Like many other Republicans, Susan has finally decided enough is enough. Shes voting for Joe Biden.

Oct 26, 2020 15:51 · 398 words · 2 minute read get 00 need change please

Hi. My name is Susan, and I’m from Jacksonville Beach, Florida. I have been a Republican voter since I was first able to vote in 1980 at 18 years old, and I voted for Ronald Reagan. I am now a no party affiliation and I am supporting Biden Harrison in 2020. I would like to say I changed my mind back in 2016 when those Access Hollywood tapes came out and Trump boasted that he could kiss anybody or grab anybody he wanted to, just because he wanted to. But sadly, I’m ashamed to say that wasn’t the final straw for me.

00:42 - And then time goes on and Trump’s narcissism and incessant lying has just had a cumulative effect. And his bullying, and never-ending name calling, it’s really, I don’t know, sad, annoying? I don’t know what the right word, but it’s just disgraceful. His administration’s policies to separate families at the borders and take kids from their parents. And still some haven’t been reunited, it’s horrifying. Trump’s cozying up to dictators and alienating our traditional allies is embarrassing.

01:28 - And Republican leaders failing to hold Trump accountable has caused me to question everything I believed the Republican Party believed. The Trump administration’s handling of COVID and this pandemic has just caused countless avoidable deaths and suffering and Trump’s unwillingness to listen to scientists and facts related to COVID or climate change. It’s just mystifying to me. But the final straw for me was, that caused me to leave the Republican Party was, Trump trampoline on the United States constitution. Whether it’s asking the FBI to be his personal private investigator or ordering the Justice Department to do his personal bidding and then firing people who don’t and threatening to fire people to get them to do it. Trump’s using federal forces against mostly peaceful protesters in Portland and Lafayette square and other places as well.

02:43 - Trump threatening to eliminate funding to Democrat blue States and cities because they don’t like him and then supporting white supremacy groups and conspiracy groups because they do like him. And trying to undermine our confidence in democracy by falsely claiming voter fraud and trying to suppress votes through both his words and deeds, just the final straw for me. Enough is enough. We need change please. Please support Biden and Harris in 2020. Thank you. .