Dec 1, 2020 10:00 · 1275 words · 6 minute read
Do you know what day it is today?Yuka? It’s a hell day lol I’m scared~ (if you don’t do well) he said he is going to say bad words to us lol Hey it’s alright! It is my very first time man Thank god that we continue doing this YouTube (So impressed about the result) Hi there~! It’s me Yuka Sungchan and Hugh Lagohae here~! Coping…(but he got a big pimples lol) Well, why we came here? What are we going to do? Do you know what day is going to be today? It’s going to be hell… I heard that this man right here named “Hugh Lagohae”will make a song for our Yuka channel Before we start recording, I want to hear why you decided to make a song for Yuka Channel ! Oh yeah right! I’m curious too Why you decide doing this? Ok let me talk you I don’t know if you watched a previous Q&A video(on Yukachannel) Was that the one when we became getting 50,000 subscribers? Yeah I think the Q&A must have been 50,000subscribers anniversary. At first, I sent the message with a light heart that I want to make a song for this channel And I introduced my self in there So this is the case that came true this time! It became real I wanted to make a song because I love music Since they’re the star! ( oh well he is good at it lol) I was curious how the music that we made together would be finished I like to give songs as gifts as well So two of you came to my place today OK, now I ask you why you like me so much Why is that? Well, it would be possible that you fell in love with me as a man Oh my god Oh so you are…. You guys also(?) tell me like that…(he is strait guys ) I’m..I’m ok with it! Lol but I wanted to listen why you like me Isn’t he attractive guys ? Put this video here lol This one…. Hey Yuka, was your dream becoming Morning Museum before?? Yeah a long long time ago I always wanted to do singing or making my own music Thanks to Hugh Yeah today our dream became true This is a very new challenge for me(us), so I am so excited Yeah if you do your best, then everything is going to be alright Waait…who is it? Lol Ok now I’ve seen this type of person before lol many times There are many people like this guys just now in the entertainment company lol I don’t know what the person does, but Yeah I bet there are many people like that, right? (That’s you man) First, Hugh composed this song and we wrote the lyrics based on our first meeting day(Yuka and Sungchan’s) It’s a song that the three of us worked hard to make.
02:31 - I hope you enjoy it and listen to it a lot. And please support his music as well! And I think Hugh is going to be make Music for us Until Rohan become the age of 30 lol Oh my god…lol Yes man Let’s take a look at the process of making music together Let’s see how dirty he is lol Have you been published as you work publicly like this? I’ve never made it public that I’m working on a song, no one knows Maybe by the time this video is up The song will be released, so watch this video (for overseas people, please wait about a week later) We would be very happy if you could listen to our song together Thank you!! Alright then shall we go ? By the way, Hugh and I have very similar hair, but what do you think Yuka? Yeah same hair, but different result lol (Yuka got sleepy before even start…lol) Let’s get it!! Everyone, it’s the beginning of hell Hell~~! (Mic test before full-scale recording) Wait….but who…? I’m scared….because he told us that he will say bad words if we couldn’t do it well… Hey if he say something to you, then you say it back! Relax, just relax I think you are the most relaxed lol You did the recording just one time or 2 times?! Yeah I did a few times only..so?! (Consulting with each other about the feeling of sound) Yeah It’s ok to be relaxed more Be confident , just relax baby! I love him! Lol You have done this before too! Why Why Why lol Don’t you think I’m like the person on the producer side? Yeah, it’s more like an investor lol I hate most… Hey, it’s okay, why are you so sloppy It ’s difficult, isn’t it? I can feel that lol Is your throat bad condition? You have to sing from your belly, head? Don’t try to sing in your throat lol What did you say? (She cannot hear anything lol) Give up Oh my god you guys cannot hear me?! Nope (Return to work) (While taking a commemorative movie lol) (She is the type who can do better when she hear compliment) Be more confident!Chest out! Pull out your butt! Lol Fighting Hugh This couple is the team…lol Work hard He’s good. He’s very good.
05:16 - Yuka surprised by the sudden loudness of the sound. Hey, isn’t that too loud?) I just saw it. I’m surprised. You okay? You didn’t do it on purpose? I didn’t mean to. My ear is dying lol (Listening to Yuka’s recordings) How is it? Is your voice ok? I cannot hear anything now Can you hear me? No? You cannot hear me? Really? Me…? Yeah..you ..me?? Yeah your weight is…. ….basterd… Yuka, we’re going to improvise and record the chorus now, so it’s going to be a little difficult.
06:05 - Alright We are done with Yuka’s part!! Rohan just woke up from the nap Hello Hugh This is my first time to do recording….in my entire life Thanks to Hugh, I do something like this Thank god that I do YouTube (He looks professional) (Mic test) (And Hugh’s sunglasses) The good thing about Sun-chan’s voice is that it changes with the beat. (He is so impressed by Hugh’s work) (Checking the look~~) It’s already dark outside… Hey I feel old because…. Yes you are..(?) (Our recording is finished !) We worked hard today! Help me..guys! How was it Yuka? It isn’t easy, huh? Yeah it’s not easy at all! Every time I listen to a song from now on, I may start to think about the hardships of the people who made it How hard it must have been for the person who arranged it or made it I think Hugh got the talent really Talent hard work Because he told me that I’m going to make you as Trevis Scott ….I was like what?! How I become him….
but 07:43 - The music is way better than I thought Our music is released by the time this movie is up(but iTunes/ Spotify etc the foreign website takes longer time so please wait for us!!) Oh I didn’t do it lol Hey I saw you did that here lol So please stay tuned for our releasing date!!! I hope you like it! Thank you Hugh~!! My work is started now…. You guys will leave today, but I start working from today lol Thank you!! Well, today is one of the history of Yuka Channel. It’s a day when one of our dreams came true, so I’m happy. Thank you. Please share a lot guys~!!! .