LOL Surprise OMG Battle of the BBs Swag vs Honeylicious LOL OMG Remix | Instant Ry Play
Oct 24, 2020 14:00 · 1472 words · 7 minute read
Hi Ry Play Pals! Thank you so much for clicking on this video and if you’re new to our channel click that red subscribe button ring that notification bell so you get updates anytime we upload new videos! Before we get into the video, first I want to give a super shoutout to some of our awesome subscribers thank you so much for clicking and sticking with me! Ladies and gentlemen and all Ry Play Pals welcome to another Battle of the BBs. This promises to be another fantastic Battle of the BBs! Yes that’s right in the red corner weighing in at 97.5 pounds is your girl Swag! And in the pink corner weighing in at 97.5 pounds is the contender the new girl on the block Honeylicious! So this promises to be another epic battle between the two OMGs consisting of three one minute rounds with a one minute rest period in between each round. Each round will be scored and the champion will be determined by the Instant Ry Play Pal judges. That’s right guys you will be the judges.
So guys I want a clean battle between both of you so without any 01:28 - further delays guys let’s go ahead and get to this battle. Let’s get ready to Battle BBs! So for round one each girl had to wear something from one of the lol surprise super surprise remix girls so Swag is wearing some stuff that she brought from her girlfriend Bhad Gurl. She has on Bhad Gurl’s glasses. Love how they’re dripping in slime. She also is wearing a balloon top that i made from a balloon. I’ll try to insert a card above so you guys can check out some of my other videos where I created balloon stuff because that’s a cool way to create skirts and tops and stuff from balloons anyway she also has on Bhad Gurl’s sort of like skirt. I love how it has the little caution tape and all of that.
So so cute! Goes great with the glasses and her shoes guys. These shoes are amazing okay. These shoes look aren’t they so cute? These shoes I actually got from one of my Hairmazing Dolls and so I thought they were great and actually they are one of the things that inspired this entire outfit but anyway guys this is the round one look for Swag so next up guys we’ve got Honeylicious and let me tell you what she is serving for the people first of all she has on some glasses that i got from one of my boxy girls I think that little teal like blue goes awesome with her outfit she has on OMG Neonlicious’ earrings so so cute she has on a top that came from OMG Kitty K and so i think that is so so adorbs and let me tell you she’s got on a little necklace that i created from some little bling um so that’s cute and a Haunt Couture skirt and her shoes guys look at these shoes cute cute cute and they are also from one of my Hairmazing Dolls love it love it love it so you guys let me know what you think about this round one look for Honeylicious so first up guys we have Honeylicious and let me tell you guys what the inspiration was for this round each girl had to wear pink and black in the comments below let me know what you think but Honeylicious actually has on these little headphones and they are Dollie’s which are cute so she has on Metal Babe’s little bodysuit i thought the pink the black and the white went great for this round she has on chillax’s little boy shorts which are cute and she has on the fur from Lady Diva’s jacket i had cut it off in a previous video i created these little like leg warmer like boot fur so cute anyway um she has them on top of these shoes the shoes that i purchased them online and i have no idea what doll they might belong to but i thought this was a cute look so you guys let me know what you think about this look for Honeylicious. So for Round two guys she is wearing some little like um accessories so the accessories that she has in her hair i actually got it from one of the remix hair flip dolls i thought that was really cute i love her hair when they’re in ponytails but anyway and she’s got on these pink glasses that belong to Chillax and she has on Lady Diiva’s little like fur jacket and this little it looks like a top but it’s really a jacket that i put on backwards and it belongs to Alt Gurrrl she has on Uptown bb’s little boy shorts cute and these are Metal Babe’s boots which are awesome and so i think this is a wonderful look for her with the pink and the black you guys let me know what you think in the comments below so guys we are down to round three and what i wanted to do for round three is each girl had to wear Royal Bee’s jacket guys so hopefully you enjoyed the different looks that i created inspired by Royal Bee so first up guys we’ve got Swag and she has on Neonlicious hat she has a royal bee’s glasses of course royal bee’s jacket she also has on Lonestar’s earrings so all of this silver and black it goes really really well so she has on this little it’s not really a skirt it’s almost like a little i don’t know like a i don’t know what you would call it i’m gonna call it a skirtlet i don’t know what it is but it’s like a belt but it’s like a skirt in the back you guys let me know in the comments what you think this is but anyway so she has it on this cute little train that belongs to Metal babe i think it’s so super adorable and i’m not sure if you can tell but underneath all of this she has on a little bodysuit with the fishnets and this actually belongs to Bhad Gurl i love this piece guys this one piece is everything okay i love it love it love it and look at it look the detail on it guys amazing anyway so she’s got that on and she also has on Cosmic Nova’s boots i actually took the little um spurs off the boots um i love how silver it is it looks fantastic but you guys let me know what you think about this round three look for Swag so for this third round Honeylicious looks so cute guys let me tell you what she has on she has on some earrings that came from my Hairmazing Dolls i love how oversized they are and they just look cute cute cute so i love using these for my dolls look she looks cute so she has on Metal Chick’s little necklace cute and she has on a jacket and this is Royal bee’s jacket that she has on i have it on upside down to give it a different look so it wouldn’t look exactly like the jacket that Swag had on she also has on this little belt with the little chains and stuff and it belongs to Ferocious i love how it hangs so adorable she has on the little boy shorts for Uptown Girl but that with this little belt it’s just it’s such a cute little look so love it so these ankle boots that she has on are Mmonster High so so cute they fit so so well and the color goes great with this for her so you guys let me know what you think about this round three look for Honeylicious So guys that concludes round three you guys let me know in the comments below who you think won round one round two and round three and who you think won this overall Battle of the BBs if you guys have any suggestions on who you would like to see go head to head next time let me know in the comments below i appreciate all of your suggestions um i want to give a super special shout out to my subscribers who suggested this battle of the bbs okay guys so that’s all we had today on instant Ry Play, but before we go i just wanted to say even if you have a hard day we hope you find some time to play and we’ll see you next time on instant Ry Play! .