UNEBENHEITEN mit SAND ausgleichen - der RASENFREAK hat schon wieder seinen RASEN gesandet
Aug 26, 2020 05:00 · 519 words · 3 minute read
[Music] Well dear lawn freaks… She: Fail Welcome to a new video from Lawnfreak Andreas Krauss. Today we are talking about this area. I will now show you what happened to this area after the sand action a few weeks ago. Namely the sand is gone. And what is my motto: Sand always works. Sand always works. I’ve sanded this place up real good. And I tried to make this transition from the upper area here to the lower area a bit flatter. Because I unfortunately mow edges in here again and again with my heavy cylinder mowers. The one mower, one spindle is like this and the other path is, then just in this arc area, then again like that.
And right in the corner, the mower pushes really stupid edges into this surface. It would have been much better to make these walls on one line. But we didn’t do it that way. Now it’s a bit bowl-shaped so theater-shaped, amphitheater-shaped. This transition area is bowl-shaped, and that’s why we put a lot of sand on it here, to smooth out this transition a bit The amazing thing about sand, as one colleague said, is that the lawn eats up the sand. The grass grows through very quickly and it becomes dense again very quickly.
02:10 - And then you can’t see anything of the sand. If I pound here now then you actually find the sand underneath. But the lawn is so dense again that’s just amazing. So in this video I show you how I sanded here. I also sanded the southern edge in front, to even out a few waves. You can’t throw so much sand on the lawn. I always say 10 to a maximum of 20 mm. Above all, you must not cover the grass, cover it, then the grass is dead. Then it doesn’t come through anymore. There must still be some blades visible. So work in the sand, then the surface is green again in no time. That’s what today’s video is about. Have lots of fun with it. We want to distribute my last sand here today. That one… the last sand. Lawn grows… here… incredible… Lawn grows in pure sand. Incomprehensible [Music] Very gently, up and down, so gentle, so smooth, that’s how it should be 😊 [Music] So 😶, I don’t do either 😰, always the same, you always do the same things. And you’re never finished. There is also a hole… no… that’s it! Thank you for watching. Enough So dear lawn freaks, you see just such an edge that annoys me incredibly.
08:18 - Just because of this slight curve here in the lawn, the eFlex is pushing such an edge in here. That bothers me really badly. So you would probably have to sand again so that the area is really good here. Okay, that’s it. Thank you for watching. Feel free to subscribe to me if you like, you will always have my latest videos. And see you in the next video. Your Lawnfreak is looking forward to seeing you 😃 Bye .