ENTERING the DIVINE FIRE Secrets of Surah Al-Naml
Nov 19, 2020 19:27 · 2630 words · 13 minute read
As Salaamu Alaykum. Invite endless blessings into your home please subscribe “A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.” The immensity of this cave of Rabi’ul Awwal and the entry into this reality that when we recite “Taa-Seen,” that Allah (AJ) dress the souls of these servants with the secret of this ta and its reality of At-Tahir-the most purified reality from the oceans of creation. Means an immense purity. That whatever diamond has a flaw every soul has a flaw except the one that is so purified that Allah (AJ) describes it as a haq and a truth. The immensity of its purity makes it to be Allah’s (AJ) symbol of truth. Everybody’s impurity gives them a darajat (spiritual rank) below the darajat of the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
01:24 - “At-Tahir Al-Hadi,” the purified guide of Allah (AJ) that when Allah (AJ) want to lend from His oceans of names onto the name of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, means that, ‘I purify this reality with such an immense purity I swear by ta and its immense secret. That the Tahir Al-Hadi (purified guide) and the immense reality of this secret. And I swear by the seen and the reality of the sir and the secret.’ That the secret of all light and the light of every secret. The secret of every light so it means that everything manifesting and un-manifesting is made from light, like advanced physics Allah’s (AJ) teaching from these ancient realities that one day you’ll find out everything manifests from light.
02:34 - The form breaks down everything breaks down and all that’s left is light. Means that every light is this reality and its secret is from this reality. Means everything is manifesting from this secret. And Allah (AJ), ‘Entry into this cave is ta-seen,’ swearing by the purified secret of what you’re about to be witnessing and entering into this reality, “Tilka Aayaatul Qur-aan.” Here awliyaullah (saints) are describing the kitab (book) and the Qur’an are two separate issues.
03:15 - Qur’an can never manifest, Qur’an are the words of Allah (AJ) that are not created. So that’s why Allah (AJ) making reference to ayatul Qur’an (verse of Holy Qur’an). That what you’re about to look at in this heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ which is this fire emanating from the presence of the heart of Prophet ﷺ is an immense fire. And Allah (AJ) describing, ‘This fire, ayatul Qur’an,’ because you can’t say Qur’an because Qur’an is not created. Are you getting that? Ayatul Qur’an, means Allah (AJ) saying, ‘Because there’s no sharik (partner), there’s nothing like, this is just a sign of My Divinely speech.
’ 04:11 - Because nothing can manifest nothing can hold that reality. So then Allah (AJ) is separating this immense reality saying that, ‘This fire that you’re seeing in the heart of Prophet ﷺ which all Qur’an is manifesting from this reality, tilka aayaatul Qur-aan, this is the ayah (verse) these are the signs of My Divinely speech.’ Then the creation part, “Wa kitaabil Mubeen.” And the soul of Prophet ﷺ is kitaabil Mubeen. That is the created so the kitab is the vehicle in which you put the words of Allah (AJ) upon it, they’re two separate; the words of Allah (AJ) and that which is trying to carry it, carry the words of Allah (AJ).
05:09 - In dunya (material world) the mushaf is a paper that’s trying to carry these realities of Allah (AJ). In akhirah (hereafter) in the world of malakut (heavens) there is no paper that can hold that there’s no mountain that can hold that, but Allah (AJ) describes, ‘Only the soul of Prophet ﷺ can hold that.’ “Wa Kitaabil Mubeen,” that what the believer and these awliya are witnessing is this fire that you see where all Qur’an is manifesting in these lights. Why a fire? Because ishq and love is a fire and they gather around the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ because it’s a fire. Is a fire of Divine love in which these naats (praises) and the one that we were reciting a while ago but they were describing, ‘O you ashiqeen (lovers) that you come and you gather around this flame and you’re so mesmerised by this haal and this feeling and this energy and this muhabbat (love), why don’t you start to enter the flame? Why are you scared, why are you just always watching the group participating at a distance?’ They’re saying, ‘Now enter. Enter this fire of divine love.
