Onewheel XR Test dautonomie avec batterie additionnelle (sous-titre multilingue)

Mar 25, 2020 14:01 · 1592 words · 8 minute read monstrous mess behind paws 11

Miahou Friends of electric sliding hello, we are today here for an autonomy test Onewheel XR with an extension of battery. So this is a Onewheel which have been around for a little while more than two years now. He has one autonomy of 30 km announced. and the battery election doubles this autonomy, therefore 60 km. For the curious that I’m interested I caught on a site American those who know the environment The guy’s name is Sonny Wheels. he plans on all models from Onewheel, the more the XR, the Pint too, battery extensions, so this is not the official version because it does not exist for the Onewheel brand typically for that, so we have a system plug directly on the wiring interior. So the VNR system National Vampires… I don’t know what does that mean…

to plug it in after directly on your external battery. And after here is after, while I drive, all the power goes directly during that I roll in my battery and so on, and its balances like that i’m always on the application for example if I’m 50% is that I am 50% here and on the internal battery and from there it’s left then there is a like a procedure to make. The I just lit the board behind always do like these and then plug in, and that’s good I can leave. For the reverse I have to unplug. I put the little one protection against the fleet, the land all this all the dust. And I can turn off on that side. If I don’t in that sense. So it doesn’t does not work. The board I don’t want go out, its crazy a monstrous mess, plus little shots of juice coming out when you plug in, so the best thing is to do like this.

It’s like that 02:26 - exactly, if you want to do its at home, do like this. I do not go more on the description of the machine I already did it on a video previous you can find here… Lost is not left… Here right… With my weight of 80 kg and a temperature between 10 and 15 degrees and a little wind we will do a little less I think, but we will try, we will see what it looks like let’s go it goes. We can say that you spoiled me there, this is a path one !!! that there that I know… that you don’t want to fall so we roll a little slower it’s normal so suddenly we go by the path rather than bitumen so certainly the figure at the end of autonomy will be decreasing but anyway that’s life.

Anyway there are highs, there are 04:15 - lows and there are paths and here we go Eihhh !!! So little point we did roughly 14 km I am 73% of batteries therefore as I said, the path, the paths muddy, you lose your autonomy. We had a little head wind too so i think that there is a little more than 20 km / h of wind. So on the application, she tells me that the speed is 10.9 maximum. I think that we did a little more because that obviously I have the version or the bluetooth cut or app bluetooth is off while that therefore not very practical obviously now that i have touched that i have put an external battery I can’t send it back to future motion I did fart the guarantees too bad. But it’s like that, but here we are, of course 14 kilometers therefore 73% of drums. It looks pretty good, huh.

She says to me here then when it’s 05:16 - like that often he’ll tell you about the application that there is basically 24 kilometers still to be done but as long as obviously the battery is not empty because obviously there is a limit on the application it’s always 25 kilometers of full battery and we’ll say about 50 km today 48 km maybe if we continue to roll like that. Here we go now take a little lunch break because it makes you hungry well a small point we crossed the bar 50% I’m 41% so I didn’t say it at the start, but we’re on a mission… obviously. Who says autonomy, says mission… The most economical, so 41%, he tells me did a bit like I cut with the lunch break 15.2 plus 14 we have about 29 kilometers so if we continue at this rate… so we have past the ark of nature then I don’t know if you see but it is the ark of nature what, it’s beautiful there are sentiés, a cross, bmx and brush course, we can have a little fun We have big children too, we know them well, it’s ours So here we go roughly if we calculate really well, around 50 km we might reach them if we gets to the end a little.

But we don’t meet 07:22 - a lot of people here it is sunny. It’s March 15th March we hit the storms, here we hit the Corona we are all stuck with us and everyone is outside because it’s good so it’s normal… then we have a small average that’s a small average because there are of the world so obviously to exceed them here we pay attention. We are less than 20 km / h yeah so here it is drinkable and therefore for a battery like that which really in shit a lot when it’s windy cold here it is 15 or 16 degrees lets you glimpse a few kilometers. But now it continues. Yep, here it is, the weather is nice, people go out, we take people out with we then the autonomy test…

07:59 - it turns into a ride The rest is where? Mika, what’s next? Yeah we returned to downtown Le Mans with Saint Julien Cathedral just behind. I’m 27% I feel it in the behavior of the board, they are already starting well react less, less fun it starts to get tense, as soon as we puts a small change of sidewalks things like that it gets complicated. She tells me still 25 km left good i believe too much now, but hey it’s always nice to see that there is still a lot kilometers in total. So with all this we are exactly at 30 uhhh did you say how much? 34 km! so already we have already broken the record basic without the external battery. 30 km when the weather is nice, so in summer you do more than 30 km you can get there. There in winter around…

let the temperature begin 08:54 - to fall, we were maybe 15 or 16 degrees. We are in the process of go down this morning we were at 10 or 11 with wind over there we took a big slope too We will be more around 15 18 to 20 km of autonomy in winter so already we can double it we have more than twice as much so that’s what it brings an external battery then obviously it’s not consistent with the product itself it’s not good to touch but now you want to ride for a long time ?! You need more energy, you need her. And then here it is a real pleasure to ride with everyone, it turned into a ride We have Dualtrons, there are wheels It’s great, besides that we even met a boyfriend. Finally a friend, a new one who was driving, so it’s always a pleasure to meet new people so here we are listening we will be on soon the end, I don’t think I’ll go to 0 because this is the board it’s less secure. But that’s already more than 30 km no problem and we’re going surely happen 40 we can do it without problem and maybe we will do a test in summer a little bit like that to say i can reach 60 or someone more housed but not necessarily me. This is the challenge for others.

Come on, good luck 10:06 - So suddenly we went down below 25% concretely I have to stop there I could do a few kilometers we are roughly 38 km away for today 23% left there I told you it 25 km of autonomy remained. It is good below 25% he tells you really free attention here it is me says there is 3 km of autonomy so here is more I had to do a little an emergency stop. A large braking or really the tail rubs. The back… What do you mean, the tail rubs…?! lol voila my tail rubbed, I have to stop there I stop here. You cut lol. Therefore no the back of the board rubbed the ground so it ends well but it’s to say that I don’t have enough fishing left let’s say, to make a big request either acceleration or braking in case or. So yeah we almost get to 40 km it’s not bad. Yeah i would maybe 50, but last time it was at least 20 degrees So, well, that’s how it is it is the law of the electric battery that’s how it feels.

But there already 40 km in the paws 11:18 - it’s already not bad we have enough fun and here I tell you good ride, go see you next time.