Barb is a Christian voter who knows God would want her to vote for the decent candidate: Joe Biden.

Oct 26, 2020 17:50 · 216 words · 2 minute read god gave 1776 hope decision

Hi, my name is Barb. I’m from Ohio, and I am voting for Joe Biden. I’ve voted Republican previous to this, and I’ve made a decision that I love our nation more than I love a party. And I am definitely anti-abortion. I love Jesus with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind. He is the reason that I live today, but I cannot support someone who wants to destroy the fabric of our nation. As I woke up this morning, God gave me a picture of some numbers, and I think they’re important numbers for all of us. The numbers are 1776. That is when our nation was born.

00:58 - Because we no longer wanted to be under the leadership of a King/dictator. We wanted to be a nation of the people, for the people, by the people. And that each person would be able to achieve success in this life, and that religion would be honored. People’s faith in God would be honored. But I will vote for Joe Biden because I know he’s a good man, a decent man. His wisdom, he has wisdom. Wisdom that we all need right now to bring healing to our nation, healing to our country, and hope to our world. Thanks for listening. .