2.6-Choosing and adding other themes
Feb 12, 2020 20:52 · 830 words · 4 minute read
So as I said in the previous lecture what I want to do is just make you aware of other things and I’m going to show you how easy is in fact to swap them in and out for your store. What I don’t really want you to do is to spend an enormous amount of time doing this. I just want you to treat this as a little bit of knowledge that later on you know once we actually build out the business because that’s what this course is all about. You know once we get to that and you’ve built your business at that point perhaps come back here and choose a theme that’s appropriate. So this is more about awareness. So let’s have a look and see how we can actually go about this.
00:33 - So here we are on the themes page and if I scroll down a bit I’ve got some options here. Three themes and I’ve got Shopify theme store. Now if I click on Explore free themes I get a handful of themes but it demonstrates the point very nicely. You can see that this theme simple has a very different layout to this one called Pop which itself has a different layout to boundless and so on. Right so each theme has its own unique style. So let’s just say for the sake of example I liked this Brooklyn theme. What I can do is selected it gives me various features about it I can read more about it. I can in this case choose a different style between classic and playful but let’s just leave on classic. And then I say to myself yep I like this theme. I want to use it. So I click on at Brooklyn. Now at this stage nothing’s changed but if we scroll down here we see that the Brooklyn theme is available.
01:25 - And under these actions I can now publish this if I wanted to. In other words change what I currently have the debut theme for this Brooklyn theme. Now often when you change themes the images are preserved but the text is so I’m just going to show you that example right now. So let’s click on publish. It gives me an Are you sure you want to do this. And I’m sure some are going to click on publish and the whole thing refreshes. And now I have a different look and feel to my store. So if we go back here now and refresh as I say the images are preserved. We get a completely different layer. If I scroll down here for example you see all these feature collection these things are very different to the debut theme. I’ve even got to subscribe to a newsletter which wasn’t part of the day thing is part of the Brooklyn theme the way this part and many you probably remember was horizontal. Now it’s vertical. OK. So each theme is very very different in its look and feel.
02:20 - And you may find one very appealing for your store later on in the day. But let’s say Now I don’t want to do that right. I want to go back to where I am. Well that’s very very simple. So now debut thing is in the list. So if I want to basically just go back actions published the day be thing click on publish again and I’m back to where I started. Now scrolling down again. We had free themes and as you saw there was probably 8 to 10 free things. That’s it. But we do have this Shopify theme store. And if we visit the theme store this is where you get access to hundreds possibly thousands of different things and pretty much everything you can think of.
03:01 - So you know just scrolling down we’ve got find the perfect thing for your online store that will take you through a whole process. We got a bit of trending going on. We got some different layouts minimalistic style and what I like in particular is this browse by industry. OK. If I go into this there’s all kinds of themes related to specific industries. So I don’t to repeat myself a bit later on in the day once we’ve gone through the process of building out a great business. You might have a business that revolves around let’s say some sort of toy or maybe jewelry like I’m doing here or art or whatever it might be and you can come back here and you can choose a theme that really gives your store a fantastic professional feel.
03:42 - So we’ll stick with the debut theme for the moment. But the message is that’s not really the one you want for the long term. OK. Come back here once you’ve done this whole course and really put something super super cool. .