Nissan Qashqai J11a&b: Which FUSE is safe to use?

Oct 24, 2020 16:38 · 634 words · 3 minute read qashqai uses car fuse box

hello friends today i’m going to speak a little bit about the fuse box welcome to this new video so when adding an accessory to the car you always need a power source the main question is always which power source to use so in this video i will show you what are all these fuses used for and which one are switched and which one continuous and which one are safe to use so in the fuse box cover you can find a little table with the explanation of all the fuses is it is almost exactly the same in the J11a as in the J11b only the power socket and the spare one are switched around and on the J11b here it is both 15 Amp and in the J11a the spare one is 10 Amps so the Qashqai uses these kind of fuses with the short ends the names are sometime mixed up Mini or Micro just be aware that they look like this on the fuse you always have the fuse rating and you see the both metal pins you can use those metal pins to test if the fuse works so inside the fuse you can see a little metal loop that is the one that makes the connection and that’s also the one that blows if something goes wrong so when you pull out the fuse you can visually check if the fuse still works so in the fuse box itself on top you can see four slots with backup fuses they aren’t wired to anything so you have a 5 10 15 and 20 Amp i already used my 10 Amps here you have a little tool that you can pull out in order to remove the fuse and this big thing if you put on it you remove all the current of the car this one is used by the dealership when they stop cars for some time this way the battery isn’t impacted so guys you can see the multimeter here you can check if the fuse is continuous or switched and you can easily check if a fuse still does work and isn’t blown without removing the fuse so first to check if a connection is switched or continuous so i connected my ground to the metal part i put multimeter on the direct current 20 volts and now i can easily check if a fuse is continuous so here you can see 12 volts if i check the fuse just above it doesn’t give any reading so that one is switched and only will go on when i start the motor so this is the easiest way to check if a fuse is continuous or switched in order to check if the fuse is still working i turn the multimeter to the Ohm meeting i will take the lowest so the thing now is to put your both pins into your fuse into both holes and you will have your reading and you can see my reading so that’s use works just another one just beside and there you go this way you can test every fuse to see if it still works without having to remove them all of course when ever tapping into one of those shoes you should know which one is safe to use and which one aren’t so i make you a little schema with the description of every fuse if it is continuous or not and if it is safe to use so guys i hope this video helped you a little bit on better understanding which fuses you can use and which you better don’t touch and if you like the video please share subscribe and i see you in the next video bye bye .