Flush DNS Cache in Windows 10 via Command Prompt (Tutorial)
Jan 22, 2020 16:30 · 152 words · 1 minute read
From time to time it might be necessary to flush your DNS cache in windows. An example is a dynamic dns domain which may change the IP address on a regular base. Once triggered Windows will remember the IP address of a domain for a certain time. In this video I will show you how to flush the dns resolver cache. You will find all commands in the video description.
00:30 - I open up the command prompt by either searching for “cmd” or by pressing windows and R key and enter CMD in the run window and confirm it with enter. In the command prompt I execute ipconfig displaydns to display the already cached domains. With the command ipconfig flushdns I can now reset the dns cache and by executing display dns again, I can confirm that the cache is now empty. That’s it! Hope this was useful for you. .