Maxi Maglione Friends / Pull / Suèter/
Dec 20, 2020 16:15 · 3173 words · 15 minute read
Hello everyone in this new video tutorial I will show how to make this maxi sweater that makes me almost a bit dressed in fact I wear it over a fuson and that has decided to call a friends sweater because the yarn I have chosen is the new yarn of the miss tricot yarn which is called amicone I have chosen solid color but I remind you that there is also the amicone color both yarns you can find them on the site crocheting with the yarns of which I leave you at the link indiscretion of the solid color friend there are really many colors I chose a slightly different color than usual in this period I like to focus on colors that I usually do not use and I went to focus on this mustard color which is the number I read 105 each ball is 100 grams and measures 100 meters. 50 percent acrylic 50 percent polyamide but girls it’s really soft to make this maxi major I used five of these balls then 500 grams even if the last ball in reality it only served me to be able to make the face of a sleeve and the neck and it was left over so a little bit and I crocheted the number 10 so I recommend whoever is size m in my opinion must go and get at least two balls of yarn plus that size l you opt to buy 8 balls then 800 grams or even 900 grams this if you want it long like mine so that it lives above the fusion if instead you want it a little short you can also give up a ball even if not inside you do not want to make the neck but I always advise you to have one more than I have even with the extra one maybe you can make a simple neck warmer not that the shirt is attached but separate that said , the processing is very simple are two turns that must always be repeated and it is worked in with high stitches in relief on the back very simple then I will show you how these stripes are created here which I find really very spacious and nice the same point that used to make the I also used the body of the shirt to make the sleeves the only difference that the sleeves I made this mini border where I always went to do a round of single crochets once made the shirt and the sleeves I went to make the neck as you can see the shirt is attached so it is not a separate collar as we did with the most with the puma shirt which then made is made and for the neck warmer this time I made the neck directly on the on the sweater made this neck wide so such as to be able to wear under a turtleneck or even a simple touch but still have the back of the neck well covered said that even this very simple sweater you like it and if so then please send me as always or your photos or on mine facebook page hooking with elsa or on the facebook group the freedom to hook and knit you can tag me on instagram where you will find me both how elsa do and how to crochet with the yarns and we as always see you at the next bt tutorial then to make our maxi sweater or dresses not to be put on widespread in any case I decided to use the new yarn of the miss tricot yarn which is called amicone the color I chose is the color number 105 this mustard color really very very nice looks like a golden yellow so one day it is very dark it is still the mustard color as you want to call it then I will work with a 100 the number 10 starts from the bottom I mounted 52 chains they seem few but slipped on the bulk and I’m working as I told you with the ending with the crochet number 10 I recommend those who have to make a larger size and this being a sweater that goes under the butt because it must have been done under a spindle I recommend you go away to measure or the circumference of the hips and also taking a little the bottom or otherwise the breast circumference if you have if not more abundant than the lower part and put many chains until you reach that size you don’t have to keep in mind a multiple so you can make an odd number even number as you want I would say for a size m anyway to go on 60 66 chain stitches for now size l on the 75 80 chain stitches you see a little having said that we can go for our first round which is very simple because we are going to make 3 chain stitches which are the first 1 2 3 double crochet and we will go to make a double crochet in each chain for a total of 50 2 double crochets in my case so we continue to work normally going to make a double crochet in each chain for a total of 50 2 double crochets in my case then I’m finishing the first round I’m going to make a very low stitch inside the third chain or well second round and let’s go to return directly to where now the third chain stitch then the double crochet and I’m going to make a single crochet now we will make a round all single crochets one above each double crochet but we emboss it on The back then we enter you see in the back yarn so not all your children but only in the back yarn and we go to make a single crochet and we always continue like this a single crochet on the back then I always enter the back yarn and continue like this then for all my second round in this way always entering the back loop of the double crochet I’m also finishing the second and last round I did the last single crochet entered the initial single crochet I’m going to make a very low crochet well now we start again from the first round but we also do the our first round in relief as I did the round of single crochets so I ’ll show you how to do 3 chain stitches in the maps that are always our first double crochet for those who do not want to chain stitches can do the single crochet and the double crochet or pull the thread in this way and do the double crochet directly as you prefer said what I had to do double crochet the relief always on the back then double crochet entered the thread I find of my single crochet and I’m going to do a double crochet and always proceed like this yarn behind the affair double crochet yarn behind the single crochet that she will want to do my double crochet round back of my single crochet and what do you do the double crochet so these are the two rounds that we will always repeat this round of double crochets around low crochets and we will repeat it until we reach the necessary length then divide the forward part from the back then I repeated two motifs 13 times and so now I went to put the markers then I repeat I repeated the 2 rounds 13 times and ending with the round of single crochets and I went to put the markers to put the markers I remembered the single crochets and I have 52 because you know that we started mounting 52 chain stitches so for the half I put 20 6 single crochets forward 26 single crochets back, fine-tuning the markers before the first of the 26 forward and after the 26 in such a way as to have 26 back 26 forward I recommend if you have an odd number it is not a problem the odd number must always be placed on the front and at this point we will always do the same processing but in round trips and I will show for a moment how to do it then see here I I have my first marker that I put between the two single crochets so here I have my first single crochet on the front here I have the single crochet on the back and I’m going to work norm in mind only that now we will do the cd back and forth and not more rounds in the round then we will go to make 3 chains that are always ours before reality and we go to make a t-shirt and I must above every other and want every above every single crochet sorry so let’s go to work our high stitches normally the relief behind in this very simple way I continue to work like this until I get to the marker at the second marker I’ll show you how you finish how you start the second round then how you can see and I arrived