how to integration powerdns to phpipam

Jan 2, 2020 20:00 · 214 words · 2 minute read error db hostname reservation see

Hello and welcome! Here is simple look to how to integrate powerdns to phpipam First login to your PHPipam system and open Administration menu Go to phpIPAM settings phpIPAM got a lot settings which you can enable or modified But look from features Powerdns -slide set that to ON and save setting Then navigate to PowerDNS tab Here is how my Powerdns look One domain PowerDNS got api, But integration use straight connection powerdns db backend.. So let’s set that mysql connection Set Database conenction data like: host, database name, user & password OH! Error db not found… Seems that default name for powerdns database is different One more try with proper name Connection to powerdns is ready now What about that domain which where in powerdns Here it is Let’s try to make IP reservation and also write dns for reserved ip So go to Customers and Subnets Create or use existing subnet Use name and other information use to ues Show DNS Records May no enable all… Got TTL error… Open subnet Make some ip reservation and use dns entry to hostname Reservation is done now Check dns records from + button Dns information can change from here And here how to looks on powerdns Thanks for watching! See you soon! .