ចាញ់បោកពាក្យចាក់រុក - Inciting (ភាពយន្តជីវិត) - (Life Film)-[Sastra Film]

Mar 21, 2021 13:15 · 1973 words · 10 minute read

As I expected, How dare you You get us wrong We didn’t do anything You must be misunderstood Sna! Why did you act like this Why don’t you ask me? Stop protecting your boyfriend He’s not the person I respect because he wants my wife If you want my wife, kill me first Sna! Stop! Why are you looking down on your wife? She is your wife Don’t come closer! I won’t let my wife stay near you If you don’t believe me, you should at least believe your wife Let’s go! Let’s go! Go wherever you want! Get lost! SASTRA FILM AND BAYON TV Sponsored by Present Inciting Honey! Will we have enough rice to eat? If we just eat, it will be enough but we have to pay our debt too We haven’t pay back Ty’s debt I’m also thinking about it.

She demands high interest rate Luckily, she doesn’t seize our farm Hey! Threw they out of my farm Miss, Ty! Why do you want to throw us out? Why are you asking stupid questions? I’m here to seize your farm because you owed me debt Hurry! Throw them out of my farm Get out! Get out! Miss! Miss! Please give us one more chance Please allow us to work in this farm We have only this farm to support our living Please! I beg you Please help us! No! I’m done listen to your words.

You lie to me again an again Please give us mercy! I beg for your mercy you are disgusting. Don’t touch me! Throw them away! Don’t beg me! I won’t take back my words. I hope I don’t see you here from tomorrow If you don’t listen to me, you will get into troubles let’s go back! What should we do? We don’t have any relatives We ran out of our food now We have to live depend on our destiny from now on let’s go home! We will think Honey! When will you come down? Food is done Hmm! We have only little rice we won’t be able to get enough dinner You can eat rice No! We can share it Let’s cook porridge instead Okay! Darling! Darling ARE YOU OKAY? WAKE UP! WHAT’S WRONG? PLEASE HELP HER! She fainted Please help me! Take her to my home! Let’s me help you! Come with me! Eat! Don’t be afraid! You will have energy back Thank you so much! I feel ashamed of you.

I can’t even support my wife She almost pass away because of me That’s okay. we are neighbor. You can ask me for help I don’t have much but I can help you Don’t you work in the farm? Hm! I’m really sad when you talked about it Ty seized my farm Hmm! She always exploits others She doesn’t understand poor people She seized whatever she wants We borrowed her money three years ago when my child was sick and she gave us letter of commitment We pay her every year but our debt isn’t finish finally, she seized my farm I don’t know how her business work She doesn’t give us any mercy I don’t know what to do You can stay with me and work together I don’t have any relatives Inciting Inciting I’m so happy to hear that I will work hard for you Thank you so much for your kind Don’t thanks me! I don’t want anything back.

you are not my servant. we can help each other out Don’t lose hope! Our lives will be better Let’s eat! If we get more from this farm, we left some part for eat and another for sell I will find the buyer outside the village I follow you It’s hot today. I’m thirsty. I want to drink water now Don’t worry! Let us handle in this farm! No worries! You guys are like my relatives Finally, I found my target. I don’t believe three of you won’t be separated I don’t believe that I can’t buy this farm Hey! I want to see you.

You are here Why is she here? I don’t know too What do you want? I didn’t own any debt I have something to talk with you. I don’t believe that you help them I think you should look down on them They drown because of your devil I think I have nothing to talk with you I’m here to tell you good news You should sell this farm to me and go to work with me Work with me is easier that working in this farm, what do you think? Thank you for your kindness I can’t sell my farm to you Do you want to work with them? If you work with me, i’ll help you.

If you work with poor people like them, they have nothing to pay you back They won’t pay you back Thank you for your kindness You should go back now I won’t sell it We don’t like kicking rich person like you you will regret it Remember that they will not be grateful to you! She might be a virginity to die She won’t be enough.

