Mar 18, 2020 08:32 · 621 words · 3 minute read case generating 400 kw fuel

I think the title of the presentation has attracted your attention. How does Scrubber increase carbon emissions? How does Scrubber increase carbon emissions? It is possible to reduce SOx emissions by using Scrubber according to IMO 2020 New Global Sulfur Cap However, any emission treatment system that provides an emission reduction should not cause an increase in other emissions such as CO2. As well known,a set of pumps must be used for Scrubber to operate when installed on a ship and these pumps energy demands are ratherly high. The power requirement of the scrubber system is approximately 0.5% of the actual power of the main engine. The energy demand of the Scrubber system on a ship whose main engine produces 5000 kW power is approximately 250 kW.

01:01 - The energy demand of the Scrubber system on a ship whose main engine produces 5000 kW power is approximately 250 kW. Naturally, the additional power demand requested by the Scrubber system will be met by the ship’s existing diesel generators (DGs). While navigating, if normally the single DG is not able to meet the energy demand of the ship when Scrubber starts to be used, then two DGs will need to be run in parallel. This additional power demand will cause to increase fuel consumption and thus CO2 emissions!.. In addition to these expenses, NaOH and distilled water consumption costs should be also added to the operating cost.

01:33 - In addition to these expenses, NaOH and distilled water consumption costs should be also added to the operating cost. Now let’s find the answer to the question of how the Scrubber system’s energy demand increases DG fuel consumption and thus CO2 emissions. The graph shows the specific fuel consumption of a DG depending on the engine power. Initially, the DG meets energy demand by generating 400 kW of power and the fuel consumption consumed at this power is 86.6 kg / h. When the Scrubber system is activated, the energy demand of the system increases by 250 kW, so DG has to produce 650 kW of power at its new working point Fuel consumption at this load increases to 126.6 kg / h. The fuel consumption will be 129.6 kg / h at this load.

02:30 - When Scrubber is activated, DG fuel consumption has started to consume 43 kg / h more fuel than the working point at 400 kW load. Now, let’s calculate the annual extra fuel consumption and costs for various DG working hours. HSFO price is taken as $ 250 / ton in calculations. In case of using Scrubber, DG annual fuel consumption will range from 258 MT to 365 MT depending on different working hours If we take the emission factor of the HSFO fuel 3.2, the additional CO2 value emitted to the environment varies between 825 ton and 1170 ton.

When carbon tax is started to be collected from companies after 2023, 03:22 - The carbon tax payable for the additional CO2 produced due to the use of Scrubber varies from $ 41,250 to $ 58,500. I would like to draw your attention to these points. These costs do not include annual distilled water consumption and waste management costs. When we include NaOH consumption expenses to these costs, the total annual cost will vary between $ 119,250 and $ 169,000 How can these costs be reduced on ships using Scrubber? What should be done to reduce the carbon tax that is planned to come into force after 2023? I plan to answer these questions in the next video. Please don’t forget to press the subscriber button on the right to support the channel.

04:22 - Stay with love to see you again in the next lesson.