’ 06:57 - What looks like a fire to you because it burns dunya. It burns everything other than the ishq and the love of Allah (AJ) which is the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. Everything else burns away. As you move towards that everything begins to vanish, everything important begins to fade away that you thought was important and they describe like a moth that enter into the flame. Where the moth doesn’t even think itself burning anymore it’s so lost in a love that it just goes into that flame. It doesn’t worry that ‘What’s going to happen with this, what’s going to happen with my things, what’s going to happen with this.
’ 07:52 - All the worries of dunya that, ‘If I should enter and I go and I and I go into that immense love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, what will happen to everything?’ The moth doesn’t even think anymore it’s so lost in the love it enters into that flame. “Tilka Aayatil Qur-aan.” That’s what Allah (AJ) is describing with this “Taa-Seen,” these souls enter and they’re mesmerised by ayatul Qur’an. “Ayatun min Ayatullah.” These are the signs of Allah’s (AJ) signs. That when their souls are entering into that love and into that ishq they’re lost in it. That’s why it’s a fire that it burns everything other than it and the fire of Jahannum (hellfire) is an immense fire of love that will burn everything other than the love of Allah (AJ).
08:51 - That’s why if you have a love for Allah (AJ), Allah (AJ) describe, ‘You’ll be on a couch reclining, on a couch, on an arsh (throne), on a chair.’ Means that when you have that love already everything else has burned away. What is there to then burn and what is it that you feel? You feel the immense love of Allah (AJ). And for people who don’t have that love and they put all their love in their dunya and their material world, everything that they built upon of their belief of the material world of course this fire looks frightening. It’s going to burn away all of their material desires and everything that they had built up of what they thought was important.
09:45 - And ashiqeen (lovers) are teaching, ‘No, no come to this ishq, come to this love, come to this fire and let it to catch you because if you come close enough to the fire it begins to dress you and begin to enter into your heart where your heart becomes a flame and you become somebody who’s caught on fire.’ They’re lit, and when they’re lit they heat up and immensity of that fire is mirroring onto their heart and that’s why their heart is filled with zikr (Divine remembrance) of “Hu” from the realities of Hu and Ikhlas, “Qul huwa. Qul huwa, they’re sincere servants of Allah (AJ) in which their hearts are flames of Divine love. And their whole being is inside of “Kitabil Mubeen.” That they understood that Prophet ﷺ is Allah’s (AJ) kitab, what Allah (AJ) want to write His Divinely words on what? What would be pure enough to write Allah’s (AJ) Divinely words? When we said they’re not even something that can manifest there’s no paper pure enough, there’s no ink pure enough.
11:00 - There is nothing pure enough, where Allah (AJ) says, ‘I can’t send it to a mountain because nobody can take it.’ Only thing that is pure is the one who’s Tahir Al-Hadi, ta and seen- that he ﷺ is the purified secret of Allah (AJ). And as a result Allah (AJ) says, ‘That is the only place My holy words can be dressed.’ As a result the kitab with the words then become the reality and the power of Holy Qur’an manifesting. Then Allah (AJ) is describing from that cave and from then reality, ‘It’s a guide and a glad tidings for those who believe.
’ 11:43 - That when they enter into that cave and if they’re around that flame and being dressed by that light blessed by that light of course they’re in the oceans of guidance and blessings and their whole life is “Ikamatus salat wa itauz zakah.” That everything they do in their salah their prayers their worshipness, and they give. They give from whatever Allah (AJ) has given to them of their money of their time of their ability of everything that Allah (AJ) has given because they understood that zakat (charity) is the cleansing. That’s what cleans them and keeps them to be in the presence of that flame. Dunya by its nature needs to fill the believer with itself until the believer becomes so contaminated that he begins to distance himself from the reality and Allah (AJ) then describes for us that, ‘This praying and giving, praying and giving, praying and giving; make it a lifelong habit of our reality that as you want to approach and you want to be dressed by these realities then from whatever Allah (AJ) gave you of, Qul inna salati wa nusuki wa mahyaya wa mamati lillahi Rabbil ‘Aalamin, from whatever Allah (AJ) has given to me of my life my ability of my family whatever I possess in my life, Allah’s (AJ) share to it.
