CT9500 on a bike -- first try

Feb 16, 2020 22:09 · 198 words · 1 minute read muted 00 also possible .)

Trying the CT9500 for the first time. First bike ride this year too. It’s mid-February, but the winter seems to be over. 15°C. In Vienna, Austria, not in south Italy. Cam is hanging upside-down from my bicycle front wheel rack. Bicycle accessory was included with the cam. Plenty of other accessory too… But no description on how to use any of it… ¯\(ツ)/¯ I’m using the android app to control the cam here. Good: no need to bend over.

01:40 - Less good: not all options supported through the app. E.g., “anti shake” and “rotate” options are missing in the app. ¯\(ツ)/¯ ¯\(ツ)/¯ Cam can do 4k@50fps. But I took this with 1440p@60fps. H264 encoding mode. (H265 is also possible.) => 7 min video = 2,65 GB Mic is muted, stabilizer is on. Stabiliser does help, but the road is bumpy… Maybe I should mount it on a helm? Camera offers three lens angle settings: wide=170°, medium=120°, narrow=90° I’m using the “medium” here.

04:00 - But the objective is still a wide-angle one… Strong “fish-eye” effect, even with “narrow” lens angle setting. Vertical lines in indoor photos get terribly distorted. But outdoor video looks OK to me. .