where a marker and also in this case I had placed the marker after the last 26th single crochet before the first single crochet on the back so in the last single crochet I always went to make my double crochet the book and I finished like this my first round I turn around with the knitting and can go for my second round which consists of going to make a single crochet directly over the high stitch and then in which at this point the knitting changes for a moment because now we will no longer go to work in bod from the return but in rounds of sorry in rounds eat them back and forth then to do the never round of single stitches I no longer enter the back loop but I enter the forward loop so you see us before they entered the back loop now instead we enter the front child and do the single crochet then change only the second round and continue so I always go to do the single crochets not on the front yarn but on the back yarn in this way you see s to always entering not in the back thread but in the front thread while the first round is done as it is because we are going to work as we have always worked here if we are on the forward part and see when we will go back to work you see we have the same work as before because it turns out that the single crochet is on the back so these two rounds we are going to repeat the first round that of the double crochets is the same as the round we do before the second round you must remember the single crochets should not be done on the front thread but sophie and sorry they should not be done on the back thread but on the front thread I will now continue to work these two rounds I will tell you at the end how many times I have repeated it and I will do the same thing also behind and then we will go to sew the shoulders and then create the sleeves and also the neck then I finished both the front and the back part I repeated the motifs three times so you see one two three and then I also did a fourth motif but only repeated I give the round of double crochets and I naturally did the same thing behind then I went to sew the shoulders to create the hull or sleeves and the neckline I sewed for ten centimeters, say for about eight high crochets both on this side that from this one then I repeat I worked for three whole motifs so repeating a circle my heart single crochet round and only to make a fourth motif where I only did the round of double crochet the fact both forward and back I sewed the shoulders now we are going to make the sleeves to make the sleeves I will always work with the crochet of the number 10 15 is always with the same yarn and we also always do the same stitch so we go back to working in the round so no longer in round trips but in I do not have to go to widen the sleeve I do not want to make a wide sleeve I want a normal sleeve because otherwise if I made a sleeve too wide with such a thick yarn I would not be able to wear and above more bots where you have to use only thumbs above and I prefer to be able to use it even under coats and then let’s go to do it in this way I always hook underneath I always put the marker then under the hull and I go to make my first double jersey so 3 chains that here are worth my first t-shirt and I also stop the thread now since I do not have to go neither to widen nor to push I will work in this but maybe it tightens a little bit I will work in this way I go to make a double crochet where now high horizontal a double crochet where I have a horizontal single crochet and I continue like this for the whole round or a t-shirt where I have a horizontal sweater a double crochet where I have the bassoli sweater zonta them so very simple and continuous so for the whole round this we say our basic round because then as you know we should do the round in relief then base round all the round of double crochets and video how many stitches he promised and then we will go to do I will show you c how to make a round of single crochets but the same process we did in the body of the shirt then I finished the first basic round by always making a very low stitch and I have a total of 18 high stitches as a width to allow the mali quarry very well but I recommend you to depending on the type of sleeve you want to make if you want to make it a little wider a little narrower go to increase or tighten the number of stitches and now we continue to work normally so as I told you we will return to make our two rounds so I go to same base stitch I go to make a single crochet and then I make all the single crochets in relief on the back, entering only the back loop of the double crochet of the previous round after this I will naturally go to the round of double crochets and we will always make a round of double crochets we become in the back yarn so I now continue to work these two rounds I will tell you how many times I have repeated the round and then we will also make a neck to the shirt I intend to make a nice wide neck in soft a little different from those we usually did then I finished the knitting for the knitting I repeated the rounds 12 times and then I repeated the last two already two more rounds of single stitches so I repeat I repeated my motif then repeating a round of treble crochets a round of single crochets 12 times and at the end to make a sort of cuff if we want to fail after having done the twelfth round the twelfth reason are to do another two rounds but only of low shirts and I did the same thing also to the other sleeve at the end I then went to make the neck as you can see it is a neck where I only and exclusively did the round of high shirts because I wanted it nice soft so no more sweaters however, the processing tends to be softer but I have always done white rounds of relief when he went to work on the south south jersey flush behind the high jersey for the first round i or I had shown it because really very simple I went to do a double crochet over each double crochet but in the first round so this is all the laps but in the first round I made a double crochet over a double crochet 2 double crochets over the next stitch always going to work the back yarn in such a way as to have the first round much wider go to widen the neck so further when we go to wear the shirt you see that the work will fall on the front and therefore we will have a beautiful pompous neck and that falls on the front right as if we were wearing a is a neck warmer so I repeat I did a round the first round I made a double crochet over a double crochet 2 double crochet shirts next and of course to the side where o the seam went to make a double crochet in this way I widened the first round and then I went to repeat one two three four five times five treble knit fighters making a shirt over each shirt high always entering the back thread to still have a relief processing that also recalls the processing we have done up to now and I only made t-shirts to have their action as soft as possible and as height is fine for me but you can do the neck even thicker wider so if you want to make it wider you have to go to do a double crochet instead of a double crochet and in the t-shirt two t-shirts above the next variant go to make 2 high crochets on each basic double crochet so that you have it even wider then a little more important glue or you can do it psi you want it not to widen but you know a higher then more pompous in the sense of that is how can I say yes to more rolls then you have to go for a few laps in the more I saw is in any case not to load too much so if instead of 5 it reached a maximum of 7 but do not make it too high the neck because then it weighs a little too much on the front that said my shirt is so finished to .