Maglioncino Coccola / Pull / Suèter
Dec 3, 2020 07:00 · 2837 words · 14 minute read
Hello everyone in this new video tutorial where I will show how to make this warm and very soft sweater that I decided to call the cuddle sweater for what regards the yarn I used two yarns of the miss tricot yarns that are Hispanic and the velvet each ball of both yarns is of 100 grams only that Hispanic measures 100 meters velvet measures 70 meters and I knitted and crocheted needles number 8 crochet number 5 in order to make this sweater which is a size s I used three balls of Hispanic and two balls of velvet velvet of which I have nothing left while Hispanic has left a little or on the player as regards this yarn you can find it on the site of a hooker with yarns and not only since the video will be released then December 3 until 5 December both of the two yarns will be on offer and this is something that will happen throughout the month of December every time I post a video unless it is not a video where I use only one ball of yarn, so I publish a video of an important creation, the yarns used will be discounted for two days so I recommend you keep up to date and it is not necessary to buy the yarns to be able to do my work you can use it for do much more but know that the yarns I work will be on offer every time I publish the video for two days this will happen throughout the month of December the most chosen colors are 06 of the velvet and 09 of the Hispanic that only antique pink the workmanship is very simple whether you work on the needles or crochet the work on the needles you work the back part of the forward part separately which must be sewn but as you can see the seam is not noticed and I sewed with the Hispanic I worked alternating two i yarns every 2 rows in stockinette stitch so there is a right row for the purl and every 2 rows I went to change the yarn to create these strips while and as regards the sleeves, also in this case they are decided that they should be repeated but I worked the whole sleeve with the Hispanic except for the last two motifs that I worked instead with velvet always with crochet the number 5 as you can see then the sleeve is benched to widen and this has a slightly more elegant effect under the finished sleeve if it is a shirt excuse me always doing the same pattern of the hands but always working with the Hispanic I only made one reason because I did not want the shirt too long it is a shorter shirt than the ones I usually make because I want to wear on top of this thing that with a high waist and on top of another pant that is always prohibited so they don’t need a long shirt but I need a short shirt a little wider than in fact he usually sees we feared wider he said that I hope that even these creations I like to make it in the summer and if so then please send me your photos or on the page of facebook crochet with elsa or on the facebook group the freedom to crochet and knit and if you bought the phialto at the haberdashery coleti or at the crochet with yarns site you can tag me on instagram where you find yourself both as crochet with yarns and as elsa do and us as always see you at the next video tutorial to make our sweater I will knit 2 yarns the Hispanic and velvet not together but alternating them we start by working the front part and the back part of the sweater I will work with the needles of number 8 and in this moment that I will show only the sample but it is very simple because we will always do two rounds so we will work in stockinette stitch but I already tell you that in the real stitch I will go to mount 40 stitches so as to have about 42 cm in width and you know that I usually as a width I am between 72 and 84 cm in width in the round so to go to work back forward I would have to do like a 40 to 42 cm and then or mon tando 40 meshes I find myself with 42 cm as I told you of course you have to put many meshes up to the width you need if you have the shoulders wider than the bar of the hips make in line for the back part more meshes in such a way from the length of the width of your shoulders or if you have wide hips that of your hips forward same thing but go and measure the width of the hips or breasts but it is in such a way as to understand how many shirts to put on the front I don’t have much breast then in front second I will always mount 40 chains because in any case 42 plus 42 cm are 84 I usually say it only compensates for an 82 cm so or to teachers mind more then I go to get 40 but the lovers that 40 stitches behind and I recommend it is not important an even number has been worked in odd numbers because we don’t have to make a reason anyway we will always work round-trip and round of whoever knows has the right around the P-stitches I go out then first row let’s go and do as I told you all the knit stitches I repeat I will work with the number 9 needles in this way so continue to knit all the stitches once the first row has worked everything is straight we will go to work the second one offered all backwards I got a bit of yarn so let’s go to work all our stitches purl in this way and we will continue like this so chigi to go and repeat there are two finished the second round then the round and I will go to work with velvet so I will alternate two laps makes you with riz panic two cds with velvet then first and second lap then lap outward lap back sorry for a right one lap of never joined and girardi knits backhand work with a q with a yarn sorry that I have a son that you have for me here I am and once I have finished 2 irons I will go to change color in such a way that is excuse me inserted in such a way as to return to have the strips made 2 to 2 so I repeat that and now I will finish the iron on the reverse and I will start working with velvet and clinging of strings the iron has right f back and then again I will change dino yarn to normally make stops on the right and back with the Hispanic kept purchases of these two of colors and making only two turns there will be no need to go to break or cut and thread will be enough tyrant a little when we start working with a side thread and it is not even enough do not pull too much and then these threads will go from on this pulled thread will come hidden when we go to make them and stitching them very well I will continue to work I remind you that I will mount 40 stitches and I will tell you at the end how much I was nice wide and I made a sample so I should find myself with 42 cm and how long I did not have but very long because under the intention of making a small border with the crochet line from also they never want to lengthen they want maya that we say clear just above the trousers here because therefore a a little shorter than those we usually do I finished my first piece by changing as I told