Explaining why I dont like Onision

Jul 20, 2018 22:31 · 1045 words · 5 minute read

why I don’t like onision by Victoria X Rave I’m too sweaty I’m gonna like slip and die oh those is a really good workout technique is everything in that one playground over here I’ll show you guys work out you can do in Japan on a playground wait I’m gonna say you need the whole thing dip for the dick next exercise discontinue yeah yeah that’s stuck that’s the bumpy fun side right so we’re in that graveyard shrine temple place and there’s lots of cruise so I got back from the gym which was really small and extremely quiet everywhere here is like super super quiet you’d have two different pairs of shoes and you go to the gym you come in you’d have to take that pair of shoes off and you have to get like walking your socks to the changing room walk back and then put on different pair of shoes to work out at the gym I’m going to go and see this lantern festival thing that my friend wants to take me to so you think that would be really cool so why I’ve been here I’ve been eating a lot of rice and tofu but they have some really good food here especially these are delicious they’re like a certain kind of pumpkin here subway so it’s been they open it do that get lit up in here you could drink in public in Japan I’m going to a dive of Meereen Park we’re gonna watch the landing the sky is beautiful right now so konnichiwa so before I end this vlog I wanted to talk a little bit I’ve been having a really good time here in Japan it’s really cool to see new things and new people and stuff but I also have been trying to you know keep up on social media but a lot of people have been messaging me about a nice yawn and I’ve never talked about any Seon at all because why even bothered really is not relevant or doesn’t even matter it’s like he made a recent video I’m not sure how many days ago but it was just very it was very ignorant and annoying is this to do with like dreadlocks and stuff on white people and I’m gonna show I’ll show the clip like right here like there’s this girl with a similar hair type is it look like she showered anytime recently you think it’s easy to keep that hair color no pretty much guarantee or her hair smells like a goat with dingleberries dangling down on their back I want to correct what he was saying he put my picture as the thumbnail number one number two dreadlocks don’t smell bad and nici on is very salty as a person and I haven’t met him in person because I’ve chosen not to like hang out them because I think he doesn’t like me because he was coming to Los Angeles and he has to hang out and I’m like it’s probably that we don’t I was very respectful about it and I try to be like you know because there’s just like other friends of all no just trying to do it was best for whatever he got really salty about it and then like sub tweeted me on Twitter and so he uses me and his example as a white girl with colored red locks but it’s like commodities yeah like if if you want friends then be a friend be friendly you know it’s very ignorant and the things that he says and it’s actually pretty annoying so I wanted to Bend about that for a second it’s like any sand just grow up that’s not how you interact or socialize with people it’s really not relevant and I worth talking about it definitely not make you a thumbnail about like I really ignored everything whenever he was like tweeting about me and stuff like that there you go that’s what I think about a nice day on which that’s probably what everyone thinks but it is not even not worth my time I also wanted to clarify that with dreadlocks even though it’s nothing to do the Japan vlogs even though this is an entire like Japan vlog like they smell like normal and her you can wash them as much or as little as you want I’m gonna have my friend come in and smell my hair and tell you guys why what he says about it so you guys can just have some clarity I’ll be back in a second okay so you got me some food although it keeps all the things okay what she’s like twice Oh stuff nice I’ve no idea I just like yeah geez use it tofu tell them how hard it is so hot it is in Japan because they’re sneaky about what they print stuff like your white vegetables like all these little packets and stuff I was like okay and inside I found like a little bit chicken in a lava any I can tell you just stay like assorted vegetables yeah wait Japanese do heck here really yeah we can now whose beat you up with it just so fucking difficult to do so that’s some vegetarian food that he found in Tokyo which is kind of difficult wait actually I needed to ask you to smell my hair and tell me how it smells a reaction to any see on you-know-who nice iana’s uh-huh yeah he said that people with dreadlocks I look like my hair it smell bad okay he smells pretty damn most of the main does it smell like what it’s like it’s like possibly don’t smell of anything and then some parts of it it smell like like coconut see you guys just really have dreadlocks and because you have colored hair it doesn’t mean that your hair smells better even though I’m surprised that anyways thank you guys so much for watching I love you very very much I’ll see you in the next vlog wait how do you say how do say goodbye so you’ll know that say say say you’re not you.