Whats the Best choice for Kurdistan - Donald Trump or Joe Biden?
Oct 25, 2020 18:00 · 2594 words · 13 minute read
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00:36 - The American election is one that almost the whole world Is following. This election is very interesting for the rest of the world to follow since it practically affects the whole world, and so also Kurdistan – but how? And what is the difference between the different candidates regarding the Kurdish question. Important to know is that it is impossible to know what actually will be happening, so in this video we will split the battle up into 3 different rounds. Round 1 will be about who the candidates are and what they stand for, round 2 will be about what the different candidates have done for the Kurds in the history, round 3 what chances are there for the different candidates to win and what is our personal opinions? For the upcoming elections, we have the current president Donald Trump on one side, representing the republicans and Joe Biden on the other side representing the democrats. So, lets start with Donald Trump in round 1.
01:37 - 74 years old Donald Trump was born in New York in 1946 to a wealthy family and could in the 70s take heavy responsibility in his familys company making him president of Trump Organization. During the upcoming 30 years the Trump organization achieved great success and improved its economic situation. Trump made himself a fortune and became famous as a successful businessman. 16th of June 2015, during a speech in Trump Tower, New York, Donald Trump announced that he was going to candidate for the president election 2016. His most important election questions was illegal immigration, the drug problem, unemployment, offshoring of American jobs and the terror threats of ISIS.
02:25 - With the campaign slogan “Make America great again” he became the republicans main candidate facing Hillary Clinton from the democrats. 77 years old Joe Biden, born in Pennsylvania in 1942 to a originally wealthy family, who on the other hand had a rough economic time during Joes first time as a youth. Joe biden was Americas vice president during Obamas precidency reign between the years of 2008 and 2016. Between 2016 and 2019, media often mentioned Biden as a likely candidate for president in 2020. During this period he often gave different answers on weather he would participate or not, he finally confirmed his participation in 25th of April 2019.
03:17 - Round 2 – what have they done for the Kurds? Starting with Donald Trump, looking back at the president election in 2016, we all saw a president vowing for the Kurds, he called the Kurds great fighters, he said that America has treated the Kurds badly and on and on… Are you familar with General Soleimani? Yes.. Go ahead, give me a.. Go ahead, tell me… He runs the Quds forces. Yes okey and I think the Kurds btw has been hardly mistreated by us. No, not the Kurds, the Quds forces, The Iranian revolutionary guards, the bad guys.. Do you expect the… Oh, I thought you said the Kurds.. I’m sorry, I thought you said the Kurds. Because I think the Kurds have been very poorely treated by us. Agreed.
04:10 - We’ve had for many years, very good relations with the Kurds as you know. First of all the Kurds have to been brought in to this, because they are good fighters and we treat them terribly. They are the ones who seems to fight. I would attack the oil [ISIS], I would take away their source of power, their source of wealth, then you will defeat ISIS. As commander of chief you would have access to a massive arial assault, but in military terms you just can’t do it by airpower alone? I would look at it very carefully, we have other people involved. We do have some great fighters with the Kurds and their the one who do seems to be the fighters..
04:44 - They know what they are doing, but they don’t have the equipment. We have been given equipments to people who run everytime they see a bullet gets fired [Iraq] I would look very strongly in doing what I just said and I think we would win and win quickly. You said Kurdish? The Kurdish people.. We should use the Kurdish people, we should arm the Kurdish, they have proven to be the best fighters. They have really proven to be the ones most loyal to us and as far as I’m concerned I didn’t know that Nashville had a large Kurdish population We should be using and utilizing those people with great hearts, great fighters and we should work with them much more. I think the Kurds are great people, they are incredible fighters, they are wonderful, warm, inteligent allies…
05:33 - We do get along with the Kurds, we try to help them alot. Don’t forget that its their territory. We have to help them, I want to help them. They fought with us, they fought, they died with us, they died. We lost tens of thousands of Kurds died fighting ISIS. We don’t forget, I don’t forget, what happens someday later, but I can tell you that I don’t forget. Donald Trump build a reputation that made the Kurds cheer for Trump to win the election.
06:00 - A reputation that he kept on strengthen during his presidency but who also was weakened due to several acts which the Kurds saw as pure betrayal after every effort the Kurdish people had done against ISIS – lets take a look. The Kurds, our partners, are selling oil to Iran, we are not thrilled about that. We want to protect the Kurds, but I don’t want to be in Syria forever. It’s sand and it’s death. And if we don’t kill ISIS everyone will say “oh then they will come to our country”, I guess that is possible for a very small percentage. I think there is a lot of pressure on Turkey, they have been fighting the PKK for many years, they are natural enemies.
06:44 - You can read today from couple of reporters that when President Obama started this whole thing, as you know it was started by him, he created a national war with Turkey and their long time enemy the PKK and they are still there and they are still hating each other beyond anybody’s belief. Well, I’m not siding with anybody. We have been in Syria for many years, Syria was supposed to be a short-term hit. Just a short term hit and we were supposed to be in and out, that was many many years ago and we only have about 50 people in that area, that’s a small sector I don’t want those 50 people hurt or killed or anything, I don’t want anything bad to happen to our people and I told that to President Erdogan, I said: “Don’t let any of our people get hurt, big trouble”. If you look at some of the Kurds, they are a natural enemy of Turkey, they do have natural enemies. They have been fighting for, somebody said hundreds of years…
08:02 - We interject ourself into wars, and into tribal wars and revolutions and all theese things that are not the kind of things you settle the way we like to see it settled. It just doesn’t work that way but hopefully it will all be strongly done. But we are not going to be there longer and we are going to be watching Turkey and we hope that them and some of the other countries, including the EU goes in and does whatever they are supposed to do with theese captured ISIS fighters and families. Now the Kurds are fighting for their lands, just so you understand and somebody wrote a very very powerful article today… They didn’t help us in the second world war, they didn’t help us in Normandy as an example, they mentioned names of different battles But they are there to help us with their lands, and thats a different thing and in addition to that, we have spent a tremendous amount of money to helping the Kurds in terms of ammunitions, weapons, money and pay.