you you can see this is the working every 2 rows the yarn and I came up with the 42 cm wide 47 cm long it is not very long because I will then resume the working with crochet to make a sort of border so I have not done all the turns and now I’m going to make another equal rectangle and then cushions roi two rectangles and of course I will let you know how then I sewed the two pieces sideways to 35 cm leaving the hull for the sleeves and shoulders and 10 cm I did the same thing on this other side too I sewed for 35 cm on the side leaving the armhole open and I sewed 10 cm on the shoulder now I can go and do the underneath my sweater as I told you now let’s go to create a border underneath and we will do it with him cleanly I will work with a center of the number 5 and I will work only with the Hispanic yarn so not with in velvet but only with the Hispanic this is the lower part of my shirt I go where I did the seam so here I hook with the thread and I go to make 3 chains that are bones first double crochet then a 2 3 to 3 3 chain stitches one two three what is worth to another first double crochet go around the double crochet to the 3 chain stitches and I go to make another 3 double crochets then one then the yarn again two I take yarn 3 I take the yarn jump 2 stitches and then one and 2 I enter the third and go to make a treble crochet again 3 chain stitches one two three I take the valli yarn around the treble crochet and go to make 3 treble crochets then a two and three and start all over again then I take the yarn jump two stitches entered the third and they must never do high 3 chains 2 3 I go around the never other three shirts 1 2 and 3 continue like this for the whole round at the end it does nothing if here on other moments at least chains or more categories of stitches to close the work for now we proceed in this way here ndi jump two stitches in the third I go to do my knitting stop and finish the round going to make a slip stitch inside the third chain that here wanted my first double stitch so not up here but here and I’m going to make a slip stitch with very low stitches instead I take myself where or the second third if we want to create a chain that was equivalent to my first double crochet I get up with a chain I go back in I go to make a single crochet 3 chain stitches one two three I go to the next third chain of the following maiata I’m going to make a single crochet the new 3 chain stitches one two three I go to the third chain of the next double crochet and I’m going to make a single crochet I have to continue like this for the entire second round then 3 chain stitches entered the third chain that the shirt wanted and I go to do a single crochet so we repeat continuously so for all my second round this is the first this is the second I finished the second round by going to then always make a very low jersey inside the first single crochet and I stop here with the knitting so you see this is the piping we made under the shirt and now let’s go to make the sleeve where we will always use there spa and we will go to do the same reason only that we are going to do more laps here I have done one lap we have to do more motifs here I have only done two laps while for the sleeve rightly being I want to do a long sleeve so I will always repeat the two laps of the reason to realize the sleeve I will always use a center number 5 and I start by going to the base where I made the seam under then in the lower part of my domain of my scalp and I hook with the crochet and I go to make 3 chain stitches which are my first double crochet then one 2 3 to 3 3 chain stitches which are my next heart 123 I take the yarn around the upper valley stitch 3 chain stitches in reality and I go to make another 3 high stitches 1 2 and 3 I take the jump yarn I go directly body where or you see here the first of my sweaters made with him made with Hispanic so one and two then I skip all the yarn worked with the disc I jump all the vico worked with velvet and I go directly here where I have the sweater worked with the Hispanic is again to do my motif then a 3 chain stitch 2 3 watt high stitch around my heart and goes to make 3 treble stitches then a two and three and continue like this for the whole round so I skip the 22 two rows of velvet entered the one of the shirt of the row worked with the Hispanic I go to maia high 3 chain stitches and 3 double crochets around the double crochet and continue like this for the whole round at the end I will tell you how much I do not know these squares and you I will tell how many I have come when I am in before finishing the first round stop and finish the round and as you can see I made you that these squares we call this I made 11 and I go to finish the round by entering the third chain that it was equivalent to my first double crochet second round with very low stitches reached the third stitch the third chain that my double crochet wanted here I get up with a chain to return inside and I go to do a single crochet this time instead of below that we do 3 chain stitches we make only two so 12 go directly to the next third chain stitch which was the first double crochet of the group of four and I go to do a single crochet and again two chain stitches entered the third chain stitch and I go to do a single crochet I have to continue doing this for all my second round I am also about to finish the second round four the last two chain stitches entered the stitch it will be enough to make a very low stitch and now we start again from the first round so let’s go to make 3 chain stitches that are never high initial to you 3 chain stitches that are never high of the group of four I take the shot goes from around the bad chains I go to make 3 high stitches then one 2 excuse me and 3 I take the ball the next low and dinho but never to be done 3 chain stitches high and also high stitches around the high stitch and I have to continue to do so for the whole round 15 to be repeated are two I will tell you how many rounds I will do I will always work with the Hispanic and maybe I will only do the last two reasons with velvet or then otherwise I will do everything with the Hispanic I still have to decide a little for now however these are your CDs that we have to go and do for all of ours for all our sleeve I finished the sleeve I repeated the motif with Hispanic for 10 times then two laps 10 times in the last two laps I did them with the comer to have the sleeve even wider now you can’t see it but on a beautiful effect in the last reason but I didn’t repeat the last one I go around leaving our squares free that this wave effect is created now I will make the second sleeve and then my shirt will be finished because I will not make a border also at the neckline but I will leave the neckline as well .