CuVoodoo #029 - quest to dryland
Oct 20, 2020 06:36 · 102 words · 1 minute read
watch “This Is Not What I expected” to get the perfect preparation hydration level 4 is a good choice Welcome to CuVoodoo, the sorcery of copper. this is an Alpatec DH 10 STM32F103-based blue pill fx2lafw, 8 channels, 24 MHz ST-Link/V2 clone *evaporator I use sigrok to read from the logic analyzer and pulseview to show the trace just a high level e.g. bidirectional I used the MCU’s internal pull-up since I did not have a resistor at hand I use lepton-EDA and pcb-rnd STM8S003 as MCU, and AHT20 as humidity sensor with no parts (or traces) on the back side .