09:14 - With all of that being said, we like the Kurds. But again, they have been fighting for so long, they have been fighting for so many… this is like the Israel-Palestinian, okey? There is only one difference, maybe the hatred is even greater, is that possible? Maybe not, but this is a very serious hatred that come over many years. Without spilling a drop of American blood… We all agreed on a pause or ceasefire in the border region of Syria.
09:54 - And what I did was unconventional, I said: “They gonna have to fight a little while”. Sometimes you have to let them fight a little while, then people will find out how though the fighting is, theese guys know right up here.. Sometimes you gotta let them fight, its like two kids, you let them fight and then you pull them apart. But it was unconvential, they fought for a few days and it was visious and the Kurds who are our friends and Turkey is our friends. Donald Trump was the president when America ignored the Kurds during the crisis of 2017 Kurdistan referendum, after this crisis the former national security advicer John Bolton wrote in his book that Donald Trump is an anti-kurdish president, and that he literally behind close doors have said “I don’t like Kurds, they fled from the Iraqis”.
10:48 - on the other hand he also were the one ordering the attacks on Bashar Al Assad and Damaskus together with France in 2018. He was the president when America ignored the Kurds of Rojava during the 2018 Afrin Crisis as Turkey was invading the Kurds, the second betrayal of Donald Trump, despite everything he previously had said about the Kurds. Later on the same year, Donald Trump claimed ISIS being defeated and ordered his troops to prepare to leave Syria, a decision that was very criticized by the Kurds, most of the world and not at least many from the white house itself. While being soft against Turkey, not at least when giving them green light to invade more parts of Rojava, Donald Trump has been though against Iran. He left the Nuclear program of Iran-treaty and started economic sanctions against the country, he also were president when America killed a very notorious Kurdish killer, Qasem Soleimani However, regarding the several betrayals of Donald Trump and America, his argument against the criticizm has been that Kurds didn’t defend America in WW2.
12:16 - and even there he was wrong, in a article from New York Times, we can read the following: Going over to Joe Biden, he really haven’t had the chance to by himself make any decisions for the Kurds. However, he has been an important influence several times in fate changing decisions that has affected the Kurdish cause. For example, Joe Biden influenced the western policy of Iraq when a no fly zone where introduced in Bashur protecting the Kurds against the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in the 90s. As the vice president in the Barack Obama administration, Joe Biden is said to have been the strongest voice to support the YPG in Rojava against ISIS by backing them up with American flight support and training and aiding them on the ground. Biden also commented on Trumps action of giving Turkey green light to attack Rojava by saying “He sold the Kurds out”.
13:23 - this marks the possibility that Biden would do it differently, but who really knows? All the consequenses that I mentioned, every single one can be laid at the feet of Donald Trump. He greenlighted the Turkish invasion, now he is asking Turkey to stop it. But the damage is done… You don’t get do-overs when it comes to national security. The decision had deadly serious consequenses. and yet the dynamic in Syria are incredible complicated.
14:07 - And yes, the conflict between Turkey and the Kurds dates back decades, but before Trumps tweet, a very small number of US forces, working together with our Kurdish partners, was actually keeping northern Iraq relativetely stable. People were not dying. While keeping the pressure on what was left of ISIS. Now, it have been blown apart. Imagine how demoralizing it is to our troops, as Russia poors in mercenaries, taking little victory laps inside of former US camps and facilities and President Trump, ordered them to abandon the very people that have fought alongside them. That’s why we need someone else in the office, who understands the gravity and the consequenses of these decisions. Furthermore, in an article from FDD, defence of democracies, Joe Biden was mentioned as America’s most pro-kurdish president and also Turkish media is reporting about how concerned Turkey should be if Biden was to be elected.
15:35 - So for the last round, let’s go over what are the chances and what do we believe will happen? In the last election, we had Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton. Now to be completely honest, having Hillary Clinton at that specific time as a president candidate was suicide, if you ask me, there were several scandals surrounding Clinton, something that Donald Trump used against her frequently in the debates and even though Donald Trump had what people would see as controversial views, he wasn’t at any political stage whereas Hillary could use arguments against Donald, the same way, he used it against her. Right there, it was a 1-0 score for Donald, and just that Hillary is a woman, makes it another 2-0 for Donald. Even though America is a fully developed democracy, there is a lot of conservative values in the country and a female candidate isn’t yet fully accepted among many in USA. USA has never had a female president in its history of 45 presidents.
16:44 - And with this being said, Donald Trump still got less votes than Hillary Clinton, however, Donald could still win in the long term due to the fact that Hillarys many votes were concentrated in fewer states, which makes all the difference in the American political system. My point is that Donald Trump, this time is standing against a stronger opponent, and this time, Donald has a few of his own scandals to deal with scandals that Biden can use against him, not at least the dealing with Covid-19. We think that the election will be quite even, but that Joe Biden will win it in the end. We also believe that this can be the best for the Kurds, surely, we don’t know if Biden will go on with what he says about the Kurds, but, unlike Trump who spoke well about the Kurds, Biden have showed action several times in his political career. Who do you hope will win? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to hit the subscribe button so that you don’t miss any further videos on this channel. .