GNOME 3.38: New AppFolders Paging (Supplementary)
May 23, 2020 01:36 · 317 words · 2 minute read
So, because yesterday I failed to show you the new app folders paging.. Very very fast, because not everything is ready, so it is pointless to extend! That’s the merge request, and Georges below explains what he’s doing, so that’s the best place to learn more for this work. And that’s the development branch I’m using, that you can easily read all the related commits. For example, here you can read why they removed the Frequent view. That it would be super useless anyway on a fully customizable applications grid, although that wasn’t the original reason.
00:34 - Here we have a new layout manager that is more generic and can be used in more places. This commit is responsible for creating the rows and the columns of the grid depending the screen resolution, and so on. Just read those, it is a nice reading anyway! Okay, what we read is what we get! So for start the frequent view is gone. Then when we scrolling on grid we have these spaces between, that personally I prefer them because they clearly distinguish the pages. So, main video event now, and the original reason I’m uploading this! On app Folders we have, 3, and 3, and 3, a total of 9 icons.
01:14 - I have 7 already, so i need to add 4 more for activate the paging! So now we have 11 icons inside, but we still don’t have paging because we have a bug! A second please to restart!! With the super power of X.Org! Meanwhile, Wayland has lots of problems, but not being able to restart is probably the worst of all! Anyway, paging is back! And whats the most interesting part is that we have an horizontal paging! So Shell’s main grid is vertical, but inside appFolders is horizontal. And I must say that the look and feel is pretty good really! .