon.
04:45 - If you use a new UI (toolbars), the plugin will be visible in a new tab “Shwivel” in “Design” workspace. I suggest to uninstall the older version of plugin and close the Fusion before installing a new one. Sometimes it may also be necessary to reset customization in the “Create” panel in “Solid” tab to remove duplicated plugin’s icon from the old place. If you like the plugin please thumbs up. Full product’s description is available on the plugin site. Remember to download proper installer for your OS - active installer is indicated by the blue button.
05:39 - If you have errors, questions or want a new option, please leave a comment or mail me. The address is on my publisher’s site and in the product’s “contact” section. Thank you for watching this and see you later. Bye. .