កូនប្រសាក្រៅភ្នែក (ភាគទី៥) - Daughter-In-Law Ep5 - [Sastra Film Original Life Series]

Jun 10, 2021 14:00 · 1706 words · 9 minute read

Greeting Sister! Are you here already? I haven’t come to see you. i heard that you are sick I haven’t come to visit you since my husband went to the province I have to take care of my family You don’t have to apology. I understand it I know that you are busy unlike someone who is free all the times How are my grandchildren? You look pretty good You might be fine when Tep come back Yeah! I’m both happy and unhappy because I feel not good with someone Why did she come back? She is shameless Why did you clean the house while pregnant? It’s risky Sit down! I will help you clean Don’t bother talking to her! Yeah mom! You should go away.

Lowly person! SASTRA FILM AND BAYON TV SPONSORED BY PRESENT DAUGHTER-IN-LAW TEP! TEP! Something came up at your home! Your mother and your wife had a serious argument She even kicked your wife out Really? Yeah! Why don’t he give me something in return Are you going to leave me? I don’t want to leave here too but it’s because of you Tep! How can you do this? How dare you want to run from home? Is she better than me? No one is better.

I realized that my wife is the best I will leave here You can’t go. If you go, who will marry your finance Do you want mom to be here alone? When do I have finance? You are the one who did it So, solve it by yourself If you can’t solve it, marry your husband to her Stop! Stop! Please leave me! I can’t live without you TEP! Don’t leave me! Tep! Tep! TEP! Please don’t go! Please! TEP! TEP! Please come back! TEP! TEP! I tried to do everything for your own good Why did you leave me alone? Why? Mom! He might be happy with his wife You are the one who kicked her out Why did you call her? Reatrey! Tep has never left this long I don’t know whether he is fine or not Tep has never left the home since he was young I’m really worried Mom! Don’t worry! The ungrateful child will have a happy ending Are you cursing my son? Shut the f*ck up! I have never cursed my son since I raised him How dare you! Mom! I’m sorry.

I won’t say that again Please eat something! Mom! You should worry about yourself first You can get sick easily He will come back when he knows nowhere is better than his home Can you help me find him? You can tell your husband to bring my son back to me Please! Please help me! Mom! My husband is busy lately When he frees, I will tell him. Please eat first! TEP! Are you back? Tep! Tep! I was just imagine by myself DAUGHTER-IN-LAW DAUGHTER-IN-LAW TEP! Don’t you love me anymore? Did you forget me already? Where are you? Are you alright? Why did you forget me? Mom! Wake up! Please have some porridge! I have to hurry go back home I told you to eat.

See! You get sick now Mom! I don’t have much time. I have to go to work too Please eat! Did you get some news about your brother? Mom! That’s why you are sick He might already die Don’t curse my son! Think before say! If not, he will show up here right now You always stand by his side Please eat! I have to go soon Mom! What did you do to me? Why are you so disgusting I have to go to change and go to work Eat by yourself! Retrey! Please help change my clothe first Mom! I will do it in the evening I will go to work now Mom! Mom! Tep! Where are you? Please come back to me I miss you so much Please come back to me! She is disgusting If I know she is disgusting like this, I won’t come to see this old lady Orr! TEP! Sros! Are you coming back? I heard that mom is sick Of course! Why did you ask? Mom sick because of you guys How dare you come back! Why don’t you leave Don’t you think it’s rude? I’m not in the mood If something happen to mom, you have to responsible for it I have to take care of her by myself Aren’t you her good daughter-in-law.

Why did you say that? If I was wrong, I will responsible for my actions We didn’t want things to turn out like this Stop arguing! Where is mom? In her room! Look what you did to her! Go to see by yourself! Let’s go to see mom, baby! Mom! I’m back TEP! TEP! DAUGHTER-IN-LAW DAUGTHER-IN-LAW Are you really coming back to me? YEAH! Please don’t leave me again! Please! Of course, mom! I will give you whatever you want but don’t leave me again I won’t refuse what you want again Mom! We won’t leave you again We will stay here with you I’m sorry that I left you alone Did Reatrey call the physician to check up on you I’m fine now I will pay the bills but you have to treat your illness Call the physician! I will take care of mom! Please stay with my wife! I will call the physician Please sleep! I will change the clothe for you Be careful! I’m a lot better because you take good care of me I should thanks to your wife Mom! Please have porridge! You can go and bring medicine in her room I have something to talk with her Okay! Mom! What do you want to talk about? Or do you want to talk about the bills? Don’t worry! It’s on me.

21:49 - Why did you come back again when you already left? You said you won’t come back again I still don’t accept you as my daughter-in-law Mom! My wife told me to come back My wife begged me everyday to come back TEP! Why did you always protect her? She is always right Don’t touch me! Stay with your wife! Let her be! She might not be in a good mood When she is recover, we can talk to her again Don’t be mad at her! You can talk to me whatever you want I want to sleep early I want to talk about my wife You are blaming her way too much Sros really worried about you you are overprotective You’re afraid that your wife will be upset.

How about me? I just want you to open your mind for her I didn’t mean to make you sad i love both of you If you love me as you love her, why did you leave me alone? but you don’t have to say anything, I can see it I know how much you obsess with you wife now Mom! Why did you say that again? It’s been months already MOM! When you open your mind for her, you will know how good she is No one is better than Reatrey I want you to look at your brother because he has a good wife I’ve never seen them visiting you while you are sick They are busy unlike your wife When you left me, they took care of me I might become a ghost without them You won’t listen to me I will let you sleep now Don’t you want to sleep with me You can’t leave you wife even for one night, can you? Reatry! Come in! Greeting sister! DAUGHTER-IN-LAW DAUGHTER-IN-LAW Are you coming to visit me? Yeah mom! I’ve come here since they are back because my husband was in the province and I have to take care of my children Don’t apologize me! I understand that you are busy unlike someone who always free How are my grandchildren? They are fine.

You look a lot better You might not bored anymore when Tep come back I’m both happy and upset with someone I don’t know why did she come back again She comes here to ruin my family How shameless! Why did you clean during pregnancy Please sit down! Let me help you! Outsider! You should go away when our family is talking lowly person! What have you got? Orange and Mango! You don’t have to buy it It’s okay, mom Mom! I have something for you to help My husband want to expand his business.

That’s why we want to borrow you 20 million Riel 20 million Riels? What kind of business that need much money? but we really need your help I really need your help.

30:54 - Please! I don’t have this much money I don’t earn much lately Can you help me borrow the back with your land? I really need your help. I will give you back in next several days I will give it back as soon as I get my money Don’t you trust me and my husband? Why are you here? Do you want to steal anything? You will give it to my husband after all Are you sure that you want to lend her money? It’s my wealth.

I can do whatever I want It’s none o your business Mom! I’m just worried about you You don’t have to worry Go back and take care of your vegetable I trust Reatrey after all That’s why I lend her money I was just afraid because I used to see When parents give them all of property, children’s is likely to abandons them You told me that you don’t have any relatives They already died because your relatives are stupid but I trust my children Don’t mind my business next time! I know what I should and shouldn’t do Get out of my sights Here you go! Next Episode: Don’t mind my business next time Sorry that I make you upset I might be your obstacle you have ever made me happy How dare you tell my son Mom! Give back my phone! I will go to sleep with husband outside Sros! SASTRA FILM SPONSORED BY PLEASE WAIT FOR ANOTHER EPISODE.