13:19 - And that I live a life of service so that I’m always around that Divinely flame.’ And that’s the haqqaiq (realities) and the reality in the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and malakut and the world of light. Then ayatul kareem (generous verse of the Holy Qur’an) in Suratul Naml begins to describe Sayyidina Musa (as). And what Sayyidina Musa (as) saw when he went into the desert and decided that he has to leave the city, he has to leave Fir’aun and he has to go now towards his reality - was a burning Bush. That is the flame that awliyaullah are being taken to in the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ because Sayyidina Musa (as) yet didn’t recognise or understand that reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, he’s a Prophet of Allah (AJ) with a different secret and that , that secret had to manifest from the heavens onto the earth as a bush a fire.
14:25 - And what Allah (AJ) describes in Holy Qur’an, ‘That anyone who enters into the precincts of this fire who are in it or around it they are truly blessed. ‘ That’s the dunya version. Imagine when Allah (AJ) saying, ‘Those whom are around this fire in this fire are truly blessed,’ then what about Ahbab e nabi ﷺ (Lovers of Prophet ﷺ) that their souls they emanate from the presence of that reality? That Prophet’s ﷺ soul is the reality of ‘That Bush’ that Nabi Musa (as) was witnessing and later began to seek that reality, ‘I want to see you Ya Rabbi. I want to enter in and the ma’rifah (gnosticism) of that reality.’ And these ahbab e nabi ﷺ and the lovers of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ have been given all of this as a gift from the reality of Prophet ﷺ, and is a gift to the nation. Whomever makes a salawat (praising upon Prophet ﷺ) on Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and opens their heart to this love opens the heart to the reality, this association of fire this association of love this association of immense realities is open for them.
15:48 - That’s why people say, ‘Why the fire and why the candle and all this symbolisms?’ Because they don’t know these realities. This fire is a fire of ishq (love). These are all in tazkiratul awliya (Biographies of the Saints). The fire is here to burn dunya. That whatever is other than Allah’s (AJ) love has to be taken away and when the heart of the believer is lit they’re like a shams like a sun. The sun is a fire there is no more mass inside the sun it’s all gases that are burning and they burn eternally because of the love that it has it reached a state of eternity in which it continuously is burning out of the power and the love of Allah (AJ). They are no longer of a form and then have a time, but to enter into the oceans of eternity and bahrul hayat (The Ocean of Ever-Living).
16:54 - Means the entire surah (chapter) now begins to describe we’re in this cave and that as you’re moving into the cave the reality of this cave is, what was the power that was given to Sayyidina Dawud (as) in which he could hear the birds? What was the power and the Kingdom that was given to Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) of the Kingdom? Because of the shyness and the humbleness of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ he didn’t want to show his kingdom and the power that Allah (AJ) had given to him. As a result a shyness and saying, ‘Look that this Kingdom of Sayyidina Sulaiman (as), what Allah (AJ) has given to him?’ When people don’t understand the greatness of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and then Qur’an is saying that Sayyidina Dawud (as) had the knowledge of talking to the birds and that they had knowledge a little of everything. Talking to all the creatures of Allah (AJ), understanding the speech of inanimate objects all of that is a description in Suratul Naml of the Kingdom. When anyone wants to doubt what the servants of Allah (AJ) have as a gift and ability then read Suratul Naml. That why Allah (AJ) gave the power to move the wind, gave power to understand the speech of creatures, all of these were a gift to Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) through the ring and the sunnah (traditions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
18:23 - And he was given all of that because he received a ring from heaven and this ring was the sunnah of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. What then Prophet ﷺ gave to his entire nation that, ‘My ring and the sunnah of my ring has all that power if you love me. That if you love me and I love you all the power of the heavens with you.’ What then is there to fear? What is there to grieve about if Allah (AJ) is with you Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is with you. We pray that Allah (AJ) dress us and bless us with the immensity of mawlid e nabi ﷺ (celebration of the birthday of Prophet ﷺ), muhabbat e nabi ﷺ (love of Prophet ﷺ).
19:11 - These are not anything that we reach by our by our ‘amal (good deeds) by our actions by are praying, but just by good character by opening our heart to the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, by giving generously, being of service do something for khidmat (service) in the way of getting the attention of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. We pray that Allah (AJ) dress us bless us and grant immense ni’mat (blessing) of this month and dress us from the reality of, “Taa-Seeen; tilka Aayaatil Qur-aan wa Kitaabim Mubeen.” InshaAllah. Bi hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha. Click the link now to subscribe. .