Everything Wrong With Shisha In Kurdistan
Nov 1, 2020 19:00 · 936 words · 5 minute read
Hello everyone and welcome to a new video. Before we start the topic of this week, be sure to like this video, comment your opinion down below and hit the subscribe button so that you don’t miss any further videos on this channel. On Instagram, we asked our followers if they regulary smoked the hookah and 80% voted no. While 20% voted yes. Now, if you want to be part of future questions about our videos Be sure to follow us on Instagram, Everythingaboutkurdistan for this and of course for more content about the Kurdish question. Now, without further ado, lets get into the video. We are going to talk about the hookah, a growing activity in Kurdistan which actually is directly dangerous for the individual to use and thereof for our people as a group.
00:58 - It is proven that smoking the Hookah one time is equal with smoking 100 cigarettes. The hookah is furthermore one of the biggest cause for youths death. However, the hookah is not old thing in Kurdistan, it has shown up in Kurdistan more and more lately. Espacially in cities like Hewler and Slemani. The foundings of the first Hookahs in India is originally from the 1550s, at least in the looks of its current form. After India, the Hookah spread to Iran and from there out to the wider world. It became a very popular activity in the reign of the Ottomans especially during the rule of Sultan Osman the fifth. From here, it’s popularity spread fast among the Arab world, all the way through north-africa. Among the Kurds, the Hookah has been mostly popular in Rojhelat, however, in recent years, the Kurds of Bashur has also started with smoking Hookah more and more. Taking a look at the different components of the hookah and it’s dangerous elements to our lives we start with the coal, which are used to melt the tobacco, who itself contains of a lot carbon monoxide and lots of other things.
02:05 - These substances leads to several diseases, cancer being one of them. Looking at the tobacco, it brings addiction to the table, since it contains nicotine. The amount of nicotine in a Hookah is the same as the amount of 50 ordinary cigarettes. The tobacco also contains lots of poison substances and chemicals which brings cancer to the bladder and pancreas alongside increasing your blood pressure and chances of getting heart diseases. The third component, the so called water filter which is used to filter the chemicals has no real use, even though some smokers claim that, it does however contain lots of dangerous bacteria’s such as Klebsiella and Stab (LB).
02:45 - All these bacterias decreases your immune system but also overloads your amount of enzymes in your liver. Going over to the fourth point, the pipe, it is as mentioned used to get the smoke from the hookah itself, however this also brings a lot of negative consequenses to the table for example Herpes and tuberculosis, since the mounth piece often goes from one smoker to another sharing the smoking session. The fifth component is the smoke itself which is created from burning the nicotine. It is equal with 100 smokes from ordinary cigarettes and contains over 4000 chemicals and it is proven that 250 of them are directly dangerous for the human body whereas 50 of them is a direct way to cancer. Besides men, the hookah is also getting normalized along women.
03:34 - Researchers has proven that smoking hookah has a very negative consequence towards pregnant women since some of the chemicals increases the risk of complications during the pregnancy. The baby is growing less and the weight of the baby gets less at the birth. Researches have given us tons of researchers showing us that this surely is the enemy of humanity. Day after day the numbers are growing of diseases causes by the Hookah, A research from Brighton and Sussex university hospital even shows that Hookah is a key to obesity problems and diabetes. There is also one big misconception about the Hookah, simply, it is said that smoking Hookah does less damage than cigarettes, since its smoke is cleaned by the water, this is completely wrong and just a myth.
04:21 - Even World Health Organization came with a report in 2014 confirming that smoking of one Hookah is similar as smoking of 5 cigarette packets which is 100 cigarettes. About 8 million people dies out of smoking tobacco every year. 7 million of them are daily smokers or those who smoked for a long time but stopped smoking. Looking at the KRG region, there isn’t any long history of the Hookah there. However the recent years has brought the dangerous object to southern Kurdistan and it is getting more and more common to smoke it in Kurdistan. Dying as a result of smoking Hookah is a scary experience. Instead of risking experiencing it, you can decide at this moment to stop smoking the Hookah. Not only for your loved ones but for your own sake. So, why do we, Everything about Kurdistan, do this video. We hope that this video can help you who watch this video and who regulary or sometimes smoke the hookah either stops completely or dicreases the amount of doing so.
05:25 - We don’t need more diseases within the Kurdish society If you feel that this is an important video, feel free to share it, comment your opinion down below and subscribe to the channel, make sure you don’t miss any further videos on this channel. .