16:36 - Work hard! We should rest a little bit. it’s hot today I think I want to go home to prepare food for you guys I will do it. Don’t worry! I will prepare the food for us You should go to rest first Please accept our kindness! Okay! I will go home now. I will bring you food Okay! Why are you here again? Shom isn’t here I’m coming here for you I feel pity for you Why are you here for me? You already took my farm I don’t need your pitiful I know I have been really harsh to you but I have to do it Earlier this morning, I didn’t dare to tell you What’s wrong We don’t have anything to hide from each other No one helps you without thinking of your benefits All good people died You look not small; so you might not understand what I said Do you wonder why Shorm help you? Actually, he just used you Shorm might loves your wife I wonder they might be together now Shut up! Shorm wouldn’t do that I don’t believe it They left you alone.

Why are you so sure? Don’t say non sence I don’t believe it You will end under my hands. Get lost now! If you don’t believe me, you will regret it Phal! Please prepare rice for me! Hehe! Inciting! Inciting Prepare me food Wait! You should take the heavy things. I use to work harder than that Hmm! You are strong, I know it I’m worry about Phal. She is weak That’s okay.

I can take care of my wife He is just worried let’s hurry go! We will go back faster Okay bye bye! Hey Shorm! What’s the matter? Last two months, you want to bought my farm and now do you want to buy my home? Yeah! I still want your farm But you don’t agree I’m here to tell you the truth I know that you are a good person but have you ever thought that you are too good do you think they are stupid what do you mean? you shouldn’t trust anyone have you ever count before asking them to sell for you They would keep some of your money No! I don’t believe you They are honest people They stay with me Don’t trust anyone! We can see what they are thinking Do you think they are willing to stay with you the rest of their lives I’m leaving now She was also right but I don’t think they are this kind of people I should to the farm now When will you wake up? I’m going now I feel headache You should go to sell alone If you want to go, you can go.

if you don’t want, don’t have to You have to go to sell.

26:40 - You should go now. Don’t reject it! Where did you go this morning? Do you want to go to sell with me? I think I want to go to the farm Can’t you sell without me? Shorm! HELP ME! Phal! I’m going to the farm now. Please go to rest I want to go to the farm too I’m scared. I don’t want to stay at home alone Okay! You can go after me Are you tired? It’s okay. I can handle it As I expect I can’t imagine you do this to me How dare you! You must be misunderstand Why did you do that? He helped us Is the helper want other’s wife Kill me first, if you want my wife You shouldn’t look down on your wife I can’t imagine you are doing this to us Do you think I’m stupid? Do you think i don’t know? Let’s go back to our home! You misunderstood us Your wife is good to you I can take care of her Let’s go! I didn’t cheat on you Don’t do that to me! You should at least believe your wife Inciting Inciting Let’s go! Leave now! Go wherever you want! Get out! Why does it become like this? Hmm! I’m so mad at him Do you believe me now? I know since the first time that this is their trap They might keep your money and pretend to argue with you They act like they were right They said you are a bad person Everyone laugh at you How dare they! You can’t change anything.

Everyone knows about it You become the bad person in tis village I can’t live as a bad person Do you have any solutions? Everyone knows about it. I might not be able to help you but you should sell your farm and house to me. Take my money and leave here you can come back next few years because when we are rich, everyone believe us You should believe her Okay! I will sell it Finally, you are smart If you believe me at first, all of this won’t happen You can go to my home tomorrow.

I will give you money You can tell my worker where you want to go, they will take you there Okay! Hey! Are you still living like this? Aren’t you working with Shorm? Stop reminding me of him! What’s wrong? Have you known anything? they might be misunderstood I’m really pity for you you can come to work with me.

37:07 - Your life might be better What do you think? I have no rights LET’S GO BACK This farm is good but it’s no longer mine Are you moving back? No It’s hard to work at other provinces I met a wrong friend. I did gambling there No one knows about me I think you should stop thinking about it I think you can go to work with me Please go to work with my Mistress okay! Why are you coming back? It’s not your farm anymore I become like this because of you You are misunderstood us we didn’t say anything Who say it? It’s Ty Do you see? She incited you guys you became a dog all of sudden Now we worked for her I think we have been used by her now That day she came to my home at night and she adviced me to sell my home and my farm to her I was mad at you guys and I sold it to her Hmm! We broke our relationship because of inciting Before believing something Please use your conscious to listen because they will want benefit from us Be careful and think before act Don’t be unreasonable! Inciting Thanks for watching.